Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

I wouldn’t be giving my kid a full coffee no, but if it’s just a little with creamer, it’s not much different than a vanilla or chocolate shake. I would let it slide and be grateful that she has family to make memories with!


My 9 year old used to drink coffee EVERY morning. It reverses hyperactivity in ADHD. I used to do the same as a kid. My pediatrician at the time recommended it to my parents instead of medication

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My daughter has been drinking coffee since 2 1/2. It’s 3/4 milk, 1/4 coffee. There’s nothing wrong with it.

They are bonding and she will remember drinking coffee with her grandmas for the rest of her life. If you take that away she will also remember that, and won’t tel you what she’s doing because you may go and “take that away too”

My sister use to drink coffee with my dad when we got visiting time since he worked so much and was divorced from my mom. I told my mom my sister was drinking coffee,she had convinced me coffee was terrible, and my mom destroyed that bonding moment they had together. Don’t be that parent for

“It’s to much sugar” when you know dang well it’s mainly milk


I did it when I was younger with my grandmother. Personally I don’t see the problem BUT it’s your kid and if you don’t like it, ask that it stop :woman_shrugging:t2: just really think about it and consider if this is the fight you want to fight. I mean if you are serious about your child’s health, are you doing this in other areas or is this because it was without your knowledge or consent in this instance? Maybe she could substitute milk or half and half for the cream

My grandpa did it with me. He passed when I was ten. Now I’m grown with two kids of my own. What I wouldn’t give for one more cup of “coffee” with him. My dad does it with mine. Just let it be a treat at grandmas. A memory


A special time with grandma, very sweet.

I can’t believe people actually ask this stuff. :woman_facepalming:t2:

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All of my kids sipped either their Paw Paw’s or PaPaw’s coffee from the time they were itty bitty. Oldest is 24 and he’s a perfectly normal, functioning member of society.

If you don’t like her adding creamer, why don’t you ask her to use milk with a splash of coffee? I wouldn’t keep her away from her grandma for that. I would definitely be thankful that your Mom is willing and able to spend that time with her.

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Ask her to use milk and decaffeinated coffee

Does she drink iced tea?

I’ve been drinking coffee since I was 4. I used to get up at 4:55 with my grandfather and sit and drink coffee and eat toast with him before he went to work. I miss him dearly and cherish those mornings. My advice. Let it go. Looking back on it when her Nana is no longer around she will cherish those mornings.


Lord let it go!!! My papa used to always give me the last few sips of his coffee every morning! It’s not going to hurt her. For me I just wanted to do everything my papa did (major papas girl right here) its those kinds of memories I will cherish forever when he is no longer here! Let her have those memories with her nana!!!

Wow talk about an overreaction. I used to drink coffee milk with my Maw Maw when I was 5 and my girls do it with their Nana. It’s barely any coffee and mostly just milk. Them sharing this time with their Nana is a memory that they are going to cherish forever and I wouldn’t ever consider taking that away from them or her.

Oh good god…its only coffee…dont sweat the small shit. Let her continue making memories with nana. Dont be that overbearing parent!!!

I would ask my mo. To give her chocolate milk. In the cup.

I bet she puts a very tiny bit of coffee An the other 3/4 cup milk

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My favorite memory with my grandma, who passed away last year, was spending the weekend and summer at her house and drinking coffee in the kitchen then going outside and taking care of all her animals❤️
Maybe ask your mom if she could do decaf for your daughter! Or just send some decaf over for the weekends!

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My oldest Grandaughter loved to sop her biscuit in coffee when she was small she now has grams of her on it will not hurt they only do it once in a while at grands house add water to it

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You’d stop your child from seeing her grandma over coffee? Wow! My Mamaw and Papaw did the same with me. A little coffee and mostly all creamer. Now my Mamaw and Papaw do the same with my 2 kids. My kids (11 &13) are their great grandchildren and it’s something my kids have always LOVED to tell me about. They’re bonding and making memories. If it were a full cup of coffee with sugar and creamer, I’d have a problem. But it’s never made them hyper or anything.

