Would you follow through with being induced or wait?

Baby will b born in God’s time

Accupunture might help.

Alaura Peck, you may want to read these testimonials… Great info from people who have been induced.

Sarah Louise Ackroyd

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Get that shit over with :joy::joy::joy:

Danielle Cantrell read the comments! It could help you

Katelyn Osojnicki just in case you needed convincing not to get induced lol

Induction sucks. Wait

43.5 weeks. I had pre-eclampsia and the drs made me wait it out. It was the worst decision for us both. I gained 20lbs of water in 3 weeks and my son last 4lbs. Everyone is different. If your body says it is time, do it. My body couldn’t handle the stress and I had a c section. I will opt for induction/c section when I have another.

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My 1st pregnancy made me miserable due to a condition I had. And I was induced at 41 weeks. I was in labor for 14 hours and pushed for 1 hour. I didn’t need a c-section but there was some problems with baby’s heart a few times but it ended up fine. I also needed a epidural cause the pain was pretty intense and I don’t know how different it would be if I wasn’t induced.

I was scheduled to be induced the day after my son was born. Base it on your medical needs, not just to be done. I was beginning to have water retention issues and was absolutely miserable. Dr was afraid of blood pressure issues thats why she was scheduling me for induction

I waited it out 41 weeks 2 days. She finally came on her own. Its a very personal decision. If you’re too uncomfortable, I’d say go for it but I don’t see a reason to be induced if you’re already dilating


I was induced for my third “natural” delivery and it was my longest and most painful birth. Let nature take its course unless there’s a good medical reason to induce.

If your already 3cm I’d just try to wait it out the best you can. I was induced because my obgyn said that my son was measuring a week later ( meaning he was bigger) I was induced and it went smoothly for me. 9 pounds 2 ounces. :smiling_face:But if they give you that option you can do what you choose to do, as it’s your choice to do so. I was also constantly in pain and wanted him out sooner because of it. But if you feel fine I’d just try to wait it out. Congrats on the baby, they are such a blessing!

I had four inductions (the worst one being my first baby, almost had a c-section, 33 hours of labor) out of five pregnancies. All were induced at 37 weeks due to toxemia (HBP) or my large measurements/size. They were all really tough and I had to have an epidural. The one I delivered without induction, was at 40 weeks 2 days, less than an hour labor. Born 18 minutes after I got on the delivery bed. No drugs. Truly amazing. I’d hold out a bit longer?!


I was induced with all 3 of mine. Only one was medically necesarry (37 weeks). (Others were both at 39 weeks 1 day and 39 weeks 5 days.) As long as baby is full term, if you’re over being pregnant, go for it.


This might sound silly but 2 out of 3 pregnancies I had scheduled inductions. The same day I scheduled them I went into labor later that night lol . I had personal decision to try induction because I was so uncomfortable and sore.

I would wait. I would only recommend getting induced if you are having issues. I had pupps, chorioamniotis, preeclampsia and gb positive. Trust me it was miserable.

With my first , they scheduled my induction and that turned out to be why I had to get csection. I just wouldn’t dilate past 6cm. Water was already broken by doc. Risk of infection got to be to high. After 12 hours they took me back.I’ll be having my 4th csection in October.

Wait it out. With my last one my water broke but I had no contractions for hours. When we went in after about 6 hours of no activity I had to be induced. I felt nothing til 8mgs. It was aweful. Thankfully he came quickly. Your body knows what to do.

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Never. It makes labor way more painful. Giving birth is natural and your body is made to do it. Unless there is some other health problem putting you or baby at risk, I’d wait. Getting oxytocin to put you into labor makes very strong contractions.


Personally I’d wait as long as you and baby are healthy. Maybe let hubby play with your nipples. (Threw me into labor with my first, also my easiest) My second I was induced with poticin after having contractions for a week and could only get to a two. Felt like a never ending contraction, didn’t help that when I asked for epi they told me it was too early and would stop it the first time ( 3 hrs on) and it was too late the second time (5 hrs on). Took 1 1/2 hours of pushing.
Either way talk with dr at your next appt. only you and the dr know and can work out your best options.

With my first I waited and went naturally. With my second there was a placental issue and they attempted (and failed) at inducing me at 39 weeks and reattempted and succeed at 39 weeks 4 days. So it is possible that if you try, it may not take and you’ll be waiting till baby is ready anyways.

