Because they aren’t him and if they love and treat the kids good then why deny your kids family that love them? If they aren’t good and not shit like him then cut it off
I do let the bio dad’s family see my son but honestly at times I wish they wouldn’t bother
Yes. Its still the childs family
What does the baby’s dad have to do with the rest of your child’s family? He pays support… If he doesn’t wanna be around so be it… But that baby has more family that WANTS to be there… I don’t get why u wouldn’t allow it
Yes U should let your child’s other family have something to do with your child unless you believe your child maybe in danger…
Your child deserves grandparents who love it. And those grandparents deserve to be allowed to love their grandchild. Rarely is there a love on this earth like that of a grandparent for their grandchild and vice versa.
I let my son still see his grandparents when ever he wants to & his dad gave up rights. Why punish the grandparents for the Dad’s mistakes? That’s something I don’t understand. My son has such an amazing bond with his Mawmaw & Papa & they love my other son as well whom isn’t their grandchild. But they help me when I need it & they also spoil my other son just as much as they do their grandchild.
Why would you punish your child by refusing to allow her/him contact with their own family, just because the father isn’t paying you??(based off of you saying that he isn’t providing for the baby) & if he is paying the child support & you just don’t like something else he is or isn’t doing, again, why would you take that out of the child!? Denying the baby a relationship with his/her own family is childish & irresponsible on your part!
Absolutely I do. His dad is not allowed in his life but his family didn’t do anything wrong against him so why should they or my child be made to suffer with no relationship
In our state, visitation and child support have nothing in common. You can’t forbid the father seeing his child, whether or not he pays support. We took our grandson’s mother to court for visitation and won. She and our son never married. The baby’s grandparents have that option, like it or not.
Yes. When me and my ex split, my son was still involved with his dads family. When his father ended up incarcerated, my son still seen his other family. No reason to punish the whole family for the mistake of one person.
Don’t withhold your child from those who want to make an effort to be there. Unless a person is a danger to a child you are only hurting your child in the long run by depriving them of a relationship with their family. Child support and the father’s relationship with the child have nothing to do with anyone else.
You must do what is legal and right.
I hear ya. My kids dad family is seriously dysfunctional and abusive. Their dad was seriously affected by his childhood and I don’t want anything like that happening to my boys. You do you momma.
As long as you can trust his family I don’t see why not . You’re gonna be the one in trouble if he pays and you don’t allow him his visits
It’s not about LETTING. THAT’S HIS BABY TOO!!!
You are a child and need to grow up
Dad hasn’t seen kiddo in a while but we’re currently at his parents house hanging out if you can trust them, don’t deprive them cuz of their kid’s choices.
As a grandparent myself,I would move heaven and hell if my grandchild was kept from me because my son chose not to have anything to do with the child. We as grandparents are not responsible for grown childrens actions but their kids are still our blood
Yes it the kids family. The dad shouldn’t have anything to do with weather or not they see it or not.
Because it’s not the families responsibility to provide for the baby.
However, you should want your child to have a bond with that side of the family.
Child support and visitation are 2 different things. Yes the dad and his aily should see the child as long as they want.
Yes I would and I do.
Yes I would let his family time with the baby. They are still family to your child. It is not their fault the father is not involved. Besides if you let a relationship build if you need help they will be there for the sake of the kid. You can let them visit at your home or planned visits at parks until you are comfortable with them taking the kid alone. Your child deserves to know as much of the family as possible.
A child should never be held accountable for the actions of the father/mother. That only ends up hurting the child and the family who would desperately like to be involved with the child. I have 2 grandsons that I don’t get to see because their mothers don’t like their dad (my son). Yes, he has had his faults and they blame me for it. They are only punishing the kids because they are missing out with their younger siblings and with me their Nana. I love them and pray every day I can see them
I did!! If they’re good to the baby and love the baby then why deprive your child of that!? They can’t make their son be a man or step up. If they’re trying to be there let them. My sons family ended up really being there for my son and for me and they’re still there for him and he’s 12 now.
If they just are horrible, horrible people & cannot be trusted with your child then obviously not, but that would go for your own family or literally anyone, as well, BUT IF THEY ARE & they love your child THEN GIRL, that’s beyond selfish. You’re robbing your child of what could be a loving family. You aren’t only punishing them when you do that, but your child as well. It takes a village & It’s not their fault that Dads a POS. Your child can never have too much love or too many people in their corner. Put your feelings towards dad aside & do what’s right for your child.
