My boyfriend doesn't want my son to color his hair: Advice?

STOP FOCUSING ON THE AGE PEOPLE. The problem is bf doesn’t like it because he is a BOY not because he is 7.

Sounds normal to me.

I feel that it is letting him express hisself … allowing children to be themselves within reason is important

Your the mother. Your choice not his.

Well he’s just a boyfriend soo what he thinks and believe doesn’t matter

I wouldn’t let him only because I believe he’s too young NOT because anyone else doesn’t agree. He’s your child, not his.

That’s between you & the father. Not your boyfriend.

How long have you been with bf?

What does sons Dad say?

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YOUR son not his. You make the decisions.

Your child Your rules

Your boyfriend is the weird one. Give your boy some hair color. Not your boyfriends son so why should it matter to him? If my son wants to color his hair, I will do it and no one can stop me.

Your boyfriend needs to sit down, shut up and know his place.

Make the color green and see how he reacts. If he is mean about it then he isnt the one. If he likes it then it shows that he will support his son no matter if he looks like a oompa loompa

My mom would not let me dye my hair. So when I turned 18 I started to dye my hair. I didn’t let my daughter do it either. She dyed it when she turned 18. Before 18 I think it’s to young my opinion.

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He’s a child ! Why does his hair needs to be colored ??!! You have the final say I guess cause that’s your child


It’s not necessary for a 7 year old, to color their hair. He’s 7. I don’t think it’s weird, but he way to young to make such a big decision

Seriously, at 7 years of age, if that were my son, he wouldn’t be coloring his hair. But, at the end of the day, it’s your decision.

Use Kool aid. It’s temporary. He’s a kid let him be a kid. Break needs to chill it’s just hair color. Not like he’s getting a tattoo.

Your kid your choice. I personally think it ruins their hair and I made mine wait til they were 16 and even then wasn’t happy but the need for self expression in youth is very prevalent these days and if you are in agreement as his parent your bf needs has no say in the matter. As long as you have healthy boundaries when the more important battles have to be won you and your son will be fine but by no means allow it to be the beginning of your child taking control of you.

Has he adopted your child? Probably not so my guess is he doesn’t have the ultimate say.

Let him do it, kids in school will make him wish he hadn’t colored it.

I won’t comment on the situation of the boyfriend but I will say the chemicals in hair color is very toxic. You might want to rethink putting it in your child’s head.

he is YOUR son.ill be damned if another man tells me how to raise MY son. Especially just a bf?? hell no

Compromise? Use washout or semi permanent color? In the end it’s your child. If he throws a bitch fit and makes a huge deal out of it you are better off without him.

Tell him to fuck off

Yeah. My son wanted purple hair too🙄 i told him hell to the no. End of discussion

He’s to damn young, can he even wear his hair like that at school. I don’t think it’s wired that a boy wants to color thier hair I just think he’s way to damn young to be doing it.

I wasn’t a fan of it for the longest…but recently dyed my daughters’ hair and even added some in mine with them. Fuck it. We have never been through this. These kids are going to remember a lot of random stuff from the pandemic. Make some fun memories! Let em have a quarantine color :blush: I got dye from walmart that was considered temporary and it dyed their dark brown hair bright ruby and the other was jade. Lasted about 2 months. It’s almost out now and you wouldn’t know we did it. The dye is called Splat.

It’s his hair and it’s just that, hair. I would 100% let him dye his hair. It’s not like he’s asking for something permanent like a tattoo. It’s his body, and his style right now.

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I would let him his hair it will grow out and the color will be gone. Or see if they have something that fades away after so long

Omg let him be a freaking kid.

11 year old boy…long blue hair
8 year old girl…red at the bottom
4 year old boy…purple and blue hair
Because why not?

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No. He’s your son. Coloring hair is perfectly fine. I suggest temporary dye first to make sure he likes it. Also I think it’s wrong to cramp anyone’s individual creativity. I’ve always had funky colored hair. Both my kids dye there hair temporary colors or wash out. At their age I won’t do permanent cuz they are always changing their minds

I think 7 is too young for actual dye, but that’s just my opinion. I’d try hair chalk first. Our 10yo daughter and our 9&5yo sons had a blast using hair chalk just last week. :woman_shrugging: This is our compromise because the oldest has been asking to color her hair forever. Honestly I wouldn’t mind our oldest kids getting actual dye, but our daughter has hair almost down to her butt that I refuse to screw up at home! I told her we need a professional at some point to do her hair if she wants to dye it a crazy color like green. I said the same thing about her wanting the sides shaved off. :joy::woman_shrugging: But anyways she was at least satisfied temporarily with the hair chalk! Lol

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Def not permanent color, I’ve done demi permanents in my daughters hair and only during summer months so it washed out before school started again.