I was induced at 39 weeks on Sunday. My labor and delivery was 9 1/2 hours. I had a perfectly healthy baby boy weighing in at 7 lbs and 11 oz and 19 inches long vaginally.

Induction are more likely to end in a csection. But with that said only you can know what your gut /mommy instinct is telling you. The best induction I had was when I was given cervidil (or a medication like it) to soften my cervix and waited a few hours and then contractions started on their own. That’s a better option then pitocin if you can get away with that working . Worked for two out of three of my inductions. Good luck and have a happy birthing day🥰

Ive been induced with all 4. I tried to wait with my second oldest, but it was 42 weeks and i was made to. I would hold off til your next appointment and see where you are dilated at then.

I was never induced but my one Daughter-in-law was as she was showing borderline preeclampsia. It did Not go Well. She was in Labor several hours, not dilated enough for delivery & her uterus thinned so she had an emergency C-Section, as she was in danger of Rupturing. He is an Only, as any Future Pregnancies would have been extremely High Risk as she Probably would Never be able to Carry to Full Term. My youngest daughter was also Induced for her 3rd due to a Medical reason & said No Way would she do that again. I suggest letting Nature take it’s course if Possible. It’s Your Decision.

I’d wait it out personally . I would not want induced unless absolutely medically emergency like situations. I’ve been induced once and 2 regular labors .
I think it’s better to let baby decide when they wanna come out unless there is serious issues. Just my opinion. I say let the baby fully marinade till it dings ready to come out LOL

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I was technically induced with all 6 of my kids. With my first, I was 37 weeks and I was 4 cm at my 36 week appointment. They said incould go in right then and they’d hook me up, but our hospital was so small it was a risk of having her sent 2 hours away for even the smallest problem. So I went home and waited. 36 hours later I thought I felt a contraction, so we went in to the hospital. I was at 7 cm, still having only felt 1 contraction. When the doc came, she broke my water and we had a baby within the hour. All my labors were short…until #6. Hospital policy changed and they would only induce with pitocin…would not break my water. They pumped me full of pit for 13 hours…didn’t have regular contractions until the last hour and then it was intense. Ended up with an abrupted placenta. Luckily all was well. I only had issues with the last induction. (If you want to try to induce yourself, I highly recommend nipple stimulation…it works! That was baby #5)

Wait it out. Your body will go into labor when baby and your body are ready, it shouldn’t be rushed unless there is a medical reason that could be of harm to you and/or baby.

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I went into labor on my own with my first. 2nd I had to be induced because she quit growing (worst labor by far) then. Y 3rd I went in to be induced fir the same reason as the 2nd and she came in her own anyway and was the easiest. I’d wait it out if you do not have s y medical issues to where the baby needs to be born

I was induced but If I had waited for her to naturally come she wouldn’t have survived. She didn’t want to willingly come on her own and ended up having a lot if complications even being induced. She had meconium in her lungs after she expressed her bowels during delivery. She was almost to the point of needing an emergency c section as the shoulders almost got stuck. I’m glad I was induced or she wouldn’t be here today but we also had some doctors errors thrown in there too(I was supposed to be induced a week earlier than I was and I was in active labor and they didn’t check on me for 7 hours and just kept telling me I’m tired and needed to sleep everytime I told them I had an urge to poop)

No, I was induced and it hurt so bad! Literally had constant contractions for 26 hours!

I was induced and it went just fine. I know my story is not the norm but I was induced and 3 1/2 hours later my first was born. Honestly I didn’t find it to be that bad.

I would wait I heard inducing is very very painful, now if your past your due date then yes

I was induced 4 days after my due date because of some worries regarding my son. I had a 12 hour labour which was horrific and in that 12 hours I moved no further than 3cm dialated. Ended up having an emergency C Section. So when they said they wanted to induce me with my second I asked for a C Section. Go on a really really long walk! Let nature do it’s thing. I’ve heard so many success stories from women going for a walk that lasted 1 hour plus!

I was induced with both babies and both natural births…it’s up to u what u feel comfortable with…hope all goes well😊

Wait. Being induced is awful and generally more painful. I personally wouldn’t unless medically necessary

I’d wait it out unless there were issues besides just being uncomfortable. I was induced but at 41.