If seeing them would be a positive fir your baby yes. Because grandma’s and grangpad and aunt and uncles are your baby’s family too
Yep. Child needs to know that side of their family
If my ex mother in law was still alive I wouldn’t keep my kids away. She was alway one to love me and accept with open arms. I still am friends with my ex’s sisters too. Not their fault their brother is a hot mess. ( my ex has no custody or visitation)
Definitely and tho my child’s dad didn’t provide I didn’t keep him from her.
Why punish your child and his family for the Dads mistakes? Don’t be selfish. Think about your sons needs. He needs family on both sides, despite what his father is doing wrong. If they are good people with good intentions and want to show your son nothing but love then don’t take that away!
uhm that’s their family period… my grandma on my husbands side has done a million times more than what my OWN MOTHER even did for me. Give them credit for picking up the slack.
i always let my girls dad come if he wanted to, he never really did visit much at all, i never got childsupport either but they needed to know ther father’s side so they went to visit Grandmother/grandfather aunt and uncles
Depends how the family is. Are they good people? Are they toxic and two faced?
Yes bc the grandparents aren’t responsible if their son doesn’t want to raise or be there for his kid. Don’t deprive them of seeing their grandson/granddaughter just bc he’s a pos dad💯
Yes I would. He isn’t providing physically but he’s paying. And that has nothing to do with the relationships the child has with HIS family. Because that’s THE CHILDS family. Don’t be bitter. People loving a child is not a bad thing but you denying your child love is.
Of course I would let his family see baby. Unless they weren’t responsible, then no.
They are that childs family as well as your side & have every right to have that child in their lives. Don’t punish the child or the fathers family for his stupitidy. Yes I’ve been there & would never keep my children from their grandparents, aunts or uncles, etc.
He is not his family and his family is not him. Yes I would.
Why? Because you are a good Mom and your baby deserves to know them, But make it on your terms and be nice. Get along. It will be better for the baby later in life. I know first hand because I was one of those babies.
You could be cheating your kid out of a dope gramma and grampa. An aunt they bind with. Cousins. Family.
That’s why you should let them see your kid. It’s the right thing to do.
I don’t see why not unless they were abusive or something.
I did. If they are just trying to give genuine love to your child, why not?
If his family us trying to know the baby then they should get that option regardless of the father’s behavior. If they too are irresponsible then no, if they are only trying to get the baby so he can see the baby then no. Basically if they are doing it for the right reasons then let them see the baby. If they are not then don’t. Family is important and just because dad may be a deadbeat doesn’t mean his family will be. They may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
My kids dad is in the picture but his family is not. I would be happy if my in laws showed even an ounce of wanting to see my kids. My son is 13 my SIL has only been to one birthday and my daughter is 7 and hasn’t been to any of hers
Maybe not just hand them the baby, maybe have them come over or meet somewhere. You’re asking because the option to let them see your baby is still there. If the effort is there on their part why not. Once the kids are older and they make the choice on their own terms then everyone should respect that. Good luck!
Listen… do you even know these people or how they live? If his family members want to be a part of the child’s life then I completely figure they will make that effort to make YOUUUUU feel comfortable with them. That’s my opinion.
If they respect you and go by your rules, sure…they love them too!
Yes because I’d want my child to know their side of the family regardless of my relationship with the dad. At least this way, my child knew I let her/him have the opportunity to have that relationship and wouldn’t resent me later on for not providing that option.
So because dad’s irresponsible the rest of the family who from this post has given no indication of also being useless you want to withhold baby from? No. That makes no sense. Unless the family has given reason to be unsafe to be around you’re just being petty and spiteful
I didn’t read the comment but my kids dad wasn’t there I tried to get his family to see our kids sent pictures ect and they had nothing to do with my kids now that my kids are older they have no clue about that side
Um yes his family should be able to see him… this is ridiculous
If they’re nice and respectful to you and you trust them then I don’t see why it would be a problem. They’re not responsible for their adult sons poor decisions.
My child’s father was abusive and horrible … to the point that child protection stepped in and made it clear I’m NOT to allow him near her, ever!
However I would never punish my child, nor punish her family on her fathers side by keeping her away.
They haven’t done anything to hurt her, so why would I stop them seeing her.
How could I not allow more people in her life to love her, due to the mistakes and damage one person created.
If they really love the child and want to be in the child’s life yes I would let them see the child
Uhhh, of course I would. Their your childs’ family. Dad involved or not.
What does one thing have to do with the other? Why is having more people who love your child a bad thing?
