My husband asked for pics from a girl on snapchat: Advice?

Get on his ass you’re his wife sometimes being firm let’s men know your feelings are not to be played with especially while you are expecting his child. I wouldn’t divorce over but definitely address the issue and lay the law down.

I can say now that I would leave him but it’s hard. I gave my ex so many chances and truly believed every time he would change. It’s an inconvenience to leave , but it is worth it. We have 4 kids together . I’d rather have the stress of being a single mom than a heartache from any man. That’s shit hurts to much.

Send it to yourself. Save the evidence to your own phone in a secret file. Get your own bank account and start saving money up. Then once you’re ready, hit him with a divorce💯

I would recreate the photo that he saved of her. Beautiful pregnant body and all.

And send it to him with a caption that reads something like… “isn’t this body, that has given you your kids, so beautiful? Maybe you should learn to appreciate all that you have.”

That’s how I would confront this mess. Guilt trip his ass. :woman_shrugging:t2: Sure an argument might ensue… but you can’t let this type of behavior slide.

I just went thru this with my now ex boyfriend. after being in a marriage for 16 years with a cheater. And then a boyfriend who thot loving and liking all the Instagram fishing “models” and talking with an “old” friend ( woman he use to fuck) on Facebook and hiding it?? Uhm. No. Hell no!! I ain’t doing it and you don’t respect me. And when I brought all this up? He got mad at me??? Boo you got me twisted. Bye boy! Your name ain’t on this lease! As hard as it will be. Be done. He ain’t gonna change. Take it from a 45 year old mother of 4 grown kids.

Dump his ass! No man or female should deal with that. You checked on there for a reason bc you had a feeling.
If he has nothing to hide you would be able to look through his phone.
The only thing my husband can’t look at is my amazon account!!! Besides that he can get on my Facebook or Instagram. I have nothing to hide. He just doesn’t need to know everything I buy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Good luck
It’s not worth being with someone disrespecting you like that. He might have even cheated!

Well looks like you got yourself a cheater… 5 years isn’t your whole life, and he’s a DICK for doing this while you’re pregnant with his second child! I would present it to him and let him know you have a plan for when his ass leaves and he can go be with her. Yes it’ll hurt but you can’t let your kids grow up seeing him put you through bullshit.

EFF THAT GIRL. I’d throat punch him and leave his ass. But that’s just me :woman_shrugging: clearly he doesn’t respect you and doesn’t deserve your respect. I could only imagine all the conversations that he DIDNT save. I don’t know you, but i know you deserve better.

Who gives a rats ass if he’s mad…confront him. Guaranteed this isn’t the first girl he’s asked for pictures.

What you need to do is confront him two ways this is going to play out and it should let you know what you need to do! First you confront him and he just flat out is honest with you And tells you the truth. That when you ask all the questions and figure out why he did it. If he say sorry and understand that if you both want this relationship to go forward it going to be hard work and that trust is going to be gone. If he is honestly sorry for what he did and understand he did wrong it was a mistake then he going to what to fix it and make it right and put in the hard work it takes. Now say you confront him and he get upset start blaming you and getting angry asking you why you got in his phone. There your answer he not sorry he mad because he got caught and doesn’t feel bad about it. If I where you I would just end the relationship because he doesn’t think he did anything wrong then you damn well know it will happen again. Also look no one cheat on someone they love the women that is carry there child and taking care of one at home. In the end it up to you what you want to do and I hope you make the right decision give a good thought figure out what you want to ask and what your plans are. Hold your ground do not let him walk all over you!

I would save your money and pretend you don’t know. Then confront him and if you don’t get genuine communication and repentance (It sounds like you already know you won’t.) then file for divorce.

Oh hell no! Leave! Leave now!

Mother fucking son of a bitch…they’re all the same

Smh I’m sorry that you had to see that but honestly if it was me I’d leave his shitty ass . It’s not worth the stress especially if you’re pregnant . You’re hurting yourself and that baby .

I would message her and tell her that it is you and that she can have his ass and I’m packing his stuff so she need to come get him and his stuff.