You could go into labor before Wednesday. Do what you feel is right.

If ur 3cm…honey…dont wait…Ur too close…to loose out…
Both my kids i was induced…my son due date was Aug 5th i had him Aug 12th
My daughter was June 30th i had her July 9th
N both Natural…My kids was comfortable

I was induced with my firstb2 and my 3rd I actually went into labor ar home and had to rush to hospital and wound up with an emergency c section.

I’d wait it out. Unless of course, there are any complications with you or baby.

Wait it out being induced hurt worse than naturally going into labor in my opinion

I waited with my first and scheduled with my second but I had reasons

I’m sure you will be in labor by than. 3cm is very close.

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I wouldn’t recommend it unless it needs to be done. It’s not fun.

Girl you’re already 3cm, that’s almost half way there!

Id personally wait till he wanted to come out unless you have medical reasons to be induced early.

I’ll wait it out if I had that option as long as it’s not over 40 weeks :joy::joy:

I was induced. After 12 hours I Ended up having an emergency c section.

Do some exercises to induce labor your self

I would wait it out as long as the baby is ok

I personally waited it out delivered 41 wks

I was endured on my 39 week because I had preeclampsia :woman_shrugging:. But healthy baby now hes a 13 year old young man.

It’s what you want mama… do what’s best for you! :pray:t3::purple_heart::pray:t3:

Wait till the baby is ready

Normally either way they give you the medication. It speeds it up. So it just depends on you. Are you tired of being pregnant or not. Get it over with. That’s what I would do. I was at 3cm for over a month.

Make sure baby keeps moving.

If your Dr says its okay, go for it.

I’ve only ever been induced :joy: for me it’s a walk in the park, my labour’s were so fast

Definitely wait it out, from experience. :blush:

I was induced at 39 weeks with my last one, she was number 3. I was ready for her to be out. I also knew she was a decent size and I have a 8lb weight limit for my vagina. :laughing: she was 7.14. Im glad I chose to be induced.

I was induced twice had other two when my water broke. It’s my opinion induction hurts worse

I’m surprised any doctor would induce a week early. I would wait. They induced me and the placenta didn’t detach because it wasn’t time. All kinds of issues. He/she will come when they’re ready :heart:

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I was scheduled to induce August 2 at 8am 2018. My baby was measuring really small. He decided to start labor himself and show up in a hurry AND A HEALTHY WEIGHT at 430am on August 2 2018. Had tubes tied few hours same day. Then just before pandemic started ended up miscarrying safely thank God and then had tubes retied about 2 months ago

I was induced for medical reasons and honnestly it sucked so bad! I would never recommend it if it isn’t needed. The contractions hurt more than anything you can even imagine.

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If you are 3 cm dilated then I would personally wait. It could happen anytime now. But you gotta do what you feel is best. I am 36 weeks pregnant. The only reason I scheduled an induced labor at 40 weeks is because I am considered a high risk pregnancy. But that is what I just felt was best.


I got induced as soon as my doctor would do it with my second pregnancy but ONLY because my daughter was sitting so low it hurt to do everything from standing and walking to bending over. And I wasn’t dilating at all! I was at 1 cm for a month and only 20% thinned out at 39 weeks and I just couldn’t deal with how low she was sitting anymore.
My induction went smooth! I labored for about 10 hours and my boyfriend actually almost missed the birth because I sent him home to take care of the animals since I wasn’t feeling strong contractions and was only at a 7. He was gone for an hour and I was pushing when he came back.

I got induced with my daughter and it fucking sucked it was horrific I did 16.5 hours of labor and it was much more painful than not being induced which I didn’t need with my first born my son

Wait it out & let your body do it naturally :raised_hands:t2:
You’re not overdue by 2 weeks or anything like that!

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If u and the baby are good i would wait it out

I would not choose a induction. Look it up! Unless it is medically needed wait for your baby to come natural. I’ve had one wl my 2nd & it made labor more intense pushing,feeling & needing assistance getting baby out, thought I was gonna need a c section bc the length it took. Just bc these mamas had good experiences an induction has a high rate for csection as well as other complications & yes everything has pros & cons better to search for yourself. We can only tell you what we went they. You ain’t these mamas so you dont know which way itll go for you.


