Would you be upset if your husband left the house without telling you?

Seriously…It is not uncommon for my husband to leave home and run into town to get something or go to a neighbor’s house for something. Now, I don’t mean just get up and walk out on a convo. But if he’s in the shop working on something, he will leave for parts or whatever. I don’t worry unless it’s hours and I haven’t heard from him. It’s a 30 minute drive into town for us, it takes a minute to get anywhere.

We’re y’all arguing and he stormed out ?

Mine would never do that.

We both do it. No worries here!

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Oh absolutely. If my husband left and didn’t tell me he was leaving or where he was going and didn’t answer his phone, I’d be pissed. We have a baby I NEED to know where he is and to be able to get a hold of him in the event that something happens. It’s also about respect. You need to have enough respect for your partner to make sure that there’s nothing that they need to worry about. It should be, “Hey hunny I’m going to this place I’ll be back in a while. Call me if you need me. Love you”
“OK sweetie I’ll see you when you get back. I love you too.” Also if you’re leaving and not telling your significant other and you don’t answer your phone. Makes you seem pretty suspicious.


Yeah I’d be upset. Communication is a key part to any relationship, and I’ll be dammed if he leaves me alone with these kids with out letting me know first :joy:


Uhhhh YES. Who wouldn’t be upset?! I mean unless y’all had a prior argument or something else happened before he left. There’s got to be more to this story…:person_facepalming:


Its close to mothersday. Maybe its part of a surprise.:woman_shrugging:
My own insecurities ruined an absolutely beautiful surprise. I’ll never do that again.

Unless y’all have other issues, trust your husband. You married him. You must trust him. Whether it’s him leaving to cool off, leaving to visit friends and family, leaving to get you a surprise, whatever.
Unless there are other issues that needs fixing, or hes been gone a questionable amount of time I wouldnt even worry about it.
My man leaves whenever he wants for whatever he wants. I dont question him, because we have a healthy relationship and I trust his motives and intentions. I also appreciate the freedom to do what I want without getting permission or having to give him the who what when where and why.
Our communication is amazing, but we are 2 separate entities. We live for each other and we live for ourselves


Upset??? No. My husband is not a child that needs to constantly update me of his whereabouts just like I don’t need to report my every move to him. We don’t blow each other up either. Then again we don’t have trust issues

His shit would be on the front lawn and every knock or ring on the doorbell would be ever so conveniently and ironically avoided.


The fact that he’s not answering would piss me off because I would automatically be worrying about him. I don’t have to deal with this but just saying! My husband never leaves the houses without a kiss and he usually tells me the day before if he has plans!

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Absolutely…yes you do. That disrespectful and irresponsible. What it something happened to him. You would have no idea where to look. He should be single if he wants to act that way. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Depends on context of the situation lol. If you were arguing, I’d be upset too. If you’re both just living your normal daily lives, no I don’t see a reason to be bothered by it.

There is mo respect or trust in the relationship.
Try commumicate with him to find out what issues are from each of you. A man doesnt look if he is happylike there is no relationship quite honestly. If you want to fix it, tell him and find out if he wants the same.

Ima leave my house when I want. I ain’t gotta tell nobody shit. Same goes for him. I’m not his boss and he ain’t mine.

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Next time he should just shout ma I’m going out to play and run :running_man:

Nah…just dont tell him your going next time.

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No hes an adult he can do what he wants.

You’re his wife not his mommy

I’d be more concerned than pissed of to be fair

Uh yeah. That’s just considerate. Unless I’m in my migraine coma. Then I just call.

I need more info
Has he stormed out after a fight
Has he just stood up mid conversation and walked out
Has he got up for the day to go to work

My partner usually tells me his plans but if I woke up one morning and he wasn’t there and I didn’t think he was at work and then didn’t answer the phone I’d be annoyed at him for worrying me. It’s common courtesy to say “I’ve got a job on/I’m nipping a mates/I’m going out on my bike I’ll be back at such a time”


I think it’s inconsiderate, which comes down to respect.

No respect? No relationship.

Basic communication should not be considered high maintenance.


