Do it on your own! The most rewarding days of my life were spent being a single parent. I loved it
Next time he walks out, change the locks.
If he’s walked out more than once, its time for him to go and not come back. You and the kids deserve better!
Your kids dont wont a father that gone just walk out in think he gone come back when he wants you dont need that niether your relationship i draining you gone have to move on to someone that care about you do he come back when him amd get into do he just need a roof over.his head a person that keep walking out on you DONT love you just think about that i dont care how mad a man gets a man that leave and come back when he wants its not love let GOD LEAD YOU TO SOMEONE BETTER FILE FOR A DIVORCE CAUSE YOU WILL KEEPING GETTING HURT
Sounds like he’s cheating leave him and don’t let him come back.
You now what to do a man that walks out on his children does not care you are doing them more harm than good
Let him know the next time he walks out that’s it. Hopefully you’re financially stable… So you’ll be able to deal with the fallout
This won’t change. After the first time you allowed him back he knew he could come and go as he pleased. Next time he goes tell him he isn’t welcome back
Don’t let him come back. Your kids deserve more than that.
I’m tempted to question if this is a legit question, or trolling, only because the answer seems so obvious. apologies if the question is legit. best advice i can tell you is: when someone tells you who they are, believe them. he’s spent 7 years telling you he is lazy and self-centered. don’t expect him to be anything else.
We marry knowing our partners faults. It’s either unconditional or under the condition that he changes. It’s up to you how you decide to love
Draw the boundary line of respect for yourself & dont let anyone cross it, not even your kids, no one. Once you know who you are, & you dont accept anything less, it will be recognised by others & it will get easier as you go. Watch the kids dont cross the line though, theyve been watching daddy. Respecting yourself does not mean you dont love them, & theyll be all the better for it
Sounds like he wants to avoid his responsibilities as being a father & just doesn’t want to be there
Next time he leaves, change the locks. The kids deserve a mother who is treated right.
People will treat you the way you allow them to. If you allow someone to come in and out, thats what theyre going to keep doing.
What you allow will continue. File for divorce and put your children first.
Ma’am we all have opinions. But that don’t matter. What matters is that man will only do what you allow him to do to you.
What you allow to continue will infact continue. Only you can make the change if ur that unhappy.
Leave. If he wanted to be there, he would be consistently. If he doesn’t want to be there, then kick his butt to the curb, you deserve better.
Why do put more value on a man rather than themselves? Why do they keep having children by these men? Why are they asking for advice, as if no one in their life have not given them any? Are they expecting is to say something different? I have 3 grown daughters and I have given so much advice. They had to find out the hard way, momma was right. I have been married to their father for over 42 years and he has always treat me like a Queen. Has always made me feel safe, secure and Love. Always protects my heart and they went and got involved and had kids by a man completely the opposite of what they saw growing up in our home. I have always told them you teach people how to treat you. Don’t ignore Red Flags, that they cannot fix/change a man. Sweetheart you doing your children disservice. They are going to think this is normal. You’re teaching your daughters that this is how a man is supposed to treat a woman and you’re son to disrepect female. You deserve better. Kids are so much smarter than you think. He does not care about your feels. He sounds like a narcissist and his mother should have told him to go back home. These women are raising broken males. Know your worth. Stop having babies and work on your self esteem.
Get rid of him …he’s no use to you …tell him to move in with his mother permanently
If you have to ask…you’re not ready to make the decision you already know you have to make.
I think you already know in your heart what needs to happen. xo
Pack his bags and change the locks. Hes cheating and projecting it onto u.
File for divorce, and child support against him. He can at-least support them financially. Go live with your mom
All these supportive and great advice comments and she’s still gonna stay with him lol
Change the locks and move on…
Don’t put up with it anymore. You deserve better. Move on with your life without him.
Grow some, and get rid of him and care for your kids and yourself🙄
Girl you know what to do. If you have to ask you have problems you self!
Honey , change the lock on your door, take control of your life.
He will keep doing it if you keep allowing it.
D-I-V-O-R-C-E…his ornery tail!
Im sorry if he want walk out it time u stop letting him walk back in. He can have visitation and see kids long he being a good dad and caring for kids let him go and move on with ur life. Stop being a yoyo. It not fair for u or for children. Stop letting him control ur life and how u do things.
If you love him. Try marriage counseling. If you don’t love him then let him go and move on with your life.
Grow a spine. Take care of your kids and yourself because he never will.
You’re hurting your kids by allowing this behavior! You’re not helping them
Bye Felicia is wat I’d would of said a long time ago
Let him leave. Your doing everything on your own anyways. Get a diverse and file for child support.