I had a failed induction that ended with a csection at 41 weeks with my daughter… I wish I had waited :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I was induced at 38 weeks, got an epidural at 4cm and pushed for 10 minutes and that baby was out!

Not a good idea, he/she will come when ready. I gave birth at 41 week and I am so glad I didn’t have to get induced. It’s not natural

I was induced at 39 weeks. All went well. I think it all comes down to if your ready for her/him or not.

I was induced at 40 weeks with my first. It was horrible. Labored for 12 hours, dilated only half a cm and ended up with a c section because he wasn’t ready to come out! Dr said he could of went another 2 weeks because my uterus never formed to give birth. Therefore, my uterus was cut up and down. So every child after my first I would have to have a c section. 12 years after my first I got pregnant again and she had to come at 36 weeks because of the way my uterus was cut with my son. If I could go back and change being induced. I would because it caused a whole lot of stress and worry with the next baby having to be delivered at 36 weeks because of what I decided to do with the first.

I had a Much much better labor from being induced with baby number two than from waiting to go on my own with baby number one. Currently pregnant with baby number three and I’ll take the opportunity to induce again.
Everyone’s experience and body are different. Do what you believe is best.

No induction. Let baby cook. They’ll come when they want to.


Wait keep that baby till they are ready. I know it’s so tempting. Cause you just want to hold them. The babies brain is still growing, biggest growth spurt is at the end. Induction is hard on the body, in my opinion, natural labor is, well, more of a natural things for you and your babies

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If u can go naturally its better

U can try acupuncture
But still go natural if possible

The induction process is intense contractions and it feels like a earthquake in ur body from the beginning. No gradual like a natural process and no relief. Except getting epidural
If ur going go get epidural soon then go for it

All depends on the health of your baby! I was induce due to lack of movement! As soon as they induced me he was like wooooow hello still here! But always better to be safe! If their is no concern though id just wait

I would wait. 3 babies. The induced one was the worst.

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I was induced twice… both terrible experiences. I wouldn’t if I had the choice, but both weren’t optional since I was already in labor just not progressing.

I was induced at 38w7d with my first. LOVED IT! I planned to get induced with my second at 39w (aug 5th), but little bit decided to come on her own this past Sunday. And honestly, her coming on her own was better than when I was induced with my son. I was cut when they broke my water with my son and that didn’t happen this go around. I also had to have my stomach pressed on for the after birth after my son was born and they did not do that this time (thank goodness!)

Wait unless there’s an actual reason why your doctor is suggesting it.

I had an unsatisfactory induction with my first son. I would wait it out. Being induced puts unnecessary stress on both you and the baby

It makes it easier to plan… than just waiting.

I was induced at 39w last month. They say if you carry to 40 weeks you run a higher risk of having to have a c section

I was induced at 39 weeks and would do it again. 8 hours from the start of the induction until he was in my arms. He scored 10/10 on the Apgar scale and it went smoothly with a healthy baby & mom. Its all a case by case basis and everyone has their own personal expierence/ opinion but for me personally, I had no regrets!

I would wait. Let labour come naturally. Baby will come when he/she is ready.

Definitely wait it out. 4 kids, 2 induced and 2 natural…induced were horrible and the were the longest labors!!

I got induced for insurance reasons, because my baby was due December 29. We induced the 27 and she was born in the wee hours of the 28th, on insurance where my deductible was already paid :joy:

I have heard induction creates a tougher labor for some. I had some problems with my blood pressure especially after my epidural. Our next baby is due mid-January so I won’t be inducing unless I have to for some reason, I’m curious how different the labor will be.

I did, but for medical reasons. If I was healthy I would have waited until 40 weeks

WAIT! 15 years later I still regret it and wish I would have gone natural. I was walking around at 5cm when I was induced.

Walk and walk…it helps you progress

I got induced both times and I rather enjoyed that. First was because I was having contractions every five minutes but not dilating. My second was asked if I wanted to and I said yes, but I also had a very difficult pregnancy and Dr was concerned but still have me the option to deny it. Plus I liked knowing when I would begin labor. I hate tbe waiting game

If induction is being offered just because you haven’t gone into labor I’d wait. But get NSTs done to make sure baby is ok. I wanted to wait until 41 weeks so baby was born glad bday. After daily NSTs I was taken to the OR for emergency csect.