Tell him she sent it to u… lol


I’d tell him if he’s gonna do shit like that he can pack his shit and go because you deserve better than that. He needs to get rid of Snapchat, as a girl I use it for filters and that’s it but I know most men ain’t in to all that so they are usually using it to have secret conversations since the conversations erase right away and if you screenshot the conversation it shows.

He probably messing with her anyways. Leave his ass

Snapchat is a breeding ground of secrets and problems in married folks. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. HATE IT.

It is not as simple as " just leave" , especially if children are involved. Take a deep breath. You do need to talk to him. Then go from there.

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As hard as it is, you need to have that conversation with him. Tell him you accidently found it, and then tell him how it made you feel and don’t sugar coat it. Tell him you thought he was better than that and express your hurt, disbelief, and disappointment. See what he says. Don’t let him interrupt you. And don’t let him get mad that you were in his stuff. Be like “I’m going to discuss something with you that I accidentally found, but I need to to listen and hear me out.” Demand an answer. You have every right to feel the way you do, and you’re NOT overreacting in the least. If he cares about you, your babies, and your life together, he will fix it. I’d also make it crystal clear that if it ever happens again, everything he knows now will be completely gone. No excuses. There is no excuse for this kind of behavior. None. I would ask him how he would feel if this were reversed and you were doing this. I would ask him what he’s going to do to fix this problem. At this point, you’re questioning your trust, his faithfulness, his ability to control himself, and it just snowballs from there. He needs to make decisions with his family in mind. Where he behaves and controls himself in a way that doesn’t damage or dishonor those he cares about most, his family. If it were me, I’d start asking for social media passwords and ask him to delete snapchat for awhile.

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I would go somewhere for a couple days and make him think about what he day and maybe move on

So here are my two cents.
He is wrong. There is no way to right this or give an explanation. Even if you ask him about it, it’s not like he will admit to anything. You don’t know how far they’ve gone and the fact that I’m sure she knows you two are together will also not help. so your choices:

  1. Confront him about it in a calm manner. No questions as he will deny. “I was going to post a picture of myself on your Snapchat. I found x rated pic of your friends sister and I am upset about it. This is your only warning to stop because I will not tolerate this.” Tell him his response to admitting and apologizing will play a big role in making your relationship work. He will get defensive at first so stay away from him until he calms down. State facts. I will say this, him talking to someone is a symptom of what’s not working in your relationship according to him. Listen to him. No matter what he says and as much as you disagree, that is his truth.

Second option you simply leave.

Before you do either of the two, I advise you to really sit down and take self inventory, not to justify his behavior, but to be accountable of the reality of our relationship with your husband. Again, he is in the wrong 100%. There is no justification. But only you know if this relationship is worth salvaging.


I would talk to him. Tell him how you feel. Maybe suggest removing snapchat.

Leave him, keep all records & seek advice from a divorce lawyer! A man never misses a girl until his fucked her over and she is gone for good & his left with nothing but a hoe & no longer a housewife!

Regret is a painful thing and make Him live with it, or you will forever have doubt and insecuritys over this forever. Don’t break your own heart on account of his infedilities to some other woman, your his wife, he made a vow to you which he has broken. U deserve better being his wife! Let it go once and it happens again and again… I know from 3yrs experience trust me!!! If your woman don’t know about it, it’s cheating. U don’t have to sleep with someone to cheat, if he ain’t doing anything wrong why is it you don’t know about it… that’s where it all starts

Jason Malcolm…see the bullshit you men do to please yourselves fucking kills us and you don’t even think about, not once.

Let him be mad. Don’t let it dissuade you from what he did in the first place. It’s not even remotely ok. The thing is, if he’s low enough to do this, then who knows what else he’s done or would be willing to do? I’m sorry you’re going through this, even more so since you have a baby on the way. For your protection, and the kids, you should save up money and have a place to go. Always have a back up plan from here on out, whatever you decide to do. Just remember, these are the signs and you have them. It’s your move.