Depends on the situation. If you had a fight and he left I’d be upset but at least I’d know why he left. The not answering would piss me off no matter what. You don’t ignore the person you love. That’s how you lose the person you love. If he just randomly took off, not telling you where he’s going and didnt answer I’d be concerned. You’re supposed to be a team. Can’t be a team if one person is hiding things and doing shady stuff.

My husband and I always tell each other where we are going, I just find it respectful… I think its weird not to tell ppl where you’re going, what if something happens like an accident and no one knows where you are…
We just do it out of habit, not answering calls is also disrespectful.


It is disrespectful. He’s clearly lacking respect. Yeah he’s a grown man and can do what he wants as you can do the same but out of respect I would always just be like he I’m leaving see you later. If he respected you he would of said something before he left.

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I’ve been in a relationship with a man who did that to me. We are no longer together. It’s called RESPECT. “Hey babe, I’m heading over to so-and-so’s house. Be back in a bit. Do you need me to grab anything from the store while I’m out?” That’s respectful. Just walking out of the house without a word? And leaving me with the kids knowing damn good and well that I could/would NEVER just walk out this house and leave him with the kids and not tell him where I’m going or when I should be back? Naw. That doesn’t fly with me. My man leaves the house, he’s giving me some information and a kiss :kiss: There’s plenty of things a “grown man” could do, but that doesn’t mean they should. If you feel disrespected, then his behavior is disrespectful. :100:


I think leaving without saying anything would just make me worry. Not answering would make me worry too but I don’t think I’d be mad. Obviously it would be different if there’s a reason to be upset like past cheating, in that case why are you together if you still can’t trust him?


I’d be upset because we are partners of the household. We have kids. Communication is very important


Yes I would be mad. With mine I would be just worried but pissed that there was no communication and not sure what’s going on if he doesn’t answer. But in other relationship and different I would be suspicious that something is going on.

Your partner should at least tell you they are leaving the house out of respect, so you aren’t calling them in the house for help with something. If they don’t answer your phone calls or texts after 1 or 2 tried yes I would start to be worried first, then I would start to get angry…


I’d tell a roommate I was leaving and bye even.


This has nothing to do with trust… if my husband just left without saying anything and not answer my calls I’d be more worried than mad. I wouldn’t think he’s out “cheating” or being scandalous, Id think i did something wrong and he got mad and left lol

Just because your partner tells you where they’re going doesn’t mean they’re asking for “consent”. They’re just letting you know where they will be if anything happens.


I’m pretty sure you already know the answer to that question. I’d personally be very upset and, quiet honestly, I think I would be questioning where he actually went. I expect that if I have a significant other and we are in the same place, that they would care and respect me enough to give me a heads up and to answer my calls if possible or text that they cannot talk or are busy. I don’t want to spend 100% of my time with my partner and doing things separately and having alone time by yourself is important. But that behavior is just pure disrespect.


I wouldn’t think cheating. We’ve both done it. We both tell the other but try not to wake to much. One wakes up and forget they talked to the other cause we stayed asleep. Aren’t always able to get to the phone if it were to last a few hours I’d worry. Now we try to message so when the other wakes up it won’t be so weird

How would he feel if when he came back, you had gone out, and not told him where. Then you acted mysterious when you returned…how would he be, what would he say.

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I wouldn’t be upset about the leaving part but definitely the not answering my calls part.

Yes, common courtesy to at least let you know he’s leaving somewhere


I don’t know the situation, only you do but it could be a few things. Perhaps he’s going through something and needs to deal with it first. Is this something that happens frequently? Or just a one time thing?
We all need alone time on occasion but its entirely another matter if it happens alot.

Leaving without saying anything is one thing but to avoid calls and texts…ya not so much! I’d be pissed. Especially because I would never even think to do this.


My husband randomly leaves the house and doesn’t answer the phone all the time. It irritates me but he just forgets to. Usually he is at the gas station or lumberyard.

I do agree that letting someone know is the courteous thing to do though, but to be truly angry about it seems to be a bit much.

My main reason for being upset is what if a fire broke out and you thought he was in the house or what if an emergency happen and he don’t answer the phone sounds to me someone needs to grow up and not only think of himself

Oh for goodness sake you don’t own him, why does he need your permission to walk out of his own damn house? Maybe his family called with an emergency and he just went straight out to help them, if someone’s dying I wouldn’t answer my phone to a control freak either.