Don’t make such a big deal out of it.Let them enjoy each other’s company.

When my son (2y old) was in the hospital, I cheered him up by taking him to the parent’s lounge to get “coffee”… I acted like I put coffee in his cup (it was just milk) and called it coffee. We would walk back together and drink our coffee together. It cheered him up so much! It is great bonding time! She is probably not adding much coffee. Be thankful for the memories they are building.


I don’t have kids but I’ve hear of loads of parent getting/giving their kids coffee milk which is cold or steamed milk with a dash of coffee and if my kids ever ask for something like that or wanna try my coffee they’re gonna get to. Should a 5 year old be smashing 32 oz of iced coffee everyday, no for a lot of reasons but when you think about it neither should an adult

My nana did with me. We do hot coco with my daughter though. I wouldn’t mind warm milk with a slash of coffee though if my nana was still here to enjoy it with her

My daughter did this with her dad when she was was little, they called it coffee milk, her dad passed right before she turned 5 and it’s one of the only memories she has of him and her together.


They are totally fine mine have all had coffee with us

Angela Meggs Connie Harper your girls have always drank coffee with me. :smiling_face:

I’m a Nana, and I just made two of my grandchildren coffee this morning at their request. Lots of half n half, and a little sugar. I know it’s ok with their parents, but if it wasn’t I’d respect their parents wishes. Just remember, she’s making special memories with her Nana, and a little coffee never hurt anyone!


Maybe try decaf or hot cocoa with milk/creamer instead of regular coffee.

Maybe hot cocoa? Mixed with a little coffee, I’d be more afraid of the caffeine than the sugar. But, low key, I think it’s cute she has that because not all kids are as lucky. I’d let it ride and tell her to enjoy it. My kids don’t have a Nana. :weary:


I will say, some of my best memories with my grandmother is sitting around drinking coffee with her. :heart:

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Let her enjoy coffee wit nana. Hell nana lived long enough to become a nana so she doing something right.

Mine gave it to my boys. They are gone now and my boys have some wonderful memories of the times they spent with them I am so thankful . They raised 12 of us kids and we turned out just fine. Please don’t ruin the relationship between them

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One of my favourite memories of my Nan is having morning coffee with her when I stayed with her.
Could you maybe ask your mum to get decaf coffee in for her if the caffeine is the problem?

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One of my favorite times with my great grandmother… My “coffee” was almost white. Lol I can not stand coffee not even the smell… That being said your kid your rules…

Tbh… when my youngest was lil I did, it calmed her down… adhd

It wouldn’t bother me… I myself have never had a coffee in my life.

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Dont sweat the small stuff🤷‍♀️


My oldest started drinking coffee at 2. Drs told me to give it to him. It helped with his asthma. Hes 11 now and still drinking it and doing fine

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Both of my children (now 3 and 6) love coffee and it’s been awesome to share my love of coffee with them. There’s plenty of sugar free creamers or almond milk and stevia that make it a fine choice especially when compared to juice of pretty much any shade. I’ve always been happy that it’s low sugar the way we make it.


I wouldn’t mind at ALL. I would DEMAND a photo of them together! How cuuuuuuuuuuuuute


My culture we give lids coffee and milk (cafe con leche) very little coffee and mostly milk and little bit of sugar. Maybe try that? Its honestly no big deal.


My mom did this with me when I was little because she had memories of an aunt that did it with her and I’ve done it with my son. Such sweet memories :heart: I still remember the mug my mom would make mine in lol


I say relax. Those are precious memories. Pick your battles. That’s not an issue.


I drank tea and coffee with grandmother it’s not the beverage that us important but the building relationship and memories.


