Would you leave your husband over this?

Yes leve he don’t care a bout you

WHY WOULD YOU EVEN SPEND ONE MORE SECOND WITH A PIG… GOD BLESS there are a lot of guys that have a deep faith and respect…

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Yes leave and don’t ever marry so fast again date for a few years because after 2 years true color’s come out.


Why would you have to ask that question. Run just saying…

Hell yes, that’s cheating. It’s disrespectful to you and violated your trust. Without trust, you have nothing.

He has used you. What do YOU think you should about that?

I would settle my finances quietly and set myself up and then go. It never goes back to normal because it never was.


Yep. That would be it

Just leave
Worry about your shoes later, unless its snowing

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I think every relationship is different. Yes, he lied and cheated. However, it sounds more like he was still with his ex when you two got together and then continued both relationships. The questions I need answered are, did he break it off, or did she? If she broke it off, then I’d feel like he only chose me because I was the last resort. If he broke it off, then maybe he was simply not committed until then. He cheated before engagement, which means he could have just been half in and then decided you were the one :woman_shrugging:t4: It was a fairly new relationship, his actions were hurtful but if that’s the case obviously you weren’t on the same page with where you all were in said relationship. Also, did you find out on your own, did she tell you, or did he tell you. All of these would be considerations for me. Is this something you can get past, if not then you need to leave the relationship. Only you know what you should do.


I can’t even read this… sounds too familiar!
I know the advice I’d give, but if I didn’t follow my own advice, I’m not gonna give it!

I would say the past is the past since your Barely finding out now. You guys are married now. I would definitely be having a conversation with him for sure and make sure that’s completely dead between him and his ex. I would make sure he is not still cheating, if he is then I would be getting a divorce

If he did it while you guys were together? Then yes, I’d leave him too.

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Yes I would . Kick him in the privates first

He cheated for half of your entire relationship….I mean can you even say it was a real relationship now that you know how committed he has been to you? usually the beginning of a relationship is the best…he didn’t feel that way while he was sniffing his ex, he clearly wasn’t over her while he rebounded with you. Figure out your boundaries.

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I wouldn’t stay with someone who cheated but I know myself and I hold grudges forever lol

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You married a stranger sooooo…


Wait that was quick how well did you think you knew him? Do yourself a favor and run and get to know the next one :woman_shrugging:t2:

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This is why so many relationships end! No one communicates instead they go to social media for advice/counseling. They are quick to call quits instead of trying to work through things. You are JUST now finding out about something that happened before he married you. Gtf off the internet and go talk to your damn husband. Let him know you know and how you feel. Stop involving the world in your relationship. Sit down communicate and figure out what happened but for the love of god tryyyy dont give up over something that A. Happened prior to your marriage and B. You are just now finding out about it. It seriously makes me upset the amount of women I see who take advise from millions of strangers but refuse to speak with their other half. This generation is going nowhere. Love loyalty trust is almost nonexistent social media is a hugggggge part in it and women need to be validated by billions of other women who ONLY feel the same way they do. Its so sad

Before you took another breath,

You married him way too fast for one secondly he seems to never been truly committed to you file for divorce


If I have the dates right, you didn’t become engaged until July 2021 and married October 2021 and he was with her February until May 2021. Sounds to me like he was trying to figure out whom he wanted to be with. He chose you, you weren’t engaged during the time they were together, get over it and start acting like an adult instead of a teenager.


U married after knowing him less than a year I understand if y’all were friends for years and knew everything about this person before getting together than married but u didn’t

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Yes but it’s not what other people think. It’s what you feel and think. Big hugs sending your way

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l g­e­t p­a­ld o­v­e­r $ 13­0 per hour w­0­r­king f­rom h­0me. l­ ­never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 13510 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.


That’s why you shouldn’t rush… but after I re read this posts and added the dates up . I think it’s something y’all could work through.


Absolutely. Take time for yourself, because that was all too rushed.

Absolutely!!! If he went to an hotel with her after January then he was cheating on you

And this is why you wait a year before making any big moves :weary:


Leave him ,if he does it once he will do it again, been there ’

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Too quick girl… it takes 2 yrs to even get to know a real person in a rltnship. People should be okay to tt their Exs. If its a simple hello…how are ya typea thing or depending why they ended things? Maybe they were friends before n they decided not to be together. Maybe have a chat…n see where it goes.


Without a blink of an eye!

He’s probably still seeing her!

Did it once he’ll do it again, that’s with any person. I would leave. But that’s just me. You could make it work. But trusting someone is the hard part. It’s all bout trust. Hopefully you could make it. Big hugs to you.

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Time to go. Enough of your life wasted.

Yes! The first red flag was engagement and marriage before a year of dating. Crazy.

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I feel like it’s common sense.

I bet I could get to the courthouse in half an hour.


If that’s what you feel you need to do then yes. Don’t let him blame you at all. What he did was a failing on him as a person. Remember that bc I’d almost put money down that he’s going to try to foist the blame onto anyone but himself. Speak with several lawyers and then file. If you think he’s going to be dangerous set up a plan. Go to the doctor and get tested.

The most biggest red flag is he still has the messages and her on his phone… The 2nd is marrying him not even a year after y’all got together, leave leave leave!

Yep . If he did it once , what’s gonna stop him from doing it again ? He was suppose to be committed to you and you alone . Divorce .

In a heart beat, …see ya :wave: why would you even want to invest any more time in him …once a cheat always a cheat …good luck!