Yes ofcourse his family should be able to the the child!! They are the child’s family too! I say the more love the better!! If they want to be there I would definitely allow them too. It’s not their fault if their son can’t do it properly!
His family has nothing to do with how he is, why would you stop the other family from seeing the child?
My son hasn’t even met his dad’s side (besides his mom) nor do they reach out to make any kind of contact with my son. It’s not my responsibility to remind them my son exist.
Why punish the baby and the grandparents and not let them bond with the child that is their relation, because the dad is a deadbeat??
Yes. Sounds like your a part of the problem
Just another one playing their child as a game piece. You’re baby is so lucky to have so many love him and want to know him and because of the father not “providing” you wanna take love away from him. I never knew any grandparents on either side and I would have loved to! Be careful one day you may need help with sitting or just anything. They may not be around then.
If they are good people and want a relationship with your child then yes
You probably ain’t ready for kids and the things that come with raising a child who don’t have to recover from thier moms personal opinions and feelings. Just saying, you should go get therapy or parenting classes. Coparenting classes might be imperative. Smh
If he’s not providing financial support he’s hurting you but the child will never know. But if he wants a relationship with his child he shouldn’t have to pay just to see him, cuz then you are hurting the child. If his family wants to have a relationship with the child why intervene? The only person you hurt is your child. There’s nothing wrong with people wanting to love him. The more the better I say.
Just have to remember that just because the dad is a complete loser and failed to parent doesn’t mean that the child deserves to be alienated from their extended family. It is not always easy but it’s not what’s best for you. It’s what’s best for your child.
Yes but they would have to make all the effort until a relationship is established.
And i would have rules and boundaries discussed first.
So your logic is it to punish them and keep the baby away from them bc he isn’t responsible…that’s absolutely horrible on your part, if they want a relationship with the baby, don’t keep the baby away from them, they have done nothing wrong. Set boundaries if that’s what you feel comfortable doing but don’t punish them and the baby bc of him, that’s childish and stupid for u to do
It’s not the child’s fault that their dad is not responsible. Every child deserves to know all family with the exception of abuse. Don’t let the issues YOU have with him come between your child knowing all family. That’s putting your child in the middle and so many women do this and it’s not right.
It takes a village! His family isn’t HIM and you have to extend trust sometimes to see if people can BE trustworthy. If they’ve not given you a reason to question their ability to take care of the baby, I’d definitely foster and support a relationship with them so you and baby have more of a support system as well. I am wonderful friends with my ex in laws and my daughter goes with them whenever they ask.
Off corse it not the family fault if the dad not bothering but the family making an effect then yes let them but if there not bothering with your Child then no
Can they come to your ( choice of place ) or home ?? Or public venue ???
Okay first off sorry so many perfect Karen’s are coming after you. I. The end only u can make this choice. I guess ask yourself a few questions are these grandparents decent people, will the respect you as a mother, do you feel comfortable with them more publicly for awhile.
I know us women believe we are supper heros that save our babies from everything but sometimes we hold to tight.
If you think they are safe, respectful them I’d say let your baby have some more live
If you think they are not those things then it’s ur right to tell them no.
Again sorry about the karens
Yeah just make it clear if dads around to keep an eye on baby.
Money and love is 2 different things. If they willing to have relationship with a kid then it’s not their fault that father is not providing for him.
Never punish other family members or anyone for that matter because of one person. Be an adult
Don’t use this as your argument in court cause you are going to lose. That child needs all of his family. Don’t spite the child bc of his father’s poor choices.
It would depend on his family. If they want to be more involved then I would allow them to see the baby. But if they cut you off and have no interest in the baby then I wouldn’t let them see the baby.
It’s not the family’s fault or the child’s fault that the father isn’t financially responsible all it’s doing is hurting the child in the long run
The more people/family that want to love your child the better he will be emotionally and mentally. Love is the best gift you can give a child so let him be loved💝
His family has nothing to do with him, if they want to be a part of the baby life they should, of course you have to take precautions like make sure where they will be with the baby , if they are responsible etc.