I think it’s a sweat thought but maybe refine it a bit. definitely voting cocoa instead. and mixed w a Lil coffee to appease the gremlin lol

i would suggest milk and not creamer… and alot more milk then coffee lol or maybe tea. its cute… those are memories shell always have with grandma…

Don’t destroy memories over a weekend treat.


Could be worse…could be vodka…:wink:


My kids all got coffee and my grand kids do also. A little coffee, creamer, small amounts ~great memories. There are 14 grams of sugar in 2 tablespoons of vanilla ice cream and 10 grams of sugar in 2 table spoons of vanilla creamer. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends against caffeine being a part of a child’s diet.

Sugar free creamer with a little coffee wont hurt her and she will have fond memories of drinking coffee with grandma

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Get a grip just have grandma put milk instead of creamer in that little dab of coffee


My daughter is 8. She has been drinking coffee since she was 6 months old with my grandma. That was something her and my grandma would do together. My grandma has passed away and that is a memory she has of her.


I used to get sips from my granny when i was a kid it was mostly sugar and milk and it was so good

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Recommend milk instead of creamer. My husband’s grandparents did it with him and his cousin when they were younger.

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My favorite memory with my grandma was having coffee at her house. I felt so grown up. I barely drunk it. Honestly I liked drippings my crackers in it. And now that I’m grown I think it’s weird and I still don’t grab a cup of coffee or any coffee type of product But still those are my favorite memories!

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It’s fine! Let her enjoy the memories with Grandma


My boys started drinking decaf at 8 and 9 and use milk instead of creamer

I started drinking coffee at 10 regularly

My son who is ADHD gets caffeine because it has the opposite effect and calms him down. No need to freak out

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Be greatful she has a grandmother who wants to sip coffee with her. Relax. Don’t sweet the small stuff.


My kids have been drinking coffee since they were 2. We don’t do it often. But they like it.

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I let my kids have coffee. I warm milk add a little creamer for flavor and then just enough coffee to color it. It’s honestly no big deal. My parents did it with us


Mine has some :slight_smile: not a ton

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My 4-year-old has an espresso size coffee cup that every Saturday morning when Mommy’s at work him and Daddy share a cup of coffee together. It’s their thing that they have every Saturday morning with pancakes or waffles. Seriously there’s much worse that your child could be drinking or eating then a little bit of coffee with Nana


I started drinking coffee when I was 4 with my Papa and it’s still my favorite(and one of my only) memories with him. I would get a cup of milk with a little coffee in it and he would read the paper and I would look at the comics🥰, so maybe try milk instead of creamer with a Splenda or something?


My grandma’s sister, who I loved deeply, both of them, would let me have cocoa and once I drank it half way down, she would add some coffee to make me a mocha! I love those memories with her. I loved going out for coffee with my Great Auntie Jean!!! She was my best friend! Like a second gramma!!!

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My papaw gave me coffee since I can remember and I guess I turned ok? Lol

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Leave them all alone, let them enjoy memories with treasured people. Pick your battles, sugar isn’t going to damage, neither is coffee, sodas aren’t bug in my house but its not a punishable offense


My kids drank tea at that age…and not really the way Americans drink it, proper tea with milk and a little sugar they loved it. .though the Irish are tea drinkers
Also their Grandad was the one who started giving it to them

Have her make her a little decaf. It’s the creamer that she likes!!

Let her have that 1 treat with Grandma! She will have those memories of porch talks forever. Don’t take that away.


If you don’t like them having coffee maybe tea it’s a little better then caffeine. Or ask grandma to make a special cup of decafe. But that’s honestly going to be a memory your child cherishes. BUT it is also your child. If you don’t like it she needs to respect that

If the sugar is the issue ask grandma to switch to a sugar free creamer … Pick your battles and let her make memories. :slight_smile:


Maybe provide some decaf? Thats a wonderful tradition they have. Also tea can be made up w cream n sugar. Me and my aunt always had that. They are really special memories to me. Please reconsider taking that away from them.

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K , no coffee but , have a bowl of frosted flakes for breakfast .decaf and fake sugar or sugar free creamer ?