It ain’t gonna stop…

I would leave him… You don’t deserve that… It is indeed hurtful and dusgusting as you the one carrying his child…unfortunately these are signs of who he really is… Can you pretend you didn’t see anything… It’s going to bug you forever… End of the day it’s your life and your choice

:speaking_head: HE IS A CHEATER! THEY NEVER CHANGE! They ALWAYS say I will change, then stop for a while… and once you forgive them they are back sneaking around because they know you will forgive them and you’re pregnant to. Seems like you will keep dealing with his problem.

Throw the entire husband away

Buy him a wreath then kill him

Listen to me this is cheating and I would tell him about it. I wouldn’t make a scene or let him make an excuse. I would make him move or move out yourself. If he is wanting someone else than you deserve better… just let him know that you love him but want what best for everyone. He’ll realize how that girl isn’t worth it and how much you are.

This is just what id do. :woman_shrugging:

Talk to him. Set up boundaries. If he loves you he’ll stop.

I’m so sorry. You must be feeling very badly. I would suggest having conversations about it and getting clear with yourself about what your boundaries are… and discuss if he’s able to respect those boundaries or not. You have a little one and another on the way, so it’s very complicated. Sending prayers in your direction. Relationships are very challenging. I wish you and your family the best.

once a cheater always a cheater, a leopard never changes its spots

See a lawyer first. Plan, plan plan. Hoard money. Cut down on expensives
Look *@ what you can afford to live with. Scope out this woman.she may not even know he’s married. Plan, element of surprise. Good luck!


Take a picture of the conversation with your phone so you always have it on hand. Go through the rest of his stuff to see how often he does it. Build up a whole folder of the shit and then present all of your evidence to him. Then leave that man.


He will apologize but only because he got caught. This never stops. Please don’t fool yourself. He will just get better and better at hiding it. Please respect yourself.


The other time you saw his messages, was it similar to this? If he’s unwilling to seek counseling, you need to consider leaving. The hard realization is most of these situations do not get better. The level of disrespect is staggering. When you stay in a relationship like this and let the behavior continue, it is not only your partner who is disrespecting you, you are also disrespecting yourself. You are WORTH MORE.


Make him delete the app before it turns into something more than messages. Snapchat destroys relationships because of this exact thing.


I know you’re hurt but it’s probably just best to end it! Unfaithful people don’t change


I’m sorry to say this but LEAVE. The statement “Why dont you send me these” implied that she’s sent him photos before. This has been going on before just this instance. I know leaving with kids is hard. But I left my previous relationship with a child and ended up with an amazing man. I won’t be treated like that anymore and I won’t allow my children to see that and think it’s normal.


I went through this (and more!) with my ex. After years of disrespect I finally got fed up. Packed my shit up grabbed my daughter (and my pup of course!) Found my own place and left him. Best decision I have ever made. LEAVE.

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Every one is saying leave, leave, leave. This is absolutely horrible behavior but it doesn’t sound like he’s abusive or physically cheating. My advice would be to seek therapy first and see if it can help. If not and you still aren’t happy then leave but I believe marriage is work and short of abuse (and I know some of you will say this is abuse. ) then you owe it to yourself to at least try and if he doesn’t meet you halfway then you have a clear conscience

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It’s easy for others to leave, but you’re pregnant with a small toddler. I would talk to a family lawyer about your issue and legal aid to help pay for a divorce. You could confront him but he’ll just keep digging his hole bigger and bigger. Also, call your counties domestic relation and see how much it would run to file. You need to plan and stash money if capable! Have your mind set to something and follow through with it. Good luck!

This can be worked out with prayer and honest direct conversation. God will help you to forgive and learn to trust him again. This is your Husband not a boyfriend and you have a baby on the way and a little one at home. Don’t be so quick to throw away your family. Talk (not yell, talk) to him. Pray for him, prayer changes things.

Girl I know you don’t want to hear it, but it’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. For a man who disrespect his wife like that in any case but ESPECIALLY the pregnant mother of his children is unacceptable. And he knew that when he said what he said. Best advice do whatever you have to to get out of there and someday hopefully find a man that values you. I know it’s the last thing you want to do but trust me, the constant worry is not something you want.

Sorry you are being hurt. Start planning and prepare to leave his butt! Don’t do it for the kids by staying you deserve to be happy and loved by someone that wouldn’t betray you. Been there done that and it really fucks with your mind and emotions. Where are you from?

