How do you tell another woman her husband cheated?

If I knew the wife personally I’d tell her and have proof when doing so. If she’s just a coworker’s wife and not someone I know outside of that I’d leave it be.


Don’t listen to these people. How stupid can other women be? Oh my freaking god. There’s a part of you that says it’s wrong and makes you want to inform her? YESS, that’s the fucking girl code. You see a women being done wrong, you do what you can to FIX IT! If we saw another one getting abused and called names, I know which one of you guys would be walking past and who would be stopping to help or call the police :joy: you guys need to do better for yourself, for your kids, for your fucking family. Don’t be the nasty manipulative fuck hiding it from her. If she knows, then guess what? SHE ALREADY FUCKING KNEW, NO HARM, NO FOUL. But if she doesn’t? You’re just gonna let her sit there and continue to get her heart broken for years? Yeah, to those women saying “leave it be” I sincerely hope y’all get cheated on and your marriage / relationships are ruined. Because guess what, if you were in that position you’d want another B* to tell you also. Not keep it to herself. Because guess what honey, this is 2021. It’s not 2013, we don’t hide shit from people and stab them in the back. As I said, LEARN TO DO BETTER

Don’t mind your business tell her …once you tell her then she knows but she has a right to know what if he’s doing more than even you know. What if she has suspicion but nothing to go on. You might be helping her get out of a bad situation. She might be completely clueless and he could catch an std at anytime and God forbid it’s something incurable. Deff tell her. Helps to have proof but once you tell her balls in her court.

Oh hell no stay in ur lane by the looks of it you don’t even know her that well to say something u need to mind your own business take care of ur own


Don’t be surprised if she gets mad at you. In my experience I have always been the one to catch my friends so cheating. It never fails why me. I actually was walking out a restaurant and someone held the door I turn around and it’s my mom’s so w another person on a date. I also caught my friends bf at a stop sign w another girl in his truck he was taking home he was my neighbor. Everytime I told them they would get mad . I would have pics but never showed them. They even acted like I was lying. Like why tho. I wouldn’t do it on fb. U Might want to be discreet and include it in a letter or email that doesn’t attach ur name to it. If she find out u knew and didn’t say a word that’s going to cause trouble too.

I told once. It backfired on me. I’ll never get involved in other peoples problems again


Its not your place. Stay out of ppl business. If your wrong the fight between them is your falut


I would definitely want to know.


If you don’t have proof she probably won’t believe you. Get proof then get a different email or phone number and send anon.


I would want to know. I feel like reaching out via Facebook is fine. Tell her, then move on.
Ignore the ladies saying MYOB.


Some of yall are ridiculous. I have been that other spouse. I had no clue woke up to messages screenshots from the girls spouse even with all that and the other husband having her admit it over voice messages my ex tried to deny it. I didnt shoot the messager but he gave me 110% proof. My ex use to do anything amd everything for me I would have never known maybe later on down the road but definitely not anytime soon around when we happened! Just make sure you have 100% proof before you do say anything


Soo many on here saying don’t say anything… Why! Why can’t we speak up when we see this? As long as it’s true and you can prove it. We need to make speaking up a thing.


Say something :woman_shrugging:she deserves to know. She probably might have an idea already just no solid proof. You the proof tell her!


Get proof & then send it to her. She may get mad/not believe you but that’s a normal reaction from anyone. We don’t want to believe our SO would do that - that’s just natural. But if I was that woman I’d want to be told - then after that it’s up to her.

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I would want to know tell her!

If it doesn’t concern you. Mind your business


Make sure you’re 100% right, you do not want to cause trouble. Get proof before you do anything.

Once you can prove it? If messanger is the only way, then go for it.

Don’t let someone suffer for years in blind ignorance. They’re going to be more hurt down the road than they would be now, with less time having passed.


I would want to know… :woman_shrugging:

Have the proof first since y’all don’t know each other.