LET THEM MAKE MEMORIES that she’ll cherish when grandma is gone!! Ffs


When I was growing up, we often went to visit my Dad’s parents on a Saturday evening. Near the end of the evening, Grandma always insisted we needed a snack before we went home. That snack included coffee for the adults & warm milk mixed with maybe a tablespoon of coffee for my brother & I. As we got older, the amount of coffee increased. I’m 70, my brother is 69.


Omg lady get over yourself. Its not going to hurt her.


My Nona gave me coffee in a bottle. Let your baby enjoy her time with grandma. She is safe and being loved.


I’m not a mom, I’m a god mom but these post keep showing up in my news feed. I would just say tell your mom how you feel and hopefully she understands, most moms do even if they get a little upset. Maybe y’all can compromise and do coffee(mostly cream) every other weekend.

Choose ur battles- this wouldnt be one for me!
This is making memories for a lifetime!

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I let my kids have some coffee with me here and there . They only ask maybe once a month . :woman_shrugging:

How about asking her to use decaf?

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My brother drank coffee with tons of milk and sugar from toddlerhood on through his childhood and he never suffered any repercussions nor weight problems from the sugar!

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It’s your child so do what you feel is right. I hate everyone “let them have their moment”, why can’t she pour her a glass of milk and sit on the porch with her? They still get their moment and mama is happy. I personally would never let my kids drink coffee that young

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My son was 1 years old. My Mom gave him coffee,little coffee, and heavy on the cream. It calmed him down. There us no harm in it.

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My dad’s mom used milk with coffee, and gave it to me all the time and her coffee was so weak it barely mattered. It’s Grandma’s house.


My grandma use to spoon feed us coffee wirh lots of cream and augar at a real young age, an now at 71 it’s still my favorite beverage :star_struck::slightly_smiling_face::yum:

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Ask her to use water instead of creamer

I understand both sides of this issue. But they are young once. A visit to grandparents is special. Let it be💜


OMG Let her have memories with her nanna that’s moments she will cherish.


Lol!! My grandma, my little ones great grandma did this with my baby. She is now 9. At first it bothered me but she hardly put any coffee in there and would put a splash of milk in a tiny cup. They would enjoy it with a muffin. My grandma passed away last year and those memories my daughter has with her great grandma are everything to her.


They do have sugar free creamer as well. But maybe suggest hot cocoa instead but that also has sugar lol

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She will be fine my baby girl is same age loves coffee always has …Starbucks caramel frap is her go to when we have our outings


I drank it in my bottle

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We grew up drinking coffee with our nana when we were real little. I’m like you and I wouldn’t want my child drinking it either, lol. Here’s the thing, you can always replace it with decaf and the creamer with milk. But it doesn’t seem like she gives her a lot. Creamer has a lot of sugar, but so does candy and juice and a million other things. Cokes and chocolate contain caffeine. I don’t want my child eating and drinking a lot of stuff either, but when he goes with his grandparents there’s not much I can do. It’s hard but we have to trust that their grandparents aren’t going to do anything to hurt them or make them unsafe. It’s hard to not be in control, but we should learn to ease up a bit. Myself included. It’s so hard, but one of my best memories of my nana was drinking coffee with her. :brown_heart:


My daughter was dx with adhd as a child and coffee always calmed her and put her to sleep lol


I did this with my dad starting at age 3 on Saturday mornings while we watched cartoons. It was mostly warm milk, cinnamon, sugar, and vanilla. There wasn’t enough coffee to have any sort of effect on me, and it was a nice way to spend time together. I have no issues with it.


My kid has been having coffee with mostly milk since she was 2… there are a lot of battles to fight when it comes to our kids. Personally, this doesn’t seem worth it.


Let it be. Let grandma make memories. Does your child have soda chocolate or other such stuff


I would say you should raise your child how you see fit instead of looking for validation from strangers

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