Wow, what a loser.
You can’t have a platonic male best friend but he can have a whole other relationship whilst in one with you at the same time? Noooo way. Leave him!
Keep the best friend hunni
Your best friend has put up with a lot , don’t do it to him again you could lose him for good and it sounds to me like your relationship is unstable , I’d have him gone your fella he sounds horrendous to be honest , keep your friend and move forward with your life x
Guilty conscience on the boyfriends part that’s the problem! Kick his ass to the curb!
You need to get out of that controling relationship and rekindle the relationship with your best friend. You’ll find someone who truly love you and accepts your best friend as part of your life
Why are we sounding as if we don’t know what some of these our so called besties are capable of? When you’re ready for a smooth relationship you will start knowing your boundaries with that ur Bestie.
Narcisstic boyfriend made you insecure, remove this bastard from your life, take your kids, and find new secure place where your best friend can come to visit!!!
Curious - any reason he knows he may not be able to father kids? Since he got weird after you got pregnant? Maybe what tripped his trigger.
You’re not an asshole and if he can’t handle your friend, then you need to decide who’s really more important to you. Only you can decide that and make the choice of what to sacrifice.
Your boyfriend is an ahole. And so are you to your “best” friend that you dump when things are going good for you and “reconnect” with when you need someone. Js
I had a best friend that was male, my then Boy friend welcomed him with open arms (said boyfriend is now my husband). They laughed together more than we did, my husband is amazing and the right person will just accept your friendships, male or female. Sadly my friend passed away last year, but I am so grateful for the time we all had together. True friendship is precious as is an un judging love. I don’t think he is your man. All the best x
He’s cheated on you and still trying to control what you do with your life I’m sorry to say he would have been gone along time ago, sort of when he started slobbering about your Best friend that should of give red flag, guilty written all over it. Hope you get it all sorted. My best advise would be to stay away from him believe me you’ll be far happier!
your boyfriend is the ass hole.
Bf needs to stay gone. Controlling, possessive and a cheater. Nope
As I was reading I said to myself he’s cheating‼️ That’s y he gets so angry n is so insecure bc he thinks u’re doing the exact same thing with ur bf behind his back! Which that’s just guilt he’s having n feeling. I wouldn’t give up my long time friend for him. He was there before u even knew him! He’s with his other woman so let him stay with her n please don’t go for the okie-doke n take him back!
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Keep your best friend
Let your man go he’s not worth keeping xxx
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He needs to grow up, it is his insecurities that made this happen
Waste off space red flag let him go and stay gone
Your not the asshole. You bf or ex is an ass and is trying to control, manipulate and gaslight your into loading contact with someone he sees as a threat simply because it’s another male around and he knows then that he won’t be able to manipulate you privately.
You aren’t the asshole! He needs to stay gone - you don’t need that negativity in your life!
Pick your best friend over the husband this time, hes a cheat and liar so dont deserve you
Honestly, yeah you are the asshole… for treating your “best friend” like shit. At this point, that’s not your best friend (maybe they think of you like that, because they keep accepting this from you) but you need to realize what you are giving up to be with a loser. A friend who will always forgive you no matter what, or a lying cheating piece of shit ?? Shouldn’t take much to decide that. Just because you have a kid with this man, does not mean you have to accept this kind of controlling, manipulative, and narcissistic behavior. Leave him and admit your wrongs to your friend, because if I was him, I wouldn’t have forgiven you anymore because it’s an ongoing thing. He is choosing you over and over again and you, in return, are punishing him for it. Make it make sense please? Love really makes you blind. You need a person in your life that will tell you this shit.
Good for you,let him go n keep walking
You’re doing the right thing
Leaving them to pile up is the least you can do for his sorry self!
Y’all are roommates so he needs to do his part
You are absolutely right!!
I think your being fair. A grown man should be able to wash his own laundry.
Good for you for standing your ground ! You are being totally fair ! Time for him to grow up !
If you aren’t together, you aren’t obligated to do anything for him. He is a grown man and is capable of doing his own laundry.
Uh fair lol one of my old coworkers who is still MARRIED doesn’t do her husband’s laundry because he never helps do laundry at all. He’s a grown adult, he can handle his own laundry.
He made his choice. Make him wash his own crap.
You’re not his mom. Seems fair to me.
Nope at this point he is a roommate and y’all are not together so he can wash his own things, periodt!
If on my laundry day my husband’s clothes are by washer and not spread out I wash them but for the most part he will wash his own usely at night after the rest of the house is asleep
Completely fair you have enough to do you don’t need to be taking care of a roommates stuff
I’ve gone on laundry strike & even told my husband & he thought I was joking until he woke up to no clean work shirts. He learned
Ummmmmm. No ma’am hes a grown single man he needs to clean cook and do his own. You are not responsible.
Nope!! At this point he’s pretty much a room mate so he can do his own stuff!!
I only do my husbands laundry if he puts it in our hamper, even then I don’t fold it for him if it ends up in his dirty clothes pile in front of his closet he can do it his dang self, I’m not hunting down his clothes. He knows that. And every 2-3 weeks panic wash’s everything cuz he has no clothes
I would not do my exs clothes.
If your not in a relationship, just look at him and tell him, your not a maid, and tell him do his laundry
Separated or not he’s an adult who can clean his own clothes. Dunno why people feel that’s mainly a women’s responsibility. You want your clothes clean, wash em yourself
Give it time might take him a min but He’ll catch on when he has no clean clothes. He gonna learn ta day!
