Would you let your child ride a public bus to another state alone?

Would you allow your sixteen year old daughter ride the bus to another state alone? Asking for a friend.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would you let your child ride a public bus to another state alone?

In this day and age … absolutely not …


Uuuhhhhh hellll noooo! If child flies alone you can get a chaperone that works for the airline to sit with them and walk them to baggage claim until they find who is picking them up.

Not a chance in Hell.

Hell to the no!!! Too many human traffickers looking for targets


I did when I was 16. I wouldn’t let my kids personally x

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I was SHIPPED as a 16yr old. A long distance. And as 15 and older from destination to SPECIFIC destination on the city bus

No absolutely not. Especially being a 16 year old GIRL


Hell no! But that’s me!

NO!!! Absolutely not!!! There’s a lot of weird people out there and you don’t know what could happen.

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No in my town there was a guy who started shooting on a greyhound bus a few months ago

I used to take a greyhound to visit my brother a few times a year from age 12 to 18. I wouldn’t let my son go by himself personally
It’s a scary situation

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Nope not happening! To much sex trafficking going on! I’m 31 years old and won’t even travel alone!

No!! Definitely not alone.

No. When I was younger maybe but not in this world


I used to take the train (Amtrak) by myself at 18, yo visit my mom in WV. But idk if I’d let me kiddo do it at 16.

I wouldn’t allow one of my girls

No , I rode 40 years ago from Oregon to Florida at 15 and the answer is no .

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No i would spend the time and $300 and drop her off​:joy::joy::joy:

This is a easy one …NO

Nope. Not up for debate.

No. Not with the way the world is now. NO NO


Not in this day and age.

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Not in this day and age. There are too many creeps out there, and too many variables beyond your, or her, control.

Is there any stops? Is it like a greyhound? Does she have to get off the bus at any point? Would a parent be there to meet her?

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I did at 17.tx to Mississippi wasn’t nothing wrong but alot of sketchy shit at some of the stops

I wouldn’t trust that tho

Ehh kinda lacks context. I could sneeze and the particles would land out of state. Long distance? No no no. The next state that’s walking distance - strong maybe lol

Not in a million years… with all the human trafficking… no!

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I wouldn’t allow my daughter to no. I’m 24 (obvi. No teens yet) but even by myself I wouldn’t be caught dead doing that at 16. And to me it also would depend where, why, and how long.

Possibly…every child is different

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It depends how n how mature the 16 year old is, and I would discuss with the bus driver to make sure they could just make sure she was dropped off where and with who she is supposed to be getting picked up by. Other then that hell no!

If she is 16 years old, she will be an adult in less than 2 years.

So Yes, if she is of normal intelligence and has a history of making sound decisions.


If she was escorted by personnel of the bus… maybe. They do it for flights but not sure for a bus.

It would depend on several different things. If there would be a layover then HELL NO. If it was a straight shot and I knew for a fact that the person that was meeting her would be there waiting and watching for her then possibly yes.

2012… When I was15 almost 16 I rode cross country from NC to WA on Greyhound by myself! No cellphone to contact family just payphone change and a 2 day layover in Chicago during the winter. Took almost 6 days for the whole trip!

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Depends on if there are stops in between and how she handles things, if she is responsible, and if she would have a way to contact someone if she needed to.

I did it at 17, took Greyhound from Idaho to Washington when I left home. It wasn’t the most enjoyable trip but I made it.

Why not? She is 16, not 6. If she is a responsible teenager , she can do it. Aa long as she knows not to be go anywhere with strangers.


Depends on WHY and how mature they are :woman_shrugging:

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My mom made me do that when I was 15.

Have you seen the movie Taken? Or watched the news lately?? It’s a BIG no for me!


I lived in Texas and traveled to Colorado on a bus when I was 16

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I left home at 16. Idk I think it depends on the kid lol

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No. Absolutely not. Busses are terrible. There’s no telling what kind of people will be on it. I would consider a plane.

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Depends on the 16 year old, some are more mature then others :woman_shrugging:
I would if I was confident that they were able to do it by themselves.


I allowed my daughter to fly from Oklahoma to Pennsylvania with a stop at the O’Hare airport in Chicago when she was 12. She had to call from payphone collect. She did fine. If the child is mature give her the chance.

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16 is a child? I started my first professional job at 16!!!

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I think more details are needed. Is the child mature? Also, how far is the trip? I live in south jersey, a bus to another state could be 15 mins into PA or an hour into NY.

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Depending on the kid and their maturity level yes I would consider it. Public transportation is just that public so unfortunately there is always a risk if your not taking them from point A to point B yourselves but it’s within reason especially at 16

Never. Sorry to many sickos in the world to allow that. No matter how mature she is… it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Nope! The bus stops in every town between where she boards the bus and where she gets off. There are layovers, some in unsavory places… just no.