Mine has done this!!! I hate it and don’t like it but as he puts it…he needs his alone time and often goes off to home depot or Walmart

Yes. It’s basic respect to let the other person know you’re leaving and what time to expect you back. Avoiding phone calls is even worse.


Yes especially if there was an emergency!


I think I’d text and say take your timing coming home because you have a lot of explaining to do. So hell to pay

I just think accidents happen all the time and it would be nice to know where to look if something happens .

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I wouldn’t be as upset with the leaving, but ignoring my calls…yes…That just makes it suspicious when he wouldn’t answer


I would think he was kidnapped or saw someone was dying across the street or something. Be with someone that kisses you good bye. Good luck.

My husband always tells me if hes leaving and where hes going same with me alot of the times hell ask if he can cuz i have medical problems that sometimes makes it hard to take care of my 4 littles by myself i would worry if he took of like that like if there was an emergency with no time to explain ir something but not be pissed off

You don’t have a husband. You have a roommate.


My EX used to do this. One of the Reasons he’s gone

Nit picky you are and control freak.

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Yes and no depends on the reason

Do the same to him and see how he likes it.

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Nope. Alone time is a MUST.


Yeah…something fishy going on…

Not answering my calls would annoy me, but my house isn’t a prison and my husband isn’t my child so he can leave the house whenever he pleases.

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My husband NEVER leaves the house without letting me know. He will wake me up, kiss me, and than leave the house. My husband always answers when I call him. If I called him and he didn’t answer than I would be alarmed.

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Yes she should be upset. It’s just plain common courtesy. Especially with kids in the house. Tell someone you are leaving. Say bye.


Save the arguments and chip him so he can be tracked everywhere he goes…
Why are you suspicious? Why don’t you trust him?

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Depends, were you arguing before he left? If so no I wouldn’t be as he’s probably trying to cook off. But when if he just left I wouldn’t be mad, he’s a grown man after all.

Stacey Bullock sounds like jak and your answer is no :rofl:

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Yes thts disrespectful.

Um, yeah. It’s common courtesy to let your spouse know that you are leaving the house and when you think you may be back. Not answering calls on top of that would have me calling the cops and worried that something bad happened.


I would be upset. I mean it depends on the context of why he left and didn’t say where he was going and wouldn’t answer the phone. If the two of you were arguing/fighting, and he walked out and wouldn’t answer the phone, it would make a little more sense than if you were sitting on the couch watching TV and he just got up and walked out and wouldn’t answer the phone. Being married is about mutual communication and mutual respect. So even if you two were fighting when he did it, he could have at least said something along the lines of “I need some space right now, I’m going for a drive.” Early on in my marriage my husband and I were having a small argument and he just grabbed his keys, kissed me and walked out the door without saying a word. While he was gone, I left and took the kids to get something to eat. He got home before we did and was worried. When i came back, we sat down and talked and I explained how that made me feel. He’s never done it again.

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I would be extremely pissed! Just have mutual respect for each other and let each other know. I would do the same thing to him. Not say a word, just get up and leave and not answer any of his calls. And if you have kids, let him deal with them so he knows exactly how you feel. A marriage is supposed to be a partnership not a half way house.

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Not saying it’s like this but I Know what my ex husband was doing when he did this! I asked him to go the grocery store and maybe grab a bite to eat - spend time together. He said he was too “tired” turned around to go grab something from the house and suddenly he is - gone! Tried to call a dozen times and went to voicemail,
Someone was sending it to voicemail. :joy:
Idk I’m all about mutual respect. I feel like he knew if he didn’t say anything at all then he didn’t “lie” about where he was going. To me it’s just weird! I guess when I was in a relationship I always at least told the person where I was going. Not ask but let them know

I would change the locks

Depends if your tracking him and on his case everytime he’s not in your eye site. Probably teaching you a lesson. If its rare accurance could be planing surprise

Change the locks & see if he gets upset :thinking:

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Hell yes, you have every right to be upset. That’s shady AF.