Help pack for him next time and make sure he stay gone
I just a year.ago got divorced after 38 years tired of his cheating
Be rid of him and be done with it. Move on.
Don’t have any more kids for starters
If u don’t know the obvious answer by now then there’s no advice that can help you.
Problem is, you didn’t change the locks when the sorry piece of s#@t left the first time. Don’t put yourself and those kids through the heartache. Cut him loose now. You deserve better.
Kick him out, you deserve a better life than this, if you are happy, your kids will be happy , you only have one life, don’t waste it on him honey,…Good luck.
Leave him, u don’t need the added stress
Why have more kids with him then? Girl bye.
Tell him to go and don’t let him back.
The end.
Life is too short sweetheart. Find a way to move on.
Stop having his children.
Next time he leaves, tell him he can’t come back.
So sorry but let him go fined you a real man to support yall
Let…him…leave! And tell him to stay gone!
Leave him, he obviously wants that if he keeps walking out. He’s no help to you anyway so why stay with him.
I know it’s scary to be on your own. I raised 5 children by myself, with no child support. It was very hard - but I couldn’t stand the horrible life I had with him. I did the same back and forth for awhile , but nothing ever got better, so it’s your choice.
Next time he walks out, change the locks. He’ll never change and you’re better off without him.
The next time he walks out. Change the locks!
You are teaching your kids how to be treated! They watch everything! You need to be an example of how you want to be treated, and know your self worth! You can’t complain if you keep taking him back!! It’s a choice you keep taking him back!! Don’t say it for the kids!! Don’t use them for your decision!
I’d tell him to stay gone .
stop taking him back period
you n your kids need the peace
Simple, quit letting him back in.
You can’t fix Stupid. His grown ass running back home to his mommy. Don’t want to take responsibility. Stop letting his black ass back in. YOU can do it on your own. Think about your kids and fuck him. Make something of yourself for you and your kids. I know it’s not easy but you can do it. First start with some birth control.
Have him take his shit and stay gone! It’s not easy raising kids on your own, but it’s so worth it!! You can do it!
Do you really think this shit good for the kids your just scared to be without him grow up
Let his mother have him…
boy bye…
I have 4 kids ages 1,2,4,8 I can relate there but what I can’t relate on is you knowing that he as no problem walking out on you and not helping support the kids at home or the house… If my husband had walked out on me after I went through having 4 kids for him and dedicating my time and effort after he started being lazy I would throw all his shit out the house and not give him another minute of my time and effort life is to short for this mess especially for your children… mom and daddy ain’t happy babies ain’t either you found the toxic source now cut it off or cut it out … I’ve been married 8 years together 10 years you have no excuses to deal with this behavior but your own …
Stop letting him do this,
That’s just stupid saying your doing it for the kids every time he comes and pretends to love them and then leaves it will ruin their trust completely they will constantly wonder if their loved if their worth anything their blame themselves for him walking out the door they will act out badly to get his attention to get him to be apart of their life they will most likely end up self medicating with a lot of harmful things I know from first hand my mom was in and out of my life I ran the streets to get her attention it ended up with her refusing to let me see any of my siblings on my birthday to wake up I was homeless wishing I had money to go get liquor and weed to numb the pain do not let him destroy your kids I finally gave up on my mom loving me it took me having my own daughter to seriously wake up and know my worth I don’t let her around me or my kid because I’m not showing her that it’s okay for toxic people to come in and leave whenever it don’t benefit them
Let his momma keep him!
Leave, plain and simple
Surely you knew that he was lazy well before 4 kids came along. You keep letting him come back because you want things to work and keep hoping things will change. This has nothing to do with the kids at this point since he clearly isn’t being the father he should be. Leaving to stay with mommy? What a loser!
Telling you he’s an ass. Sounds like he doesn’t want to be the one to leave and “break up the family” and is hoping that you will be the bad guy here. I think you know what you need to do but you’re scared and I fully understand that. In the long run, by you leaving, you will say that it was the best decision you made for you and your children.
Kick that asshole out. If he wants to be there for you and the kids he would be. Girl you got this.
Stop letting your children be forced to live out this vicious irresponsible lifestyle. Teaching your sons how to treat their wives like shit and daughters to lay back and take abuse. Grow up lady. You can’t really be this ignorant. Pull up your pants and put your foot down before you waste another 10 years of your life and your kids too.
Leave and don’t come back. After all this time and no change? Fuck him.