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He started the relationship a hoe. I have no faith in a hoe changing when they started a relationship like this.
Seriously though. A few months after him and his ex “call it quits” on this little fling, he gets engaged to you?? Nope. Just nope

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Better sooner than later!:sleepy::japanese_ogre::rage:

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Baby my stuff would of been packed and me gone. He wants to sneak around with his ex he can have her. You don’t deserve that.

Would you leave if yall werent married?

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Yeah girl. I would leave.

His phone would have been in pieces and I wpld have been long gone

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Leave, before you have children before you become any more invested. So very sorry. He did this when you were just starting and everything is new, can you imagine what it will be like when you hit a bump? Take care of you.

He was single during that time–wasn’t engaged wasn’t married now was he? No I wouldn’t leave him–he did nothing wrong, you have by not trusting that he cares for you.

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Yes as fast as I could my things in order I would leave and never look back.

Were you specifically exclusive? If not, are you just mad because it’s his ex wife?

Depends, maybe he was just really unsure still and by spending that time with her, he got clarity?

I wouldn’t even question it. I’d be gone.

Bye. Absolutely no doubt
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out

You married quickly with out getting to know each other, why not leave just as fast?

Maybe you’ll learn to get to know them better next time


l g­e­t p­a­ld o­v­e­r $ 13­0 per hour w­0­r­king f­rom h­0me. l­ never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 17221 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.


I’m so sorry honey. I feel for you. I know that pain.
For me, I would divorce.

Yes get out of there you deserve better x

It would make me wonder what else he’s hiding and if you can’t trust someone why be with them?

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Most definitely leave him :face_vomiting:

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you married someone 9 months into knowing them
what did you expect haha

Hell yes I’d leave who else is he seeing on the side

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Clean out the bank account and sleep with his best friend and his ex he is doing at the same time.

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If you do not have children !! RUN !! And do not look back !! He will continue this behavior!! It’s a lot more complicated with children a lot more !! Get out now before you have kids and you are trapped


I personally maklng $­­­­­18643 every m0nth from an easy onL­lne j­­­­­ob. l never thought I’d be a­ble to do it but my buddy m­a­k­e­s $ 17­3­95 a month d­o­ing this and she c­o­nv­inc­ed me to try. The p­o­ssib­i­lity with this is endless.

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SMH! Yes I would leave him

Absolutely break it off. It’s not worth to be in a lifetime of heartache for what ? A liar, cheating spouse. Not worth it.

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l g­e­t p­a­ld o­v­e­r $ 13­0 per hour w­0­r­king f­rom h­0me. l­ never ­t­­­h­o­u­ght I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 14714 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Would you leave LMAO :rofl: nah I’d stay and tattoo MUG on my forehead Lol


Yes :boot: out the door :door:

I’m more worried that you only met and got married within a year of meeting. Damn. I’d run. Thats not respect that he’s giving you by doing that.

Well your relationship is built on lies firstly


Not an honest relationship!

I’d make him live in HELL !!!

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Hey, he is one hell of a husband isn’t he? For shame on him. Please consider counseling first. I have been there and done that and it worked wonders. Know it doesn’t work for everyone but something must of been there to attract him to you. I hope things can be worked out. If they don’t part ways and take it as a learning lesson for the next time So sorry.

First I would ask him about it talk it out and if it is all true take him for all he’s got !

Yes leave him he’s an asshole

What are you waiting for? It didn’t take you long to invite him into you home. Then marry before long. Why are you surprised?

Get an annulment it’s in your favor

yes. he obviously doesn’t care for you.

Life is too short. Leave as soon as you can. Full on lied to your face without flinching.

Yes. Marriage is built on trust…it’s gone

If you stay you’ll only be setting yourself up for a life of heartache making it harder to leave. I’d go while you can still have it annulled.

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This question isn’t for us. You and only you know what you want to do and if you’re willing to stay. You need to go talk with your spouse and see if you’re what he wants or the thrill that she gives him

In a heartbeat! Once trust like that is broken its very hard to trust again. Move on…

Yes. I can work through some things but cheating isn’t one of them. You teach people how they are allowed to treat you, so if you stay you’re teaching him he can break your trust & heart in the worst possible way and still get a pass. Don’t let him turn you into a doormat. You deserve better and better is out there.


Started talking and married within 10 months …… that’s not enough time to get to know each other let alone know the worst about each other befor you dive in to marriage


Dont it once he’ll do it again

Seems like y’all rushed into marriage. You didn’t even fully know him yet.

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Leave and fast. Tiger never changes his stripes!

if i had a woman cheating on me? i would be out the door quick.

I would leave and not turn back !

Before you leave him sleep with him many-many times and call out your name to his stupid face and I’m not laughing.

Sounds like he worked out who he wanted and it was you, he ended things with her before you got engaged… Not ideal but it’s been over for over a year and was over before you got engaged… Move past it if you’re happy now.


If he done it once he can do it twice.

Once a cheater always a cheater

l g­e­t p­a­ld o­v­e­r $ 13­0 per hour w­0­r­king f­rom h­0me. l­ never ­t­­­h­o­u­ght I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 14714 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Info Here >>> https://jobnowonline52.netlify.app/

At this age when I look back at my life and people I know that have gone thru same, I would divorce him if we had no kids…if we do, then there are other things that we should take into account but if there are no kids, definitely, I would divorce him.