Lose the cheating, jealous boyfriend!! He is too insecure. Keep the friendship…
No, it’s all about control for him.
Keep the friend. Drop the douche canoe.
If this friend does like you and your partner has seen it then he has every right being upset and asking you to not speak to them being YOUR partner and to tell you he doesn’t feel comfortable with you two talking. Doesn’t matter how long you have known this person, it’s basically like talking to your ex CLEARLY he can tell that this “friend” likes you in more than a friend or he wouldn’t be saying anything especially after he said he got over it my ex still wanted me after getting into another relationship and even though some are still friends with an ex I stopped talking to him out of respect for my partner, he doesn’t talk to any of his ex’s out of respect for me no matter how long he’s know them for
Keep your friend, leave your BF an ex, if the problem wasn’t fixed the first time, it wont work this time either.
He is only paranoid about your friend because he is one cheating in you!!! The guilty ones always accuse!!!
Yes. But not for what you’re asking. You’re an asshole for treating your friend like a convenience when he had done nothing to warrant your “boyfriends” jealousy.
On another note people project the things they do wrong onto their partners, most likely his jealousy stemed from his own guilt because he’s probably been cheating the whole time. You’re wasting your time with this one, f*ck him off.
No he is definitely the A-hole
No your not wrong .good for you for standing your ground you shouldn’t have to give up your best friend for his insecurities .
Girl throw that man away and find yourself one that inst so insecure with themselves. He is the problem here not you. He had an issue with your best friend for years with no proof that he actually liked you. Then cheats on you and still thinks he can dictate who you can hangout with? No no no… Dudes got to go and stay gone. You’ll be so much happier without him
He’s a controlling jerk. He had a whole other girlfriend and relationship. But your friend is the problem?
He just wants to cut you off from other people so you don’t have confidence and self worth with support from someone who really cares about you.
Keep your friend. Kick the “boyfriend” with the guilty ass conscience, cause he’s a lying, cheating scumbad, to the curb.
You’re not the a-hole.
Nta dump the dude keep the best friend. I’ve had my best friend for damn near 30 years. He’s been by my side through good and bad he’s an uncle to my kids he gave me away at my wedding. He’s close to my husband he even lived with us for awhile. Best friends are forever. You don’t need a lying cheater.
Bf is an immature ass. Let him go
Your best friend was there BEFORE your boyfriend. You’re boyfriend is only trying to blame you because he is the guilty one! Dump your boyfriend and keep the best friend! Btw YOU ARE NOT the asshole. Your controlling boyfriend is!
Relationships are all about trust. Sounds to me that your boyfriend doesn’t trust you, or your best friend. It also sounds to me that your boyfriend has insecurities, which are causing him to be jealous, and sounds to me that he isn’t fully committed to you and your relationship if he had an affair… and now has taken off again (more than likely back into the arms of his other gf).
If it was a choice between your boyfriend, and your best friend, I would say to you to choose the one person that means the most to you, and then respect that relationship enough to honor the other person by being considerate of their feelings.
Let the boyfriend go, he only accused you of an improper relationship with your best friend because only a cheater thinks they are being cheated (for no damn earthly reason). Honey, life is out there just waiting on you. You do not want to marry that idiot, so let him go! You deserve someone who is always faithful.
kick the boyfriend to the curb and start f=dating your bedst friend
I’m gonna let you on a little secret, the time he started throwing at accusations at your best friend was probably about the time he started entertaining other females. He was full fledge cheating by the time you had your baby. That’s why he snapped on you and disappeared for 2 days. He’s ALWAYS going to project his bull on you. I also want to say that you’re lucky that your best friend is willing to be friends with you again. I’m not gonna lie, if I was your best friend after you stopped contact for the second time, I would’ve been done with the friendship.
Stand up for yourself, the only reason he is pissy is because he can’t control you. Let the narcissist go. I speak with experience, you will be better off!
You need to leave your boyfriend you’ve known your best friend longer
Your boyfriend is controlling and attempting to isolate you. He is projecting his own guilt about cheating onto you as well. Cut your boyfriend loose!
nahhhh leave his ass
Keep the Best friend.
Don’t lose your best friend.
Six weeks of couple’s therapy is just the BEGINNING of couple’s therapy. You two need to continue going if this relationship is going to have a chance.
I’m also curious why you’re not married after 7 years together and a 5 year old son. It sounds as though he wants to keep a door open.
Focus on what’s best for your son. He hears and sees ALL at 5, especially the stuff you discuss when you think he’s asleep. You’re both teaching him how to be a boyfriend, man, husband, and father. Kids repeat over 90% of what their parents do, so you two need to clean up this mess quickly.
Your not wrong. He’s projecting. When he’s cheating or thinking about it he starts trash talking your best friend. Lose the boyfriend
Your boy friend is a creep
My husband wouldn’t even let me drive thru a drive thru to let ppl see my kid.