No I’m not his mother tf … he can do that if he wants to but he never leaves the house without saying bye I never have to ask where he is going he freely says hey I’m going XYZ …

I wouldn’t be upset at the action I’d be upset at the lack of communication and I’d wonder why he did it because that’s not how our marriage works

My husband did this allot and we didn’t fight or even argue. He would just say he was going over to his friend’s place. They met in a tavern. He never was home that day normally a day or 2 later. In the meantime I was preparing to leave with our son. Hard to make a marriage work when he just leaves and no word to you plus not answering his cell phone. My marriage didn’t make it but hopefully yours will. Depends on how much you can let things slide. This has nothing to do with being the mother; it is called respect.

Mine hubby would never do that any more then me to him
And we’ve been married 53 yrs

Umm maybe he was doing something to surprise you and didn’t want you getting nosey … Mothers day is around tge corner

YES. Sure, he’s his own person and is allowed to do what he wants but it’s called respect. Not telling you where he’s going and avoiding your calls is disrespectful and sneaky. I’d be mad lol


Everything you choose to be upset about is a decision to make yourself suffer. Nitpicking your way through life is a dark path to bitterness and resentment. You trusted him enough to marry him and create a life together, why not wait until he’s given you a reason not to trust him.

If there’s more to the story, then go with your gut.


I’d be mad, it’s not about being his mommy it’s about respect.


If he ignored my calls that would annoy me.

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Uh yeah! How is that a question?

Sometimes on his day off mine will get up before dawn and leave without telling me where he’s going, he’ll be gone all day and will not answer his phone or answer messages, when he gets home he is so tired he will go straight to sleep…he’s a surfer, this happens when the waves are good, lol.

Yes obviously, straight up disrespectful

It depends on how you do it. Personally, my partner is VERY considerate of my feelings and how I would feel if he did something that HE wouldn’t like if I did. So if he left without telling you (and the normal thing you both do is tell each other) and then proceeded to ignore your calls (given he answers your calls all the time) then yes I would very mad.

Question is, (if he’s home) when you told him about it, did he become defensive? Acted like he just didn’t think it was a big deal? Or apologetic? If he became defensive, you MIGHT have a few problem on your hands because he obviously doesn’t want you knowing where he was and he will defend the actions.

Now if it is just to go to like the grocery store, then honestly, yeah be upset, I probably would be but in the end, he didn’t do anything badz

You sound a little needy.

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sometimes people just need a little space

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No, he’s a grown man. He can go where he pleases.

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Yes. I wouldn’t want anything bad happening and me finding out in an embarrassing manner.

Id be more upset that he wouldnt answer my phone calls then if he were to just up and leave and call and be lke hey babe i had to go somewhere real quick ill be back after a bit. Def suspicious if a man leaves and dodges calls/ messages in my opinion

Sometimes men want to feel like they can be independent like a child would do. Sometimes they cheat. I wouldn’t make a huge deal out of it but I would let him know it worries me if he doesn’t answer his phone or mention where he’s going. If it becomes a habit-it’s time for an investigation. The truth is communication is one of the mainstays of a relationship and if he doesn’t understand the importance of something so simple it may be an issue.

I’d be pissed he didn’t kiss me goodbye! I don’t care if hes going to be gone.for 5 minutes or 5 hours not leaving without my kiss. . . . Wont sleep without my kiss goodnight either :woman_shrugging:

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It depends in the circumstances. My husband has left the house without telling me to go to the neighborhood store. He does not go far or stay long and Sometimes he forgets his phone or he leaves it in the car while he runs in the store. You must have trust issues. Is cheating an issue in your relationship. I have also left the house without telling him to run to the store and there times he did not even know it. He was to off into his Golf show. Plus 41 years of marriage we pretty must know each other and trust it other

Depends on the situation. If it’s not in his nature to just up and leave, then yes I would worry and be upset, especially if he isn’t answering your calls and you have no possible idea where he could be. Has he been acting weird, different? If he seems distant from you and has an attitude, doesn’t tune in, etc… he could possibly be doing stuff he shouldn’t, but then again so could men who appear to be happy and loving🤷🏽‍♀️

I would be upset myself, just not as upset as I used to be.

100 percent…you have the right to ask and be answered. Do you leave and not tell or respond to him? How would he react?

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No because I’m not his keeper. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Yeah, I’d pissed. Write a note, text, something. If theres an emergency how would he know if he won’t answer

It pisses me off too. Do the same and see how he feels🤷🏻‍♀️

Definitely a problem.