If you have a real good friend ( sister mother ) I would go tell them what Happened. Tell them the facts straight out and get some moral support. Then make a plan . Be strong and don’t let him turn the situation around. I don’t know you I am not a professional counselor but stay strong and do what is best for you and your family.

Excuse me …your never at fault that hes doing this to you …grow up an look at everything an get help.not just a friend or here…lay it out an believe in yourself…make your own choose in him an then you have live with or change your life…no one can make choices but you…trust yourself an uour future …

I had a similar situation in my marriage where my husband was corresponding with student where he was taking a class and she was calling him after class I told her in class I didn’t care that she talked to him a couple of his class work but when he got home he was my husband so I told him he had to tell her not to call him at home no more and he looked in my face and said he would not hurt her feelings to make mine feel better with his wife divorced him along with a few other reasons of divorce that I found out

I’d divorce him. Just my opinion. If he’ll do it once he’ll do it more times. Plus if he feels comfortable asking for pictures like that there’s no telling what else he’s done. If you guys have been together that long and he still is disrespectful like that it’s not going to change. I left my first son’s biological dad over cheating and never looked back. It will be hard at first but for the best. When someone really loves someone they don’t go to other people like that.

I know how you feel. Had similar situation. One day I checked his phone and he was texting young women and saying sexual things. I was in shock and he broke my heart. Then he says I don’t love you anymore and want to be alone. First thing I did was look for an apartment. We were together 8yrs. I still love and miss him, but it’s over. Sorry for what your going through.

I suggest you leave him or make him leave. I’ve been there a couple of times, and most of the time it doesn’t change, it keeps happening. Sometimes you find out and sometimes they learn how to do it so you don’t find out, but eventually you will. It’s very painful, and in my case there was no trust so that just made it more complicated. He went too far by asking for the pic.

I think you should be calm while confronting him but do it in a way he may confess. If he doesn’t then I would slowy hint that you know he Isn’t being faithful but try to do it in a way it dont blow up and if he doesn’t care then i think you should leave him and yeah run. You don’t deserve to be mistreated and feel like you are lesser, you deserve to be treated good and be bulid up and loved, he obviously isn’t happy with himself or something so you need better.

Been there and done that. I put up with it for years and then it finally just ended in divorce. We had two children and I’m just sad I didn’t leave sooner. Good luck.

You have a choice to make; marriage counseling, and if he doesn’t want to go, divorce attorney.

If there is one, there are more. If he has gotten away with it once, he will do it again.

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He did something wrong and you’re scared to call him out on it? Girl, get out of there. Sounds like you have been through enough already. I hope you know what he is doing is 100% not okay and no matter how he twists it there is no way this was innocent. This is not his first time getting a picture like that from her because he was a little too comfortable asking for them. I would have recorded it on my own phone as proof. I’m sorry you have to go through this and you and you kids obviously deserve better.

You shouldn’t feel afraid to confront your husband and you do this is some kinda of mental abuse because you have all rights to go trough his phone etc. There should be no secrets or passwords when you married and decide to have a family is this happens obviously you all wasn’t ready to commit live your self and don’t let no one overstepped you specially when we have kids!! Mom of 4 and I’m doing it all for my kids our peace and love is priceless… God bless you!!

Dont leave . You love him and you deserve an explanation . Let him explain and most likely he will stop posting with her if he does love and care about you two. Give him the chance.
Men and Women go thru phases in their life to feel young again

Here’s my “already lived through this” take on your question my dear… the very fact that you went to his messages suggests you felt scared he was up to something or that he was capable of doing this! You shouldn’t be forced to settle for a relationship where you aren’t 100% certain you’re the love of his life. Trust isn’t there… leave.