Don’t miss out on good times anymore for some one who doesn’t care just wants to control u
You should have left him when you found out he cheated. His whole problem is he thinks because he is a cheat that you will do the same.
He’s the asshole manipulative controlling and cheating on u
His insecurities were because he was the one playing up! And even after the fact he still wants your relationship with your childhood friend to end??? Tell him to get out and take his immature mindset with him YOU keep that best friend. Good friends are hard to find.
NTAH in this situation. It sucks when you get rid of your support system and after everything you’re left alone.
Your boyfriend is controlling you and attempting to isolate you! He was saying those things about your best friend because he was guilty of being the cheater. I wouldn’t give him a 3rd chance. He’s had 2 chances and both times he proved who he really is. He’s someone that wants complete control of who you can and can’t be around. No one should ever be able to control another person’s friendships. You’re better off without him. Him leaving to “THINK” of you should continue with the relation ship is his way of trying to control / manipulate you. Don’t allow him to do so. He’s toxic. Also your best friend has proven to you what a real friend is, he has forgiven you and given you several chances to be apart of his life. Don’t hurt him because your boyfriend is a douche.
Nope. Keep the best friend/support and ditch the sleezy bf
He has used your best friend as an excuse to cheat on you and make you feel bad about it.
Dump him and move on besides he cheated on you so why would you want him back anyway ?
Don’t ever go back to a cheating partner!!!
Ur not kidding anyone you have a crush on ur BFF no wonder why ur bf is pissed smh
Cheaters are always insecure that their partner is doing the same. You’re not the problem, you child’s father is ! Cut HIM off, done and dusted. You and your babe deserve better.
If their ain’t a ring on your finger, your boyfriend can f.u.c.k off! Your partner is looking and making excuses to explain hid behaviour…
My ex blamed everything he wanted to change on his cheating. Because hed then expect me to change it or he’d still have an excuse. Not seeing his sister enough (4 hours traveling each way), me being too close to my own sister which was an ongoing issue and came up in every fight, him not getting enough BJ’s. . . There was alot of sexual controlling and abusive aspects to that relationship.
Honestly he sounds like a controlling man child. I would get out if you don’t want to carry on like this. Once I left my ex husband I realised how much he controlled everything
Nope. Maybe his issue is his guilt as he’s the one cheating… and likely hasn’t stopped… It sounds like his jealousy started when he started cheating.
He guilty conscious was the reason he has accused you for what he was already doing. It the dumbest shit a man could ever do. He cheated, therefore he will always think you are doing it and he will accuse you so he can play victim and make you out to be the bad guy. You should have ran along time ago and never looked back. 1) never let a man (AND one you are NOT married to ) control who your friends are. You will never have a healthy relationship with that man. Walk away, let of his toxic ass, and learn to love yourself first. You are alot stronger then you think and you don’t need him. I think you already know you could do alot better then that. Find the man you deserve who you will never have to question how loyalty! Good luck either way !
Nah- say see ya!!
Fuck him and his bullshit. Hahaha he can have an affair but you can’t have a best friend?? Ummm nope. He’s fucked and keep him on the kerb. You can do so much better then him xo
Keep the best friend dump the boyfriend. He is very inmature and jealous and probably cheating on you!
Absolutely not. If you can’t see how controlling he is and getting jealous so quickly over a child hood best friend of yours then he is the problem not your friend! He can make you think your friend is the problem but he isn’t it’s your boyfriend, he’s quiet insecure and clearly doesn’t trust you.
He’s your BOYFRIEND not HUSBAND and he cheated (probably goes to her every time he disappears) ,he doesn’t love you enough to consider your feelings
Projection! Accusing you of something he was doing.
If I learned one thing in a 7 year relationship and many kids later is NEVER to stop talking to my best friend and I will never do what I once did again …18 years that man (bff) has been my rock and I’ll always appreciate and put him first than any dick.
I can tell you my husbands so called girl bestfriend was and is absolutely in love with him. Maybe you can’t tell but everyone around you can. He can talk to her do whatever, when we are all together. But alone F NO!
He’s cheated an still calling the shots !! I’d be surprised if your still your friends best friend after you’ve dumped him everytine your boyfriend has sed so , I can’t beleve cheek of some men ,the fact he’s controling an cheating is what ruined a relationship not a friend
The bestie was in your life first don’t push him out because of a control freak
Keep the best friend…trash the other.
Wow, what a loser.
You can’t have a platonic male best friend but he can have a whole other relationship whilst in one with you at the same time? Noooo way. Leave him!
Keep the best friend hunni
Your best friend has put up with a lot , don’t do it to him again you could lose him for good and it sounds to me like your relationship is unstable , I’d have him gone your fella he sounds horrendous to be honest , keep your friend and move forward with your life x
Guilty conscience on the boyfriends part that’s the problem! Kick his ass to the curb!
You need to get out of that controling relationship and rekindle the relationship with your best friend. You’ll find someone who truly love you and accepts your best friend as part of your life
Why are we sounding as if we don’t know what some of these our so called besties are capable of? When you’re ready for a smooth relationship you will start knowing your boundaries with that ur Bestie.