Stay quiet, and pray for both of them. She will eventually find out. Just be a friend when the shoe drops.

I’ve been an wished someone would’ve told me

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First off how do you know he is cheating? Is he cheating with you? I say tell her but get solid proof. A simple picture of him out to eat with a female is not enough. This could be a friend or coworker that the wife knows about and he could’ve told her they’re at a local diner grabbing a bite to eat. Yeah men can be slick like that and half ass tell stuff. If you see them heading into a motel get video. If you see them tonguing each other down and feeling all over each other video it. Get as much evidence as you can. If there’s anything specific on a body part only his doctor and wife should know such as a tattoo or mole or piercing near the genitals and that is known point that out. Yes you should definitely tell his wife, but like I said have proof. Don’t go telling the wife “your husband is spending a lot of times with this woman” or “he flirts”.

Not your place. Stay in your lane.


that’s a hard one, depends on if you have proof. I told a wife when I was asked point blank by her, but I told what I knew. the husband was running and into drugs. he needed help. he was mad and confronted me, I don’t regret I would hope the same.

I wouldn’t say anything unless you have proof or it will cause a lot of drama at work and home, but maybe try to reach out to her see if she needs a friend she may already think somethings not right


Okay, I now have to question all of these “yes queen, help hold the other lady’s crown up”… “yes, we ladies have to stick together and have each other’s back” because I’m surely NOT seeing that here. I’m that one who my friends openly know, DO NOT CHEAT, or I’m going to let your SO know. I’ve been there so many times and that shit hurts especially when all of your friends know and don’t tell you. If you know and have the evidence in hand, she needs to know. This going behind other’s backs, is why the HIV rate is so high. This going behind other’s backs is why society is beyond screwed up now - that and social media! I would want to know if my SO was cheating so I can let that man go. I am too busy doing adult shit to have to worry about a toxic, and yes toxic, because diseases are rampant these days because of THIS EXACT REASON, ass man who can’t keep his junk zipped. Most of the time it’s the best friends doing that nastiness. I would want to know if it was me :woman_shrugging:

These people saying it’s not your place please tell her she deserves to know. I would want to know x


Get lots of proof then talk.

I would get proof then tell her. Some of these women telling you to mind your business are wrong. I would want to know. We as women are supposed to build each other up and support each other.


Why do you " want her to know", are you the first he HAD an affair with ? How does this affect you ?

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If I was being cheated on I would want to know, the problem is a lot of women get pissed off, think your lying, or they don’t care. They will get madder at you than at their man!
Never understood that mentality.
But I’m telling anyway because I’m gonna get off my conscience.
If It’s a friend I loose for being honest about her shitty partner than I truly wasn’t her friend to begin with so it’s not a big loss.
Even if i don’t know her, she has the right to know.
Honestly don’t think I could live with my conscience if I didn’t say something.

All these people who are saying “it’s not your place” are def the ones cheating/would cheat on their spouse given the chance. I’ve been on the other side of a cheating significant other. I was blissfully unaware and looked STUPID because I thought our relationship was perfect. I WISH someone would’ve told me and I wouldn’t have wasted months with a dude who was screwing around while I was imagining our future. Ew.


Just tell her, I would want to know. The father of my 3 girls cheated while I was pregnant with our second daughter. It woulda been nice to know before I went and had a third child by him.

This is hard because as female id like to know but also hes going to gaslight and tell her you’re lying blah blah blah because she don’t know you and it may cause you issues unless you have solid proof


My kids dad cheated on his wife. Someone downloaded a fake text app and texted her. she Still dont know who it was today. .I hope someone would do it for me also

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Just tell her. If you have proof definitely show her. If you don’t I would tell her to look into it. I would definitely want people to tell me If my husband has been cheating on me.