Its not about being petty, or your personal feelings towards his father, or his family, its not about using your kid as a pawn or as if they are a game piece, seriously, do you even need the child is the question. Bc when a child is born, your feelings or opinioms shouldn’t be theirs, nor should they be forced on to them. Thats your opinion. Not theirs. Their physical and emotional well being should be the uptmost important thing to you. They should come first, regardless of how you feel towArds them. He was good enough to lag down with, just because it didnt work out with yall, and yall have differences of opinions on what “raising” a child should be doesnt mean it should effect your child. They need, NEED, a father and a mother, and that bond with grandparents. What their son does is on him, not them, he was grown when he made the decision to have unprotected sex, again not them. My exhusband chose drugs and not to be around. His father sees me kids several times a year, holidays, etc. They have also seen their daddy several times, well they did before he got locked up…i never left them there unattended, i was always present…but i put my feelings, past hurt, grudges and resentment on the back burner bc they deserve to feel love and know it. I know i will never recieve money, and honey even if a father pays cs it doesnt mean they are good fathers. Just like if they dont pay doesnt mean they arent good fathers. Money isnt everything. You really need to reach deep in yourself and heal those hurts, that pain, that resentment towards him and his family, so that you dont project that onto your child. Depriving them of any bond, will turn them away from you later in life. You need to find yourself, feel confident in yourself, and stop holding onto the grudges, the judgements, the resentment you have… that baby DESERVES to KNOW both parents, both sides of where they come from, both histories, if you consider him a bad parent just bc he doesnt pay cs, or his family bc of it…thats not right, there may be a reason he cannot afford it maybe speak about it without judgement and accusing him to the point of an arguement. If they are good natured with him beside the money part, id let them be a part of their lives, the more love the better for the child…however, if their dangerous, on drugs, etc…i can say no id not let them be around bc it can cause more harm than good. But just on no cs alone, no, thats not right. Its suppose to be whats in the best interests of the child, and pettiness, no matter how good it might feel in the short term, long term its not whats best…try to work on your healing…so that YOU can give that child the life that THRY deserve, bc now its not just about you and your feelings, its about them as well. Ps. Grandparents have rights, you dont want this to come up in court as to why you dont deem them good enough to see your child. If nothing else try it, give it a chance. If you dont feel like its workkng out than you can explain to your child you at least attempted to let them have that relationship and why it didnt work out.
I never said no ever to my kids dad’s family seeing.
Them even when he wasn’t really Involved.
Well would you have liked it if your dad was not a good dad so your mom decided that your entire dad’s side of the family must suffer too and you didn’t get to know your grandparents or uncles and aunts? Why punish them and your kid for your choice in men???
My Babies Grammy and Pa are amazing. They do so much for my kids. I would never keep them away from them. And even their Aunt is great. She lives 1000 miles away so don’t get to see her often but she video calls and sends stuff for them all the time. Why punish them for someone else’s actions or lack of actions.
This is not about you or the father it’s about the baby…your baby is innocent to deprive your baby of getting to know family because of what someone is or is not doing I personally don’t agree with…why punish the family for something they have no control over….
You sound young, but yeah i definitely would.
Listen to your gut. You’re a mama bear and your job is to protect your baby. If you’re not feeling right about it, don’t let it happen.
I am a grandma and its very hurtful when i cant see my kids,if he doesnt take care of the child right talk to the grandparent its not there fault,maybe let thwm have time with the child
Just because dad doesn’t want to be around doesn’t mean his family may or may not want to see child if family doesn’t want to see either walk away
My sons biological family visits even tho his sperm donor doesn’t ever see him
Let his family see the child they love your child too
It would depend on the family. My baby daddy isn’t involved at all. His dad learned he had a grandchild. I let my son be around his grandpa, until he moved to FL and no longer contacts and asks about grandson. I no longer have contact with anyone on baby daddy side. It’s better this way. If my son has questions later in life, I will answer them honestly. He’s 8 now, and doesn’t remember the 5 months he spent with grandpa off and on…
However, if baby dads family had been more, this story would be different. The grandparents didn’t ask their son to be a moron and not raise his kid… its not the child’s fault, so if the family is good people, I dont see why anyone would keep a child from them… if they aren’t good people, then stay the hell away.
Just my opinion. But I believe visitation and child support are two different matters. If he’s good with the baby then I would let him and his family see the baby. But I would be calling the courthouse to get him on non-payment. Again, just my opinion. And his family has nothing to do with him not paying so if they’re good with the baby then I wouldn’t keep them from the baby.
You sound kinda bitter. Let that go.
Definitely, the more people to love your child the better.
If they’re good to your child, Why would you want to deprive your child of healthy relationships with family? Is money really more important to you???
You had a kid with him. Just because youre disappointed in him doesnt mean you can make his other half of the family suffer.
If they want to be apart of babies life, why not??? That seems like more love and support for your child. I would never want to keep love from my kids, no matter how I felt about their dad. Thats just selfish to me. As a parent we put our kids first.