At this point he is a roommate and no longer your responsibility.
When you separated is when he should have started taking care of his own crap. He’s lucky you let him live there because I would have kicked his ass out.
Don’t do his dirty work for him.
If you’re not together n he wants it done he can pay you
If your not together then nooooooo
You need to tell him what’s going on and that his laundry (and everything else he needs to be doing) is up to him from here on out.
He needs to learn that he is not with you so he is supposed to take over doing his own laundry ect ect He is going to have to do it when he gets his own home so he might as well start now
When they are lazy, do it yourself!!
You aren’t together so why the hell would you be doing his laundry?
He will eventually figure it out, sounds like a child. Don’t do it, he must get over his own laziness, however how likely is he to go looking for his own place if he is to lazy to even do his own laundry ???
Sounds fair to me. When he gets his own place he will have to do his own laundry and more.
Nope not petty keep doing what your doing! Your not together anymore he can do his own cooking and cleaning
Honestly, id do the same
Maybe a simple comment from you saying that he has a lot of laundry piling up so he needs to take care of it . Hopefully he will make the connection regarding his jockeys whereabouts . Stick to your boundaries . Pray he finds a place to go soon .
Screw all that stupid drama separated or not his crap would be washed by himself or thrown out the door by me . Lazy dont live in my home !!!
If you’re not together why would you do his laundry?
Why not just tell him you arent washing his shit anymore? You arent together anymore, there’s no reason you need to.
Me I put all his dirty clothes in a hamper in his room and sign said dirty clothes and tell him we’re not together got to do your own laundry not your maid anymore I would also put on the sign you need to go buy your laundry soap and fabric softener take yours and hide it
Stand your ground. Never tolerate laziness. If he’s old enough to make a baby, he’s old enough to do his chores, laundry included.
Oh no way. If you’s are separated, he pays half of everything, does his own laundry, buys his own food, washes his own dishes…everything.
Oh come morning he get a ride awaking
Talks brave when alcohol is used eh
Nope. He shouldn’t have brought a party him without consulting you. I would’ve kicked them all out. Lol
Hell no. Put your foot down and tell those people to get the hell out. Tell your husband he can leave too if he doesn’t like it. He should’ve known better than to bring a group of strangers home with his children sleeping.
No, you’re not wrong and your feelings are valid. I’d have very calmly opened the door and said “ nice meeting everyone, thanks for coming. The kids are in bed and we have work early in the morning. We might do this another time.”
You don’t owe that to them, but sometimes being kind to people that aren’t in their right minds works better than much else I’m sorry
Hell no you’re not! He definitely is the problem
He needs grow the fuck up🤬
i would’ve been the bitchy wife soon as that stranger entered my bedroom and they all would’ve gotten kicked out! your husbands a inconsiderate jerk.
You’re way nicer than me. I would have told them all to leave before they even walked in the door. My SO knows better than to bring ANYONE over before calling me. There wouldn’t be any argument either. I would have just told them to leave and if he got mad he could leave with them.
I think it’s pretty clear who is in the wrong here. His behavior was not at all appropriate. I recommend talking to him about it when he’s sober.
Record him… then show him the next day just how much of a tw*t he was… and tell him to never do that again… no respect for u on so many levels xxxxx
Nope! He’s defentily the asshole. I would have told them all to leave no matter what my husband said.
I would have freaked out! It’s rude he didn’t consult with you. He also should not be comfortable bringing strangers home to a house with his children. I would have thrown them all out!
I woulda kicked them all out and him as well.
I would of lost my shit on him infront of his friends.
Tell them all to piss off!!!
I would have walked into the room they were in and told them all to leave!!! Unacceptable!
I’m gonna tell you right now I don’t see your marriage lasting. Not because of you but 1000% because of him. Good luck.
I wouldn’t of ever let those people into my house. Like no that’s irresponsible of him as a husband and a father. If he wanted to have fun he should of done it before settling down
i would have gone to a hotel at his expense or called the police to have them exterminated from the house
No he sounds like a real asshole
My Husband that I absolutely adore and cherishes me beyond comprehension is different when he drinks… His usual attentiveness and consideration goes right out the window and he’s not even much of a drinker at all: if barely call him a social drinker.
Alcohol is meant to have an effect on us… It’s just not always a favourable effect for most.
He’s definitely a jerk and should have more consideration for you and your children.
He needs to grow tf up.
Y’all have small children. He either respects that or he should live by himself.
This has to be a joke…omg.
I would have not been nice I go out to my living room and smile let hubby know he has kid duty of kids wake up.
Grab the kids and go to familys house. He still wants his single party days let him have it. He’s already made his choice
No he’s the inconsiderate asshat in my opinion
You were still trying to sleep, while your toddler kids were awake, with a house full of strangers and your husband is belligerently drunk?
But your main concern is if you’re an asshole or not?
That’s a dangerous, reckless and completely avoidable situation to place your children in.
Judging from these posts, I don’t have to say anything…well said folks…
Trust me you are nowhere near an asshole. I would have gladly been the bitchy wife from the moment he said he was bringing them to the house and every single one of them would have known how pissed I was.
No your not but men are selfish xx
Oh they would not still be there
What a irresponsible inconsiderate immature douchbag. That would be a hell no for me
Used to happen to me, when I had to work.
I’ve called the cops and had my husband thrown in the “drunk tank” for 12 hours and was driven back home after he sobered up forcefully lol I don’t need to deal with anyone like that in our home, I especially won’t deal with him all hammered. Rather him be safe than drinking and possibly driving after I kick him out. I’m an asshole thou so idc
I’d be out-
Of course it sounds vaguely familiar from what I left.