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As someone who was once that woman - TELL HER. I was so thankful to the woman who finally had enough balls to do it. Even if you don’t have proof, it will put it on her radar to be looking out for - even if she says there is no way he would do that. Now she has a seed in the back of her head and she will be on the lookout. Of course, if you have actual proof that would be best. Personally I would make an anonymous FaceBook account and message her if you still work with him. If you message her directly and she knows who you are, and you still work with him that could create loads of problems.

Never ends well for the one who tells. I know for a fact. They forgive and you are the one they blame for causeing them problems


If you feel the need to tell her, send an anonymous letter. That way no trouble for you at work

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My first daughters dad cheated and no one told me but plenty of people knew I found out when I caught him with a friend at another friends house wish I had been told ,would a lot of you be telling her it’s not her business if it was your man doing the dirty???.


Why would you have the need to destroy another person


I am assuming it is a former coworker. If it isn’t…keep out of it because it could cause issues at work. Also make sure you have proof or your efforts will be wasted

Not enough info to give the best advice…

Is it an open marriage?
Are you the one he is cheating with?
Do you have actual evidence and not hear say?
How do you know the couple?
You know him but not her?

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Stay out of it and mind your own buisness is the best way to deal with this situation


Emotional bs is rough but what if he brings her home STDs . Not all have cures. I’d wanna know


Don’t do it unless you have actual proof.

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Doesn’t matter just reach out


If you only have heard it, put a bug in her ear. If he’s bragged about it, tell her anything he said. If you have proof TELL HER IMMEDIATELY and try to be gentle


Mind your business is the way to go here.


I would message her over facebook if you have any proof send it to her all at once


I Would attempt to tell her n do the Right thing because, I would want to know if my partner was cheating on me but you have to be prepared that she might not believe you… With no evidence and, not knowing you. She might believe her husband over you but the truth always prevails it will come to the light always does.


If you don’t know the woman, stay out of it. It is none of your business.


If you have proof then tell her


I would want to know. But I would also want some proof.


She probably already knows. You need to leave it alone


If i was that other woman ummm hell yea tell me ! Personally i would not want to be the the wife who has a cheating husband its better to say what he is doing to.leave and move on than letting him keep on cheating


I’m surprised some of you are actually telling her to mind her own?? What if that was your husband deceiving you and someone knew about it but decided not to tell you? That would be absolutely humiliating. Just message her on Facebook and if you have proof send her that as well. Just tell her as a women you would hope someone would tell you which is why you are reaching out. Good luck.


I was in a relationship with a cheater for 10 years. He cheated on me several times with several women over the course of 5 years. I wasted so much time and the sting of it being 10 years was even worse. I wish one of the women had reached out and told me. At least I’d have been warned. I was completely naive and didn’t know because he was so good at hiding it. It came down to him having a relationship with a coworker and he wanted more freedom to have her come over. At first he told me he was unhappy because of me, not admitting he was cheating until a year later. If I’d had known it would have been so much easier to leave him and less painful. I blamed myself for the whole year we went through the split. I was in therapy twice a week to find out what was wrong with me and on 4 depression medications. After i finally was moving out he changed his mind and told me he wanted me to stay (because his new gf left him). He said it wasn’t me or our kids making him miserable. He had been cheating. The second he told me that i felt a release from my chest. All that pain i let build up thinking it was me and our kids making him unhappy just left. I had no more love for him and it solidified my desire to leave. I shared this because i know what it’s like being in the dark for so long. Even if she doesn’t leave him (if he says he’ll stop etc…) she’ll at least be aware and know what to watch out for in the future. Or hopefully she’ll just leave. The only advice is be 100% sure he’s cheating and give her solid proof. Saying she probably already knows isn’t always the case. I had no idea until the end.