I did when I was 13 that wasn’t too long ago…from Oregon to Seattle

Depends on the kid and the states. That’s a very open question

Depends on the kid and the states. That’s a very open question

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Yes. As long as someone was meeting the bus the other end. We have mobile phones these days!

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Not crazy as people are today.

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Make sure she has a knife and pepper spray. I think 16 would be an ok age to do this depending on maturity level as stated above. But make sure she has a way or knows how to defend herself if a situation were to happen that she would need to.

Not with the way tye world is today

I had a 3 day bus ride from Louisiana to Pennsylvania at age 15 with a hamster! The bus drivers took care of me throughout my journey and I was terrified but I wanted to go home and see my Dad! I wouldn’t let any body go alone any where now!!!

My son went to europe at 15. There were teachers/parents going too. Prob depends on the child. Would def get her mace to go with her if you let her go

My kids started riding the bus back and forth 12 and 9 it was a 12 hr ride

No. Human Trafficking is very real and very much a threat these days and it has been for years now. Absolutely not worth the risks involved.

Probably not I would make other arrangements for her

My little sister and I rode a greyhound to Oregon by ourselves when we were 14-14 and 12 lol! To see our grandparents. But as a mom now, hells no I wouldn’t!

You can tell them she’s a teen and you want her to have an escort.

Yes. The posts here about “the way the world is now”. “human trafficking” etc; are valid concerns but we have to raise our children with a sense of being able to take care of themselves. If she’s mature enough to go to the mall with friends unsupervised, she should be mature enough for a bus ride. Best to sit up front, near the driver.


At sixteen, yes I would! I’d ask her to stay in contact with me as far as any stops made, delays and when She arrives.

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My dad dropped me off at the greyhound station to go visit a boyfriend 6 hours away. Now that I’m a parent, hell no I wouldn’t allow it. I could have been killed!

Not in this world today

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it would all depend. Is she a very responsible person?

Not in this world today

Ifit was 80 years ago, YES but in todays world, definitely NO.


Not today I would not.

I’d put her on a plane before I would let her travel on the road.

I’d pay whatever extra I had to for a plane ticket.


My sister and I did when we were 15 & 16. From Maryland to Michigan. It was court ordered fir us to visit our mom (our guardians wouldnt let us see our mom without that court order.)

Not in these days years ago yes now no way

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Not in 2022, just not safe

I’ve done it plenty as a “kid” as I was emancipated at 14 but now I have a 10yo daughter and that’s a hard NOOOOO

Nope not in this day and time.

In todays world? Absolutely not.

They’re snatching grown women and men like it’s a paid day job. I’d be terrified for my child.

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At 16 I went from mid Missouri to Elmira, New York on a Greyhound with my 13 year old little brother. Just stay in the terminals, don’t wander around outside and she will be fine. :heart:

I’d put a 16 yr old on a plane, rather than send them by bus. It’s just not safe.


I’m almost 32 and I wouldn’t ride one alone…and you want to know about a 16 year old? Sorry not sorry but todays day and age? If you gotta ask this then it’s probably not a good idea.

Once again people saying not in today’s world, as if the past was any freaking safer :woman_facepalming:t2:


In today’s world, I’m sorry but no. I’d rather be an overprotective mother then a sorry one.

I rode a bus several hours to cross-country camp when I was 16. There were several kids returning to Minneapolis from the Madison, WI area on the same bus.

I’m 44… 6’4 and 285 lbs and I wouldn’t. People have lost their minds and mental health isn’t getting any type of help so… NO!

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If it’s through Greyhound they have a program where you can sign her in and the person signing out has to show ID. She would sit up front with the bus driver. I would coparent across state and my kids would sometimes do that- keeping in touch through phone. That was 10+ years ago

I say go with your gut. If your gut says no, then no. If your gut says it’s OK then it’s OK. Mommas tend to ignore their gut, but it’s usually right on point.

Sex trafficking… NO!!

Possibly. Depends on the child. Sixteen is old enough to navigate public transportation. I could trust my 11 yo old son to travel to a different state and navigate airports on his own. Teach your daughter independence. Teach her how to protect herself. Teach her how to stay vigilant and aware. But please don’t let fear rule your life.

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There are so many factors in this… is she mature? How far away is she going and what states? Will she have a way to stay in contact with you throughout the travel? Is someone meeting here when she gets off the bus? Will she have protection with her such as pepper spray? Can you have the bud driver alerted that she’s a teen and traveling alone?

Nope. Sex trafficking is real all around the world

Not in today’s society

No. Not with all of the wonderful traffickers stealing people. A plane, yes.

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He11 NO. My kids will be lucky to be able to go outside by themselves at 16. This world is just to crazy.

NO. Not in today’s world