A man will treat u how u allow him to treat u. If ur afraid to show ur true feelings of how this makes u feel cuz of how he will react then u have bigger issues. Ur never going to unsee what u saw. So put ur bug girl panties, confront him and tell him what is not allowed in ur relationship and if he has a problem with respecting u then u shouldn’t have a problem with respecting urself and walk away. Believe me I walked away from my oldest father, my high school sweetheart, the love of my life cuz he cheated and it started w sharing of pictures. But I love myself too much to allow it now 18 years later he regrets it. Don’t be THAT girl that others laugh and talk about

Been there done that! Stayed longer than i should have. Confronted him, divorced him, took everything and moved the hell on. Best decision ever! Happy and peaceful and enjoying life. …GET OUT

I’m sorry but he’s cheating on you an even if you do stay and try to work it out an forgive him it won’t leave your mind that shit will come back an eat at u maybe when you’re cooking y’all watching a movie or even if y’all decide to have sex it’s not something to forgive I have tried and did forgiving in ways I never thought I would it’s best to do what you think is right if you’re heart desires actual respect an u know in the back of your mind you deserve more than it’s probably best to go or make him go, it’s not going to be easy I just had to leave my fiance of 2years while I’m pregnant n my last parent just died an start over completely bc he was abusive n got on drugs now that is two different situations but as much as I know I need an deserve better it still breaks my heart an hurts don’t let anything break u because it eventually adds up and your more of a woman an Queen than you know

Make a plan to get your self in order. You have kids to be a role model for. Its up to you to forgive if you want to. But I would confront her and him. Tell him that this is a form of cheating. Not okay no matter how harmless its just a start. To start down this path will not end good. Protect yourself and your babies :sparkling_heart: that’s most important.

Giving some advise to leave their spouse is a horrible and immature idea especially if they have children. I totally understand the disrespect, what he’s done is totally not okay! I would explain the truth to him to let him know he’s been caught but there should be boundaries in place, let him know you will not be treated this way. You have children and you will not stand by to be disrespected. Going behind your spouse back and having to hide a delete stuff is considered cheating in my book. I went through this with my husband. I confronted him with it and he no longer has social media, all his emails are linked to my phone. If I ask for his phone he immediately gives it to me. It was a struggle but were ok now. We have 2 boys and a little girl on the way. I stood up for myself and let him know if he still wanted to be an immature peice of crap wanting to see hoes pictures or if he was ready to be a man, stick to his vows and be a father. He chose us.

The disrespect started when you chose to “post” your picture on his Snapchat and decided to read his “story”. Of course he is going to act pissed. Is your relationship worth so little that you would toss it away over a Snapchat posting you should not have read in the first place? Maybe give some thought to talking to him about what you saw, telling him how very hurt you are over it just as he would be if the shoe were on the other foot. Relationships are not disposable on an indiscretion when they could be made strong with open communication. A relationship will weather many storms over the years and there will be many hurts and much forgiving which builds greater respect and love for reach other. Oh, and the next time you see his friends girlfriend, make a trip to the powder room together and quietly let her know what you saw and that you will not stand for the disrespect she has shown you and your husband.

You would need to see if there are any other red flags? Like is he not as affectionate? has he been working “overtime” is he spending time with his kids. etc etc. I would def confront him. and if it’s his buddies sister maybe you can say something along the lines of hey how is … doing? and then maybe start there?? That is very disrespectful and would have to talk to him and hear his side . Ugh best of luck

The fact that he is comfortable enough to ask her to send pictures like that to him concerns me. Has there ever been anything between them before in the past?
I would suggest leaving him, this isn’t the first time he has done this. But if you don’t want to leave him and want to try to make things work, make him delete all social media. Don’t take no for an answer.

Dont just leave. Everyone telling you to leave with a baby on the way wouldnt. THINK 1ST. Come up with a plan before you confront so you will have options. But you need to expose him. If he was just looking at pic no reason to throw whole marriage away. Did he have sex with her or anyone else now thats different. But he def needs to be expised he needs consequences and needs to know that you will not put up with his bs in the future.

So sorry you have to go through this, but honey it’s over, trust is everything in a marriage, if you stay then your gonna think about what’s on his phone every day that y’all are together, and that’s not healthy!!! Trust is what makes a marriage, without it there’s no marriage. Get out while you can. Been there done that…

Confront him ! If he gets mad is bc he know what he did was wrong and just want any excuse that u “don’t trust him”but if he really loves you he should be able to talk to u bc his afraid to lose you. Only you well know when u have enough .some how your story got me mix emotions bc I went throw this b4. Much love and u well get trough it !!