All I know is years ago we had moved to a new base being in the military and when we did meet our new neighbors that had just got to the base to so we got to be friends our husband’s work away all week after about a year she started going out on her own while he was at work and started to bring men home I saw it all living right across from them I told my husband and he said to just keep my mouth shut and stay out of it well a couple years goes by and we move to a different house so we didn’t see them as much then one day out of the blue the husband stops by our house I could tell there is something wrong he didn’t say much then said he should leave i ended up following him out and found him outside crying when I walking up he looked at me with the saddest look and asked me why I never told him so I knew right then that he had found out I felt so bad for him and I promised myself right then that I would never keep something like that again a secret when he told me how he felt like a fool knowin everyone else knew but him so yes I would tell why should she keep going thinking she has a good marriage when all the time he’s making a fool of her


Unless you agree friends with her or one who he cheated with, I would not get involved. U choose ur drama. Don’t lie if she comes asking though.

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Message her. Tell her you know she may not believe you, but you’re just wanting to let her know that you’ve seen him cheating on her, repeatedly, and that she should investigate. Make sure to say the other person, so she knows that it’s not you lol.

Also, make sure its ABSOLUTE, because if you’re mistaken then you’re ruining a family for nothing.

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“MiNd yOuR oWn BuSiNeSs” :clown_face::clown_face: you people are shit. If someone is being cheater on, :clap::star2:THEY DESERVE THE TRUTH​:star2::clap:
Yes, Facebook messenger is a fine way to reach out. Just try to be gentle and include all the details you have.

Get any proof you can and tell her immediately. It would be terrible if no one tells her and she tries to start a family with him. At least if she finds out before having kids she will have a chance to leave and start over with someone else.

if that was me I would wanna know. Take a gentle approach and in person. :woman_shrugging:t2: Don’t let this woman waster more YEARS of her life. We have all been there and wished we were JUST TOLD!


I would do whatever it takes to tell her

Maybe leave her clues. But I wouldn’t involve yourself. She may already suspect. I know your intentions are good but it could end up ugly for you.

Reach out on fb if you can and let her know. Give her the proof you have as well. She may not be happy or receptive about it but she deserves to know. I don’t think it would be out of line, if he brought it into the workplace he made it everyone else’s business and she’s bound to find out eventually anyway.


With proof that you can share with her then let her know.

Leave it alone. She probably already knows.


You’ll get 1 of 2 responses. 1)She already suspects something and will appreciate that you told her you’ve witnessed it (or been apart of it?). OR 2)she’ll call you a liar and not believe her husband would ever do that.

Either way you’ve told her what you know and what she does with the info is up to her.


Wow!! I would want to know if i was being cheated on!! Maybe for those saying “she knows” …she may need confirmation…People are ignorant.


If you have her address (or can get it), type an anonymous letter, print it, and mail it. I’d try to include proof and be very detailed, otherwise it will just look like a jaded stalker is contacting her. If he’s this slick, she may never know if you don’t. Everyone deserves to know when their spouse is unfaithful. And this way nothing should blow back on you, especially if you still work with him. Good luck.


Get proof and msg her asking her to meet. I think you’re great for letting her know.


Tell her because you’d like to know

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All of y’all saying mind your business are crazy! Wouldn’t you want to know? I sure would and I wouldn’t care how the person who knew told me. I think Facebook is fine.


Be prepared for work to become hostile with him once he finds out it’s you. BUT I’d still tell her and deal with his attitude after. She may have a feeling but no actually proof or anything to tie him to cheating so you may be the missing puzzle she needs or she’s has no idea.


Tell her she deserves to know so she can have the chance to make a choice based off of actions.


Just snail mail her the proof anonymously


Mind your business! Trust me you will turn out to be the bad guy

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Let her know bc if it was me I’d wanna know if somebody else knew about it


Since you don’t know her at all… mind your own business.