Let him you can use semi permanent or hair chalk i let my 7 and 4 year old its only them wanting to express them selves

I think that its ok if they aren’t in school and its not against dress code violation. As long as your oknwith it and its not permanent than get a temporary one to play around with first. My daughter and sister did one over the summer and so did I just to have some fun they are 9 and 10 you have to let kids be kids.

7 year old is too young to make decisions like that-would you let him drive your car and him just 7-maybe a teenager but no little child


Never too young to expresd yourself. Try a temporary hair color that washes out after a few washings just to try it out and see how he likes it. He might want blue but change his mind a cpl days later to green.

My best friend colored her sons hair… and he’s 6…

Ok :joy: so for all you loves who do the temporary/semi permanent can you help a momma out and tell me what you use? :joy: my girls have darker hair and I’m struggling but don’t want to lighten it

My son colors his hair he’s 9, he also has cancer so his hair has fallen out multiple times from chemo so I let him do fun colors when he does have hair. Life is to short if it’s something he likes and enjoys why not?

I think you should try something that washes out but hey whatever he wants! Kids are only kids for such a short while, let him express himself :innocent:

Its your son. Do what you wanna do. Boyfriends come and go. Kids are forever.

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Tell the boyfriend his opinion on how to raise your kid is not his concern!

Ahhh, 1)SINCE WHEN CAN BOYS NOT DYE THEIR HAIR?! Every guy in the 90s had frost tipped hair :rofl: 2) I’m sorry but you said YOUR son? Anyway, My 5 year old boy likes to have blue spikes like sonic, lol. It’s temporary. And boys hair grows and gets cut off so fast. But if you really want to just avoid the fight, they make colored hair gel you could use on him.

Umm he’s NOT his father!!! He’s not even your husband just a damn boyfriend!!!

I let my kids dye their hair. I did tell my son that he had to wait awhile after he shaved his head to have hair to dye. But I currently have purple, and blue haired children.

It’s frickin hair, ur boyfriend needs to chill the hell out.

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The kid is seven… if he wants to color give him some markers and a coloring book.

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My moms rule was 13 for permanent dye bus as a kid we did the wash out spray chalk and glitter

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Your kid your obligation to parent him, a boyfriend is for you, not to be confused with a co parent

Let your son be your son and do whatever he wants tell your boyfriend he can kiss your you-know-what

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Ok at first I was thinking … “well if you’re raising kids with him does he not deserve a say in WHEN kids can dye their hair?” (Not that I have an issue with coloring hair, I just put purple in my 4 year Olds haha). But then I read that he doesn’t think little BOYS should color their hair. My 4 yr old is a boy. I put left over color in from doing my 9yr old BOYS hair. So… I say do you! If it was an age thing I’d encourage compromise, open discussion. But a gender thing? Nah. Let your dude have color!


I always allowed my kids to express themselves and they turned out great :+1::ok_hand:


Its his hair he should do as he wants with it. My child’s father told her girls don’t get their hair done so it’s a fight to get it done i feel like this has taught her she will need to seek a male permission to get her hair done and I don’t approve of that what so ever.


It’s up too you. Whether it’s “weird” or not it’s up too us too allow our children too express there weirdness and figure out who they are. Now the chemicals involved for being that young that might be another matter of discussion.


I believe any child that age , boy or girl, is too young to make that decision.

I dont think at such a young age its appropriate… But they make alternatives… Such as wash out

It’s Hair! It’ll grow back. It’s just hair. Do it. I shaved the back of my daughter neck/hair area. She’s 11. It’ll grow back.

Not your bfs choice, it’s your son. Let the kid express himself and your bf can suck his opinion up his hooha


All 3 of my boys used temp hair color and colored their hair blue in support of my 1 son having his second open heart surgery. They loved it I see no issue in allowing a child to express themselves

I dont think it hurts anything. Its hair, it will grow.

He’s your son. Your boyfriend has no say. Tell him to get over it.

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For me and my family, personally, 7 is too young to color hair. Id happily get some temporary color for his hair but that’s it. :woman_shrugging:


I’m only okay with temporary dye on my daughter. She’s almost 9 but we’ve done it here and there since 4 or 5. And we’ve only done streaks or the underside not the whole thing. But the boys can’t sure their hair thing would be the problem for me

Sometimes people are raised different than you may have been. That doesn’t make them or you wrong. Different doesn’t mean wrong.

