My Mother-In-Law Comes Over Every Single Day & I'm Losing It: Advice?

I wish ìf I had a mother in law like that

I’m greatful that my son in law is glad when I’m there…

I miss my mother and mother in law a lot

Closed mouth don’t get fed!! Address the situation

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Talk to your husband and let him say something to his mother.

Tell her to watch “Everybody Loves Raymond” for 8 hours.

Is her name Marie by chance? :joy:

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your house, your rules, girl :crazy_face:

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Just went through this, I told him your mom you deal with it.

Embrace it cause the day she don’t come over you’re gonna wonder :relieved:

I would tell her not to come over unless y’all invite her

You are so lucky. Mine comes over every day

Well, be glad she doesn’t live across the street. Mine does.:woman_facepalming:t2:

Lol. My husband probably feels the same way about my mum!

What I would give to have that


Ask her to watch the kids and go out with the hubby

You gotta let her catch you naked or screwing. Then you can tell her she has to call first before coming over without looking like a jerk. That’s if she doesn’t come to the conclusion herself.
You can do this :+1:t3:

One day she won’t be there.

Be honest with him :woman_shrugging:

I’ve been married 31 years, I definitely don’t want my mother in law, my own mother or anyone for that matter coming over every day. That’s just too much. U have to have healthy boundaries set in place for family, or there will be none. Good luck w this situation.

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You have to have have a conversation with hubby

You are not ao
Appreciated, for her!!

When she’s gone (death) your gonna wish she was around. Maybe she loves to see her grandkids sheesh.

Talk to your husband about it first.

Make her watch Everybody Loves Raymond with you. Maybe she’ll see herself??

Damn. And mine doesn’t even come around unless we actually invite her :rofl:

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Your kids will always remember having her around when they get older.
I wish my mother or mother in law helped me more.i wished I had more time with my grandmothers they died when I was young 7/10.
I would have her tell you kids stories of when she was young. Or take the kids places. Have her plant the garden with your kids my kids love planting the garden with grandma. Let her be involved and then when she is gone you won’t regret your words, because if you get what you want you may get more time to yourself but your husband and kids may not appreciate it and might even resent you.


Tell her! If you do not it will get much worse

It’s YOUR house! I’d have no problem asking her to leave

Oh hell naw u need to talk to yours husband about it and he can tell his mom…

Oh, I so fell sorry for you.

Haha I use to b in that situation suxx

Get your husband and get out of the house. Or get the kids and get out of the house.

My mother in-law has her moments when she is here every single day. I would never say a single word about her being here. She is part of my husband and my children. She is also alone, and I absolutely love having her around. This is not the same for everyone… some people do not get along as well. Some ppl need their own space for their piece of mind. I’m so sorry your in this position… idk what I’d do. Lol maybe give her a ton of work so she will want to stay away for a few days​:rofl::rofl::rofl: I ultimately think she will understand if you just talk to her.

Boundaries. They’re healthy

You don’t live far enough away :sweat_smile:

Suck it up. Mine are gone and I wish she would drop by every day.

Have you ever seen “Everybody Loves Raymond”??

Wow I’m sure that if the mother in law knew how you really feel she would never speak to you again. I wouldn’t if it were me. And when you need her to help you out I hope she tells you no that she would only be in your way so she better not. Us old people know that we are no longer useful to society and that no one wants to hear what we have to say, and God forbid, that we try to share a happy memory with you, that just makes your skin crawl don’t it? You young people have more important things to worry about like do I want to get my nails done today? Much more important than an old person worried that she might die alone and never see her family again. But you go ahead and tell her to go away it will break her heart but what’s more important- her heart or your alone time? Children watch and learn how to treat older family members from their parents. So rest assured that you can tell her to go away- after all you have everyone on Facebook’s approval- but know this- in a short few years it will be you, lonely, wanting to feel important just a little longer, wanting to feel like you matter to someone for a few more days and your kids will coldly close their door! You all can hate me and cuss me on here but remember this might be your fate one day.