It’s none of your business. She will find out herself


Damn some of you are cold hearted. I wouldn’t be able to watch another woman go through this. Knowing what she could… or could never find out. I think your a blessing for telling her. And who gives a F if its hostile at work. Screw him. Whether she believes you or not is not on you. I wouldnt be able to carry it on my conscience

Tell her anonymously if you’re worried about it

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I think it’s hilarious all these women saying mind your business, it’s not your concern but I would put money on it that a lot of y’all would be singing a different tune if you found out your S.O’s were cheating and someone knew and didn’t tell you about it.
I absolutely think you should tell her. She could thank you or
she might try to make you the bad guy for saying something but more then likely she’ll only be doing it out of hurt and anger. YOU have done nothing wrong. It’s not like her husband cheated with you.
The fact that you even asked says this is eating at you. Just tell her and no matter what the outcome just know you did the right thing.
I think FB would be just fine. Just message her, explain who you are, and then tell her what you know.


Make a fake account! And message her! That way your names outta it and all you gotta say is you work with him and see these two all the time! But you wanna keep your name outta it :woman_shrugging:t2: I would want to know.


None of your business. You don’t even know the women and u said “worked” as in past tense. You have no idea of what their marriage entails. Stay in ur lane and out of theirs. And if u do be prepared for backlash at work including being fired.


Don’t listen to the people telling you to mind your own business. She deserves to know. What she does with that information is up to her but at least the truth was told. Pretty sure every woman would want to know if their partner was cheating. Who would want to waste anymore of their time with a scumbag out there embarrassing them and making them look like a fool!!


So you knew for 2 years and are now going to spill it? Sounds like something spiteful. Keep your mouth shut if it’s been that long. They might have already dealt with it within their marriage and dont need you rehashing it. Unless you know her personally, I wouldn’t say anything at this point to her.

I’d want to know. Would you want to know? Treat people the way you want to be treated


And for those have have mentioned possibly rehashing it… if they survived the doing of it, they’ll survive the talking about it. If not, it wasn’t dealt with to start. In my opinion a relationship cannot recover from cheating. It shouldn’t.


May I ask how you know he’s cheating?. And how do you know it’s not once but twice?. Why don’t you bring it up to him?. Say something to him about it?. You say you don’t know her and she doesn’t know you. If you want to say something say it to him. Unless your the one he has cheated with and your hoping to break up there marriage so you can have him. I would say out of contacting her and if you want to get envolved talk to him about it. This could turn very ugly for you as he could turn around to his wife and say your just being jealous cause you want him, and you don’t know how there relationship is, she may just believe him over a stranger. It could now cause problems in your work environment as well, as he could tell the bosses your spreading lies and harassing him and his wife. There is a lot of pros and cons to look at here.

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It doesn’t sound like you know these people very well if at all, so stay out of it. For all you know, she is aware. It’s really none of your business.


You need to watch behind her eyes on Netflix and see what happens when people don’t mind their own business Lol. On a serious note though stay out of it. Are you the one her husband cheated with and that’s the reason why you’re trying to tell his wife.

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Maybe they have an open relationship or she already knows?

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Don’t assume that everyone wants to know. You don’t know the circumstances of her life or relationship. Maybe she’d rather not know. Maybe she suspects, but she isn’t in a stable enough emotional place to face it right now. Your telling her could push her over the edge. Maybe she also has something else going on, and this is an agreement that she’s made with her husband. Maybe she already knows, and she’s making an escape plan and your meddling will mess it up. Maybe she knows and she’s decided to stay because she feels that having an intact home with an unfaithful husband is preferable to having to split her time, with her child, with a cheater and financially struggling as a single mother. Maybe it’s against her religious beliefs to divorce, regardless of the circumstances. It’s literally NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.


Hmmm… how do you know so much detail about this man’s cheating are you the mistress?


She deserves to know.He could be having unprotected sex and taking his germs home to her.


I actually did contact a woman before to tell her about her husband I worked with. Her response was “why are you telling me this?! Are you trying to break up my marriage?” I just thought she’d appreciate being told about it but apparently not :woman_facepalming: I felt better I did contact her because I would want to know if my S.O was being unfaithful. To this day they’re still together.