Very similar things happened to me for a long time ( we were together 13 years and had 4 boys together) again and again he convinced me the messages I found weren’t there or that I was wrong for looking - they are in the wrong not you!!! He should never be messaging anyone in that way, ever. He needs to be confronted - for you r own sanity and self worth x

Been there…went to marriage counseling…I used to have to watch him like a hawk, but it’s gotten good lately.
You really have to dig deep and not let him mess with your head! You deserve to be respected-keep that in that forefront of your mind always. That’s what he promised you when he married you.

Don’t make any quick decisions! If you leave you have to be prepared to take care of yourself and children. Hopefully you will receive child support. Lawyer are expensive!

I would confront him about it and tell him its not acceptable behaviour,
If he gets upset about u looking through the messages then thats his problem, shouldn be crossing that line and hurting u, hes the one in the wrong and disrespected u,
Been there done that and its so hurtful, the many times I’ve put up with it in the past,
Stand up for urself, and be strong :heart: xx

Honestly getting the proof of it first would be good, screenshots sent to yourself, dont let him touch your phone change passwords and everything, leave him, because that trust cant be restored, if he hasnt touched another woman the fact hes speaking to one asking for pics like that is not forgivable and your child shouldnt think it is either if you wsnt them to grow up valuing people properly, do not let him guilt trip you, maybe have someone with you when you confront him about it, maybe send the screenshots to a friend just in case he gets your phone, into it or just takes it, say what you need to say and go somewhere else or throw him out whichever you can

My husband did this. And it was more than 1. I kept digging and I didnt like what I found. He started off with gaslighting. And it got worse.
We are now about to file for divorce.
With bub on the way, confront him. But confront her too. I will say, she probably doesnt send him these pics cause she knows youre married.
Look after you, bub and your little one.
Message if you need to. Youre not alone. Xxx

Confront him, hold him accountable and then WATCH for his reaction. You both made vows, for better or worse. Something like this can be overcome but BOTH have to put in real effort and acknowledge their wrong doings. Also make it clear that this is a form of betrayal that you will not put up with in the future. And if he doesn’t respect your feelings about it then it may be time to leave. But no matter what, you have children with him so he will be in your life forever. So divorce isn’t some magic wand that makes everything better unfortunately. Speaking as someone from experience it is torture to not see my child half the time.

I left when it happened to me and felt SO MUCH BETTER! But you do you. You’re not going to listen to any of these comments anyway.

First of all let me state of by telling that is not your fault you are beautiful and never doubt that. What worries me is the fact that you say he gets defensive he shouldn’t he should have self control girl and I honestly feel like you should walk away from it if he is not willing to take the time to listen to you and respect you he is not worth you time and love

You as a wife have the right to say something my husband and I have an agreement that we can look at each other’s phone any time no secrets… asking another girl for pictures is 100% unacceptable the question you need to ask now is whether or not this is just something happening online or if there is more going on in real life it would really be up to you though to forgive depending on the answer to those questions…

I’m sorry, but sit down calmly, talk it out find out his feelings is shit to me! You’ve stated he’ll be upset by you seeing this. He’s GASLIGHTING YOU!! And you can be a single mom and be great at it. And I’m sorry he cheated the minute he started this conversation with her and in my opinion, you can NEVER trust someone who has abused it and betrayed you. You DON’T get over or overcome cheating in a relationship!!

Been there before he don’t respect you and probably don’t love you like he says I would leave him because he will never stop doing it I gave my man 3 chances and he never stoped you deserve better than that

If you don’t want to throw your marriage away over this. Talk to him, remove her. Let him know the trust is broken, check his stuff regularly for awhile. If communication and compromise is not good enough for him then clearly he doesn’t love you or respect you enough. Sometimes it’s not as easy As leave him, sometimes some of us females will fight until our last breath for our partners. It’s entirely up to you, is it worth the fight because unfortunately some people can’t help themselves know your worth.

If he’s ballsy enough to communicate with someone that knows you imagine what he would do with a stranger. I’ve been through it. They don’t change. Keep records of everything. And yes stash money.