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Someday she will no longer be around…

Adress it before she moves in lol

Totally understand it. :grimacing:

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I don’t know if you are a sex and the city fan, but, if so, do you happen to remember the episode where Charlotte’s mother-in-law (bunny) kept coming over? All it took was one time of her mother-in-law walking in while Charlotte was having sex with Trey (bunny’s son) and bunny never came over unannounced again…All it took was a pony ride​:joy::joy::joy:

Put your foot down or it will get worse

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Do a last second thing and take you the kids and him to the park :joy::joy:

Oh shit your screwed if he is a mamas boy! Just sit n talk with her. This sounds like Everybody loves Raymond :rofl::joy:does she have a husband? I couldn’t handle this!!!

Suck it up .her life is short .ok.

Tell your husband to tell her or you will and just be up front.

Damn what id do to have someone coming around me and my kid all the time …

I’d tell my hubbs to handle it

Let her think your going out of town for weekends

Tell her to go home or simply say “FUCK OFF”

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maybe she’ll see THIS post lol👏

Stand your ground now or he will never let go

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First. Problem mamas boy

It’s just a phase and she will change soon. Keep the peace if she is not causing conflict and arguments when she is there. If she is her coming over will have to be immediately addressed. If not make small COMMENTS about her being busy and her time is important to do other things. A hint to the Wise is Sufficient be creative to bring it up. It’s not what you say it’s how you say it.

l think u should talk to your husband first

Girl shut uppppp you married him had kids with him like this isn’t new.

I don’t think I’d burn that bridge .

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Your Mom is a Rockstar !!!

Mine never comes over

Be honest. Tell them both.

Get a job and let mother watch the kids

play like you are not home…

Get rid of the boy…

Lay down the law. It’s your home!

My mom was kinda this person, so was my grandma. It drove my boyfriend INSANE. We fought about it a few times because i didn’t want to admit what they were doing was overstepping - looking back I think it’s because my sons bio dads family abandoned him completely so I felt ok with my family like over compensating for the lack of the other side - eventually I heard him out and I put my foot down. I told them they were more than welcome to come over but NOT uninvited. They had to call ahead of time and make plans and if my answer was no because we need family time then the answer is no. My grandma still struggles with this because there is no level of respect with her unfortunately… thankfully she’s seen me irritated enough time to be afraid of me though LOL so she still tries to push her last minute plans on me but if I stand firm on no then she backs down and doesn’t attempt to come over uninvited.

This is definitely something that needs to be discussed. He may not take it well just like me, but stand your ground. Be firm but not mean. Let him know how it makes you feel. These things are important to communicate. If he still doesn’t get it, I would go ahead and have the conversation lightly with his mom.

Enjoy every Minute of it,she might not be here tomorrow !!!

Can you talk to her?

Don’t be home? Idk🤷‍♀️

Tell her to stop like told mine

I would love for an adult woman to love us so much she literally wants to spend everyday with us. Be grateful. If you need a break from her ask her to keep the kids for a day and have some you time. She’ll likely be delighted at the opportunity instead of offended by your annoyance with her love


You have only yourself to blame!! You didn’t set limits and boundaries. Seems like another Raymond, who’s afraid of his mother.
You need to have a serious conversation with your husband and both of you confront the woman.
My problem was I like my mother-in-law, I just couldn’t stand her lazy, worthless, son, so I dumped him!!!

Is this a comment about me

Could be sucking it up would benefit your marriage. Never get between a man and his mother.

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Unless if nibanoko???

Lock the door don’t answer the phone they need boundaries I moved to another city 3 hours away to set mine up with some strict ass boundaries she’s not respecting you as the wife and that will cause issues in the end

Suck it up. She won’t always be around

My friends mum started asking if it was ok to come over when she caught them having sex in the kitchen…maybe try that!

DEF say something or else u Will be sucking up your feelings in regards to her for like ever. I know from experience lol

I feel this, except its a grown step son not a in law. :neutral_face::woman_shrugging:t3:

Im clingy like being round people

If you don’t ask for what you want, you won’t get it…

I’m not gonna lie it wouldn’t bother me everyone different tho

Just tell her you want some space no need to act like it’s a huge deal. She probably doesn’t see any harm in it. My grandma always came over when we were kids and we loved it and I remember my mom always complaining and thinking how horrible she was to say such things about grandma.
Don’t be petty. Be an adult and just ask her to maybe call before popping in. Its not really an issue. Many of us don’t have the luxury of parents that care to help so it sounds like you’re complaining about a good thing.

Some of you bitxhes reallllllyyyy need help. You won’t have husband’s very long the way yall act about his mother!!