Narcissistic behavior only changes during self reflection, if he’s incapable of admitting he was in the wrong he’s not going to change behavior
Many many issues with what you said. I hate drunk people. Worse yet the fact that he needs to bring people back with him when he has a wife and kids. I hate immature people who collect shoes and yell and act nuts because they are drunk. You are NOT the jerk. He’s an immature guy who can’t hold his drink and has to surround himself with other idiots . I would try to talk to him when he’s sober and explain how what happened is rude and disrespectful and he need to have a plan b especially if you have kids and a job. Hopefully he can see things from your perspective but once he gets loaded he will forget. Good luck.
He’s in the 100% wrong. Sounds like he had no consideration for you or the kids.
You’re husband is the asshole.
He knows he is in the wrong! That is why he is so loud and rude!
Open the front door and tell them all to get tf out and if he don’t like that tell him to leave as well.
No he’s the ass hole.
Nah, he’s an inconsiderate asshole
He’d be too busy caring for the kids he just woke up to worry about partying he can go ahead and be mad if I got work in the morning
Why didn’t you just go tell everyone to leave then tell hubby sleep on the couch if he’s going to start shit.
This sounds like me 18 years ago. I latter found out my husband cheated on me with someone in the group.
Ha jokes on him after being divorced now for 17 yrs I have an amazing husband and a great life. Checking off those bucket list items.
Thats just my experience I could have wrote this with a different ending.
I wish you the very best in whatever you do in life .
Let me just say, I would have left lol.
No he’s very selfish . ???I won’t say what .talk bout taking the Mick .didn’t even give you a thought .you go out let him look after the kids to give you a break see how he likes it xx
Um no. He should have known to ask you first. I’d tell them that you did not allow it and have them sent back to wherever, and that he can go with them. You don’t need him around if he’s going to act like that. He knows you have kids and should have asked you first since it’s your house. When he’s not drunk, both of you need to site down and talk it out. Tell him you don’t appreciate what happened and that he needs to ask first. That it’s your house and you had just got the kids to bed but then he and his roudy friends came and were so loud, the kids couldn’t sleep. If it happens again, have him make the ultimate decision.
Kick them all out of ur house the husband included girl be that bitchy wife as u put it. Kick them out ur home
I would of just took the kids and left
I’d kick him out. He’s too immature
My husband would have flew out the front door with his guests.
No you are absolutely not.
Do not leave YOUR home! Tell him to tell his workmates that the party is over. If he don’t like it tell him to go too.
You are not the asshole. He is.
That’s beyond disrespectful on his part
Hell no you aren’t the asshole he needs to respect you and your home. If that means just letting you go to bed and saying hey guys sorry can’t be a late night my family needs to function then he needs a wake up call.
I would have walked out there and told everyone it was time to leave now. I would’ve gone full Karen, called the cops if I need to and put his drunk ass to bed. So disrespectful on his part.
Your husband sounds like a dick
Ummm I would be absolutely livid if my boyfriend did that to me. I’d be telling everyone to get the f- out of my house because we don’t bring whole ass parties home when the kids are trying to sleep.
I would not tolerate it. Kick all his work friends out, if they won’t go, call the cops, if husband acts a fool have them take him too. Make sure you have a sitter, to go to work.
You are NOT the asshole, definitely not. What an absolute prick of a husband, I know partners, male and female, when drunk can be a bit disrespectful to their partners but the fact that your husband showed total disrespect for his kids and didn’t care at all that they were in bed for the night, shows him up as a total scumbag who doesn’t care about anybody but himself
He’s the one in the wrong… If you have his credit card, take that next time and go stay in a hotel with the kids and have some good rest. Then come back in the morning and tell him to make sure to clean up his mess.
Helllll no. The minute they all showed up I would’ve told them BYEEEEEE. That is so rude and disrespectful. It sounds like a 21 year old. How old is he? Either way that’s ridiculous. If this kind of behavior happens all the time then honestly he needs to quit or you need to reevaluate your marriage. You don’t deserve that and your kids definitely don’t. What if one of those people attacked you or the children?
I wouldn’t have gone to bed. I would tell them all to leave. It’s your house, too.
Different kind of relationship, BUT, I had a roommate that pulled that bs with me. I locked my bedroom door, got really comfy, then called the cops for underage drinking:rofl: no one was actually underage, but it got the cops there pretty quickly and a few people went to jail:woman_shrugging:t4:
Get ya firm voice out and tell them to leave or go into the garage. You got work in the morning and kids need to sleep too. U don’t need to leave.
You’re def not n the wrong!! He 100% is!! Very selfish of him & disrespectful to the children & you !
I’m sorry you’re dealing w/this!!
He is being very disrespectful to you and your kids and the entire house I would have told everyone the party is over you don’t have to go home but you can’t saty here as I have little ones who needs to get in bed and thank you for understanding and make his ass sleep on the couch or better yet the garage because had this been my husband and it has been before I simply lay the law down my home is not his party place you want to party go to your buddies house and let his wife put up with all your asses and let me know how that works out for ya
Go to the bedroom and just stay in there. Take the kids with you. If you can lock the door do so. Watch TV or something and try to ignore the noise. That is absolutely rude of your husband knowing you had plans and that you have to work tomorrow.
You have every right to be upset, you have children and a job also and he obviously is too immature to respect you or them. You are right to not fight with him when he is drunk, but when he sobers up, I would let him have it. Tell him to go have all the fun he wants, but not at your or your children’s expense.
Oh fuck no. Id be so pissed. They can ALL leave. Husband can sleep in the car for the night
How can you stay married to a drunk who doesn’t seem to give a hoot about you?
Sounds like a Doucette llmao
All these posts today of women with little boys for husbands makes me sad. He sounds like an immature brat. You’re not in the wrong. Even if you didn’t work in the morning, the respectful thing would have been to ask before inviting random people over. Especially since there are young children in the house