Plan ahead girl. You ready to be without him Incase things go south? Don’t let that fear keep you in a relationship where you’ll be unhappy. Your babies need to see you happy and healthy even if it’s without their dad. Just sit him down and talk to him. If he decides to get mad YOU walk away get your daughter and go for a walk and once you come back sit down again and try the conversation again. You can’t control how he will react. But you can control how you will. And all that negativity and stress will affect the baby. I’ve been through this exact situation and I was pregnant with our first child. And we worked through it. It will take time to gain complete trust back but it’s not all completely hopeless. Just try and talk to him if anything bad happens you call the police or call family to go get you out of a bad situation if it’s needed.

Leave but be prepared. I will not be with a man that feels like he needs to entertain another woman in any way or feels that he needs another woman to entertain him besides me.

Confront him! I have looked thru my boyfriend’s phone and he had girls messaging him asking for money he didnt send them money but continued conversation so i flipped out bc this happened both times i was pregnant and once recently. I have to block anyone who sends me anything not appropriate and i show him so i felt disrespected now im deciding if im going to leave i tried for the kids but im not taking disrespect i dont want my daughter thinking thats a relationship or my son thinking thats okay either. I saw that growing up im repeating the pattern and it needs to be broken

If you love him ask him to explain. If you think your marriage can be saved, go to counseling and keep communication open. I can tell there are a lot of hurt women here but am surprised at the eagerness to just dump him and run.

I love my husband/ father of my 6 kids more than anything been married 11 yrs. But he knows i will NOT tolerate disrespect. Pack your bags and get away for a few nights and think on your own. Tell him you know and just leave THEN you’ll see if he cares or not. If you forgive that easy it’ll continue. He wants to sleep with that woman if he hasn’t that for me is Enough to end it.

That’s what you need to tell him. Kids or not he’s not being respectful to you. And if he’s doing this now, who says he hasn’t done it before or will continue to?

Anything someone does that creates distrust is a form of cheating. The fact he had it hidden from you clearly shows he knows you would not like it. I would confront him about what you found. He will most likely either dismiss what you are saying by telling you he has done nothing wrong or get angry with you and question why you were on his phone. I would recommend seeing a councellor to help you through this. I am going through a very similar thing right now, my husband does not think he has done anything wrong, but he has, he has broken the trust between us and hurt me a great deal. Please go and see a councellor before contemplating divorse

Get out he doesnt respect you enough he is already doing that he had lost respect for you & being he would get mad welcome to your future abuser your kids dont need that toxicity & are young enough to bounce back easy from this but if you stay it gets worse

My now ex boyfriend did this Thursday. He was having a bad day spilt coffee on his phone so I went to put it in rice and when I removed it he had a message on fb messenger for some girl so I clicked on it and there was a pic of his dick sent to her. Oh bet I confronted his ass and he turned it all around on me. And we are no longer but the fact that he sent the pic which started the whole issue the. Tried to blame me. I think not. I could never forget and move past such an act of disrespect.

He is disrespecting you and his buddy! This man obviously has no value for any relationship. I think you already know what you have to do.

I was married 25 years…first couple years was great… since social media came…that started. I caught him one evening and confronted him that same evening. We have 4 kids… marriage license and have his last name so I thought I have every right. His excuse was…they just send me pix. I never believe him. Gave him chances. Then he started asking to meet them. Finally I packed up my stuff and left. Once a cheater…always a cheater. If I were you…I’d kick him out. He’s just gonna keep hurting u over and over. Been over 2 years now and I’m happy. I still keep in touch with him because of our kids. Yes he would ask me for pix…what a perv!!! I just ignore him. They will never grow up.

Leave! I had this happen to me. Why stay with someone who doesn’t want to be married to you? You deserve better!!!

Not even relationships this is men in general Iv found
Very few know how to be loyal and don’t get its disrespectful or simply don’t care
I think you already know how much he “values” you either give him a shock and leave him see what he does
If he redeems himself great if not well your better off :woman_shrugging:t3:
Or like sooooooo many other women go back to being blind to it and stay.