U r just living together no longer dating. You have no obligations to him. Stay strong
Nope. Not together not your responsibility.
Nope you go girl your in the right forsure his responsibility not yours
It’s fair because of two reasons. Reason 1. Y’all are separated, so you aren’t obligated to do anything for him. Reason 2. He’s a big boy, so he can clean up after himself. If he doesn’t clean up after himself, he’s fixing to learn that you ain’t gonna do jack shit for him. If he doesn’t like that, then he can go find himself a stupid ass woman to clean up after him and live with her too
This sounds familiar
Ok if you are really separated then one of you needs to move out. Otherwise nothing changes. He’s asking where his clothes are because he still thinks of you as his wife.
Y’all are separated. He’s a grown man who should be able to do his own laundry. When moved back home temporarily as an adult my siblings never did my laundry n that’s family.
I stopped doing my ex’s laundry and stopped cooking for him when he asked for a divorce. I figured I did those things out of love, if he doesn’t love me anymore… then that was that
Nope and y’all arent together anymore he’s a grown man and can do it himself.
Definitely not!!! HOWEVER, I would ask if he needs me to show him how to do it… some men really have no clue and I wouldn’t want him messing up my washer and wasting detergent lol
I only do my fiance’s laundry if he puts them in his hamper. Im not his maid. I wash, dry, and fold his laundry the least he can do is put the clean things away and his dirty things in his hamper
If your separated then I wouldn’t do literally anything for him, cook, clean. Nothing. Do what you and your kids need and that’s it
Nope,he needs to get groomed
fair whether you’re still 'with him" romantically or not. Men need to grow a pair, man up, and do their own if they want it done. Seriously.
He’s your roommate. Treat him like one.
Well if your separated even though he’s in same house he should do his own washing why should you do it if he can’t be bothered to help do things in house to help you
You’re not together. His laundry is not your problem.
You should have kicked him out even
If you separated he can do his own laundry
No he should be able to do his own laundry however make sure you have communicated that to him and see if he needs you to show him how. You’d be surprised what people don’t know how to do when they’ve never had to learn. You can be civil and firm at the same time
It isn’t your job to do your exs laundry!
He can do it himself he’s a grown man defo not in the wrong
Nope. He can do his own!!!
Lol there is no separation when you still live together. Not possible
Your separated, you 100% should not be doing anything for him otherwise you might as well be still together and if you do everything for him he’ll never move out
Even if u were together, his laundry is NOT your responsibility! He is a grown man. And especially now that your separated. I would let them sit there and grow cob webs before I put another thought into it.
He should cook his own meals clean up after hisself do his own laundry and food shopping you are not his wife or maid
. Your separated but do his laundry.?! Just no.
He can do his own laundry.
Wow. That is exactly what i went through in my last marriage. Besides other things, laziness was one of the biggest issues. I did the same thing. Laundry was one thing that if i didnt do his, only affected him. It may be petty, however you are not his maid or mom. He is a grown man and should act like it. Unfortunately, you cant make another person grow up. I tried for years. We are finally divorced. He only has supervised visits because of other reasons. The only reason he is clean even is because he is being forced to to be able to see his kids. I hope it goes better for you than it did for me. Hope at the end, i am happily remarried with full custody of my kids and a new baby on the way. Life can suck and be very hard, but God is good and it got better.
Take care of yourself and kids. He’s not your kid.
Hes a roommate. You treat him as such.
It’s fair. He wants relationship treatment without the relationship? Nahhh
If your husband is still living with you then why not do his laundry with yours. Your playing the role of a wife still! I always do my husband’s laundry!
Once he is gone then it’s over!
It’s your ex, if goes out naked because he didn’t do his laundry then he be naked. You should have kicked him out already…
You’re separated why would you do anything for him. If he had his own place to live would you go over there and wash his clothes and cook his food?
I don’t have to worry about meeting a looser. The all seem to be already taken on this site. Run run
He is a grown adult, he can take care of himself and his own laundry. Why would you do it for him?? You are not his mother.
He’s not your responsibility anymore. Just because you are still living under the same roof. You’re not his mother. Dude needs to grow up
He can wash his own “jockeys”. You wouldn’t do his laundry if he didn’t live in the same house, you guys have agreed to separate.
I never did my roommates laundry in college, or after I moved in with friends….so no you shouldn’t do his either. He wants to go and be on his own he needs to learn to do it on his own
He should be doing everything for himself for himself. U are separated he is just living under the same roof. He is now a room mate. He needs to sort himself out and also help with his kids
You are separated! You don’t get wife benefits when you are no longer together. Especially if you are a lazy POS.
You don’t do anything for him. It speeds up his moving out.
. Do nothing for him
You are not in a r’ship. Meaning you are housemates, do housemates do each other’s personal washing? No! So you are completely in the right there!
You’re not wrong . He can wash his own disgusting gonch
No he is supposed to be doing his own washing & looking after himself if he is not with you he has to do it "
Bloody right! Let him do it!
Absolutely. He’s a grown ass man
I wouldn’t cook for him either… He’s no longer your responsibility. The longer you babysit him… the less he’ll get out… Truly Women do too much for men…
I wouldn’t do his laundry either if he isn’t helping out around the house
If you two are separated then no you are not being petty! He is a grown man and you are no longer his wife so you do not need to be washing his clothes!
Dudes be out here expecting relationship benefits without the work of a relationship
You’re not being petty