Let him go for good! File for a divorce
Alot easier said than done. However, hunny it’ll never change if you keep putting up with it and allowing him to come back… Leave his sorry ass. Either kick him out or wait until he goes back to mommy’s and change the locks. And do not give into him… You deserve so much better and frankly so do your kids. Best of luck. Huggss xxxxxxx
Leave him, he won’t change
This hurt my brain to read however, RUN!!!
Better off without him …not good for the kids either leaving all the time …
Imo he wants out but he’s waiting for you to call the quits so he doesnt come off as the bad guy to everyone else in the story
I don’t see what you are getting out of this marriage, Walking out, I would only put up with so many times then it would stop. He wouldn’t be there. Child support would help. 3 of your kids are in school so a sitter for baby and get a part time job. File for divorce, find an atty that can assist you. Include your husband will pay for your atty (worth a try, he is the one leaving). Make a list of all the bills you will have to pay to see how you stand financially. It will help to know when searching for a job. It will be hard, I have one son and you have 4 children. Do not settle just for the paycheck. You deserve better.
Put your foot down. He leaves when he wants because he is allowed to come back so he treats it as a mini vacation. If I were you, and I mean this with the utmost respect, I would stop having his babies. Those babies are what’s keeping you there tied to him. Stop and evaluate what is happening in your life. Even if you don’t want to separate from this man child for your kids sake, they need stability and that is the one thing that is lacking from their father. I would leave for two weeks and visit family. Before you leave, have the locks changed. He wants to leave, let him be alone and feel alone. Once you come back home, do not let him in. If he wants to come back, and he will, tell him he has to earn his way back into your children’s life. If he wants to see his kids, he needs to pick them up and take them to his mothers house. The moment you give in, he will continue this cycle. Good luck.
He is treating you and your kids like it’s his option…His kids are his responsibility…people treat u the way u allow them to…
I would start by saving extra $ and file or a divorce asap…Don’t let him back in the house make it clear to him the next time that he leaves will be the last time…Yes this will hurt but sometimes u need to feel the pain believe in yourself and move on. Best wishes for u and your family.
He sounds like a POS get rid of him
Maybe it’s time for him to grow a dad to his children not a child to them.they dont need the competition.
It will get worse. This is not something that will get better I’m sorry you have to go through this hun.
You messed up when you let him back the first time … now it’s like he knows he can just leave whenever and you’ll always allow him back … it’s better for your child to see you happy without him rather than miserable with him. Kick his ass to the curve and let him know he’s not allowed to do that shit anymore . It’s confusing the kids and not right.
I don’t ask myself why he is doing this I ask myself why wouldn’t he do this if he has been getting away with it then why would he stop I mean shit what man or woman wouldn’t keep having their cake and eating it to as per say put your foot down and demand some respect girl
Shut the f doir tell him.get lost you be better off on your own just lazy all wrong him mammy does everything for him ive 4 boys they do their own stuff been cookung since 5 know how make something to eat wash up.lazy mammy boy he dosnt love or kids by the sounds of it just wants free leg and you do all work if he asking who owns child fuck him.home mammy
This isn’t healthy for you or your children. If he leaves, he needs to stay gone. You need to file for divorce and draw up a custody agreement and child support. This isn’t how marriage works. This is a partnership, and it sounds like everytime you need help with your partnership tasks, he leaves out of laziness. Let him stay with his mom, and you move on and heal… maybe gain some much needed confidence. You’ll be much better off without him from what I gather.
Let him go. Love yourself. Love your babies. Show them what love truly is. You all deserve better
Just let him go. He’s not invested in this marriage. He sounds immature, when life gets tough, he runs back to mommy! He should go stay with her, you have enough responsibility with four kids.
Divorce and get a good husband
Ask God for peace and he will ease your pain and see you through,open your mouth and ask God for peace so you can function for yourself and your children,the situation keep you confused don’t let it or him do that,peace
For the sake of the children don’t let him back. Instead show them you can have a healthy co parenting friendship and find someone that will treat you right.
The kids need stability not a part time Dad.
Dont stay for the kids sake. Kids need to know a parent will be there regardless if both parents are together or not. Its better for those kids to see their mama happy and in a good relationship or single rather than in a relationship that isnt stable and isnt role model worthy. You are those kids teather and role model. Teach them they shouldnt settle for anything less than they deserve. You deserve so much more mama. You have been there for those kids and have never left their side. If the father doesnt want to be in their lives because yall arent together then thats his choice and you cant force someone to care or love your children. As long as you do thats all that matters. Youre raising them not him.
Tell him he can’t come back… and that if you and the kids aren’t a priority to him… You are done making him a priority in your lifes… Screw that man-child