:face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting: jjst rip the bandaid off and tell her ur starting a new scheduke amd uts crucial that she pick one day a week she’d like to visit the kids so can focus in some things . She shoukd get the hint … its honest… and nice. Thats what I did.

Just be blessed to have her. I lost my beautiful mother in law 29 years ago. I miss her everyday. I would love to have her in my house everyday just one more time.


Did you marry his mother too? Looking for a polyamorous relationship ? Did you say I do to her at your wedding. Nip it in the bud. Now.


There is nothing wrong with wanting to have just your own family time and no one shluld make you feel otherwise. That doesn’t mean you dont want your mother n law around just not all the time. I would def talk to her. See if you cant come up with a compromise. She just might not even realize.


I mean, no good advice because I live with my MIL and I thank the heavens for her every single day.
But, if it bothers you…tell her to call before she stops by because you want some days for yourself and your family.
Thats my best advice…but also, you’re going to miss those days your MIL came over. Its going to be quiet in your home one day. She is family too. She’s actually the one that started your family.


Try to find compassion…I was faced with the same issue. It helps to remind ones self that in death none of this shit matters and you’ll kick yaself for letting it get to you…

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Go on dates with your husband and take advantage of the free built in nanny!

You should talk to your husband and come up with boundaries together. If that doesn’t work, I say use this to your advantage, start making date nights/days with your hubby & have g-ma watch the kiddos. If you’re hubby isn’t up for it, then you go out and have a daughters day date and then next day have a switch to a sons day date, or even just have a me day where you can enjoy a meal without distractions of anyone. :wink: don’t look at the negative side, look at the positive side of it all!

Tread carefully and kindly. I’d advise to think about exactly what you think is acceptable before approaching the subject. Then frame it nicely in casual conversation to get the idea out there, don’t burn bridges. A good sitter is hard to find, a safe place for kids is priceless so maybe y’all to her about having private time with the family and how you really want that, maybe even have her take kids when your husband gets home from work to give you a few hours. Maybe she would love to feed them for you then bring them back for an hour in the evening to say goodnight to her son. Is she lonely? Give her some things she can help with, maybe ask for her to take kids or sit at home for you and you can get out.

I respect my husband enough that I would never be as jealous of his mother as this woman is of her mother in law. Be grateful that someone cares about you enough to be invested in your lives. Geez. My dad died and Id give anything for him to come over every single day. Sigh…

I am long divorced from a mama’s boy. Now, I actually do a lot of work with Seniors. Maybe she needs some friends her own age. Is there an active community senior center nearby? Can you check it out? Ours has lots of free activities, trips, Bingo, Yoga, Senior Zumba, Tai Chi, Chair Exercise, watercolor classes, educational presentations, parties, etc. We even provide some door to door transportation and outreach services. We’ve had timid, lonely seniors join and then blossom after making friendships. We’ve had grieving spouses join who later went on to fall in love and marry another member. Frequently, a senior’s adult child or daughter in law will bring them in for a first visit to check the place out. Sometimes they are resistant…but most quickly adapt and have a great time. Right now, our center must follow mandated social distancing and room capacity mandates, but we are managing really well. It’s very important for older adults to remain active and socialize. Churches and Temples also have active social groups for Seniors that might be great for your mother in law. Maybe you could check it out and talk it over with your husband? Maybe he could encourage her and check it out with her?

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If it was your mother coming around everyday would you feel the same?


Communication is key sis let your husband know that you feel some type of way. Especially the fact that y’all are married boundaries do need to be set. I’m currently going through the same thing but with my brother in law instead and it was kind of hard for me to bring up the topic but then again it takes two to tango so I had to take the first step to communicate it out and go from there. Do keep in mind regardless of him being a mommas boy, you guys have a family to build. How can you correctly build a family if there’s an unwanted guest that has gotten too comfortable squeezing in

I was too i was at grammas house all the time my dad died and my mom could not do it with out her parents picking up the slack a m d wr were better off for it. But gramma never complained about us calling to say that we were going to go somewhere with out her… she was probably grateful…lol qe would call and plan with her so she k ew when we were going places or when we were comming over etc and kept open communication daily. I can remember calling her every morning g before school so she could ask how u sleep or did u get your homework done etc and ti tell me have a good day. My other gram I only saw for short period of time one day as she drive through town. As an adult I liked the maternal gramma more but love them just as much