All of my kids have coloured hair. It’s the trend right now. I let them do what they want to do. It’s not really my personal style, but I’m not going to stop them from being as they want to be.

It’s your son but at the end of the day seven is too young.


I’m sorry, boyfriend? :joy:
Boy bye, he is the BOYFRIEND. Not a husband. He’s YOUR KID, not his. He has ZERO say. Far as your son, dye that lasts couple weeks and comes off is ok. Kids should be allowed to express themselves.


I personally don’t think it’s weird but at seven years old I find a little too young My mom didn’t let me die my hair until I was around 12/13 you can always try temporary dye

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He’s your kid. It’s up to you.

My boys are 8 and 5 and we’ve let them doin it the few times they asked. Hell my oldeat has had his ears peirced since he was 5. I see nothing wrong with it. Its not like hes asking for a real tattoo or a serious kind of pericing. Let the boy do it.

When one of my boys was that age he has his hair a different color every day with gel. It was awesome, great for boosting their self esteem

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For everyone saying he is just the boyfriend he doesn’t have a say or anything similar, he is still at the end of the day in the kids life and still somewhat a parental figure if she expects him to treat him like a father a father would treat a son that should include decision making when it comes to the child not just when it suits her.


My only issue, is with people saying it’s your son your call… if you and your boyfriend are serious and in it for the long hall then you need to figure out a way to work through this with him…

Do non permanent dye🥰 sounds like he has an amazing mama!

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I don’t think him dying his hair is an Issue. But I will say my mother didn’t let me dye mine till I was 12.

Seems like it’s not his decision.

My kids do the temporary dye… that’s it… by hubby isn’t the the biological dad for our kids but has been there dad for almost 10 years now … he didn’t agree with permanent dye as well but agreed to temporary… so just because they are not his bio kids … hes been there father all these years so we are both 50/50 on decisions

7 is a little to young for permanent hair dye!!

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He’s the boyfriend not the parent !!!

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Tell him it’s your son’s hair not his :woman_shrugging:t2:.

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Do it! What or who is it hurting!! Do it!! :partying_face:

If you are serious with this man, and expect him to act as a parent, a father figure or whatever to your son, then you need to figure out a way to work together on everything. I saw some suggest a temp hair dye, and I agree. Bring that up to the boyfriend and see if thats a compromise you can all live with. But if you’re serious about this guy then you nees to value his opinion, even when you do not agree and sit down to come up with a compromise that may work for all. Just my opinion lol​:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

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We have let my kids dye their hair from day one. I used color depositing conditioner in the beginning but dye when they could sit still through the entire process. It’s important for them to find their own self expression. Hair is a great way to do it because eventually it’ll grow out again so whatever you do is completely temporary.

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One of my biggest pet peeves: letting someone to walk in and start dictating how I take care of me and MINE! Girl, your child! His opinion can be heard but it’s your decision that matters. If u are fine with him coloring his hair, well then guess what? It’s getting colored. Kids are only little for a small time. Let them make little decisions. It makes them feel valued. Of course, once again, that is only my opinion. You do what your heart tells u too


How sad to be into haircolor. So much more fun and interesting.

I don’t think he is doing it in bad spirit… But you need to tell him that these are different times… Kids of all ages dye their hairs with bright colors now because it is so much fun… Show him a few pictures of other little boys rocking their cool punk styles and tell him he is so antiquated and out of tune and needs to catch-up with the times…

Your kid your choice. It’s just hair. It will grow out

Temp hair color, At 7 he will want something different in a short time.

Hair dye. I’m a woman, so I’m old. I dyed my hair once, Once. Why? Because I’m lazy! I have things to do then – cleaning after the dye job plus the dyeing plus buying the Right dye. No way! If he wants to dye his hair – fine, But don’t help! Make him buy (with his money) dye, towel, gloves, whatever is needed. Let him dye his own hair — do not help, no matter what! Let him clean up – himself, the room, etc. In fact, if you have bare concrete room use it. Hair dye makes a mess!!

We do the wash out my kids aged 3yr boy 5yr boy 7 yr old boy and 8 yr old girl they love it

No it’s not I color all my grand children’s hair all the time they live with me and I see nothing wrong with it

As a stylist and a mom I say as long as your not bleaching it out then color away or get wash out stuff I personally don’t see the problem especially if it’s summer time but your kid your choice :woman_shrugging:t2:

Not a big deal I used to have highlights and the high school baseball team would all dye their hair blonde

It’s not weird but I would say a 7 year old is too young. Try something fun like coloured hair sprays or coloured hair chalk. Nothing harsh/damaging


Your kid, not his. Simple as that.