Narcisstic boyfriend made you insecure, remove this bastard from your life, take your kids, and find new secure place where your best friend can come to visit!!!
Curious - any reason he knows he may not be able to father kids? Since he got weird after you got pregnant? Maybe what tripped his trigger.
You’re not an asshole and if he can’t handle your friend, then you need to decide who’s really more important to you. Only you can decide that and make the choice of what to sacrifice.
Your boyfriend is an ahole. And so are you to your “best” friend that you dump when things are going good for you and “reconnect” with when you need someone. Js
I had a best friend that was male, my then Boy friend welcomed him with open arms (said boyfriend is now my husband). They laughed together more than we did, my husband is amazing and the right person will just accept your friendships, male or female. Sadly my friend passed away last year, but I am so grateful for the time we all had together. True friendship is precious as is an un judging love. I don’t think he is your man. All the best x
He’s cheated on you and still trying to control what you do with your life I’m sorry to say he would have been gone along time ago, sort of when he started slobbering about your Best friend that should of give red flag, guilty written all over it. Hope you get it all sorted. My best advise would be to stay away from him believe me you’ll be far happier!
your boyfriend is the ass hole.
Bf needs to stay gone. Controlling, possessive and a cheater. Nope
As I was reading I said to myself he’s cheating‼️ That’s y he gets so angry n is so insecure bc he thinks u’re doing the exact same thing with ur bf behind his back! Which that’s just guilt he’s having n feeling. I wouldn’t give up my long time friend for him. He was there before u even knew him! He’s with his other woman so let him stay with her n please don’t go for the okie-doke n take him back!
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Keep your best friend
Let your man go he’s not worth keeping xxx
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He needs to grow up, it is his insecurities that made this happen
Waste off space red flag let him go and stay gone
Your not the asshole. You bf or ex is an ass and is trying to control, manipulate and gaslight your into loading contact with someone he sees as a threat simply because it’s another male around and he knows then that he won’t be able to manipulate you privately.
You aren’t the asshole! He needs to stay gone - you don’t need that negativity in your life!
Pick your best friend over the husband this time, hes a cheat and liar so dont deserve you
Honestly, yeah you are the asshole… for treating your “best friend” like shit. At this point, that’s not your best friend (maybe they think of you like that, because they keep accepting this from you) but you need to realize what you are giving up to be with a loser. A friend who will always forgive you no matter what, or a lying cheating piece of shit ?? Shouldn’t take much to decide that. Just because you have a kid with this man, does not mean you have to accept this kind of controlling, manipulative, and narcissistic behavior. Leave him and admit your wrongs to your friend, because if I was him, I wouldn’t have forgiven you anymore because it’s an ongoing thing. He is choosing you over and over again and you, in return, are punishing him for it. Make it make sense please? Love really makes you blind. You need a person in your life that will tell you this shit.
Good for you,let him go n keep walking
You’re doing the right thing
Leaving them to pile up is the least you can do for his sorry self!
Y’all are roommates so he needs to do his part
You are absolutely right!!
I think your being fair. A grown man should be able to wash his own laundry.
Good for you for standing your ground ! You are being totally fair ! Time for him to grow up !
If you aren’t together, you aren’t obligated to do anything for him. He is a grown man and is capable of doing his own laundry.
Uh fair lol one of my old coworkers who is still MARRIED doesn’t do her husband’s laundry because he never helps do laundry at all. He’s a grown adult, he can handle his own laundry.
He made his choice. Make him wash his own crap.
You’re not his mom. Seems fair to me.
Nope at this point he is a roommate and y’all are not together so he can wash his own things, periodt!
If on my laundry day my husband’s clothes are by washer and not spread out I wash them but for the most part he will wash his own usely at night after the rest of the house is asleep
Completely fair you have enough to do you don’t need to be taking care of a roommates stuff
I’ve gone on laundry strike & even told my husband & he thought I was joking until he woke up to no clean work shirts. He learned
Ummmmmm. No ma’am hes a grown single man he needs to clean cook and do his own. You are not responsible.
Nope!! At this point he’s pretty much a room mate so he can do his own stuff!!
I only do my husbands laundry if he puts it in our hamper, even then I don’t fold it for him if it ends up in his dirty clothes pile in front of his closet he can do it his dang self, I’m not hunting down his clothes. He knows that. And every 2-3 weeks panic wash’s everything cuz he has no clothes
I would not do my exs clothes.
If your not in a relationship, just look at him and tell him, your not a maid, and tell him do his laundry
Separated or not he’s an adult who can clean his own clothes. Dunno why people feel that’s mainly a women’s responsibility. You want your clothes clean, wash em yourself
Give it time might take him a min but He’ll catch on when he has no clean clothes. He gonna learn ta day!
U r just living together no longer dating. You have no obligations to him. Stay strong
Nope. Not together not your responsibility.