Should I cut ties with my boyfriends family because my daughter and I were not added to his grandpas obituary?

Really? If you want to cut ties with people over something so rediculous then your bf needs to run now. Stop making everything about you and your daughter.

It stings, but let it go.

No. It’s not worth a good relationship if that is what you have.
If the relationship isn’t good then it’s not a good/real reason to call it quits.

He ain’t the father. So no u shouldn’t be upset.

I wouldn’t worry about it…

What’s your problem? He’s just your boyfriend.

Why are you making s=an isdue over something do petty?

ur bf should be the one to speak up and say something.


Your a girlfriend not even married. Get over yourself.

HE should address this with his family!!!

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Toxic people mate walk away and never look back

Point blank ask them Communication will get you answers

Ignore them, they are not there for you.

No…not entitled. Quit being a gold digger. Thats shameful. Walk away so you dont embarrass yourself.

Probably an oversight

So someone died and you’re worried about money?


No, he’s just a boyfriend and your just her momma.


Typically and traditionally obituaries only include legally adopted or biological children in them.

Really? You’re being selfish, the family is in morning, its not about you

Y’all crack me up. I’ve seen numerous obituaries with the girlfriend or boyfriend listed with the family.


It’s not his child
You guys are not married
You are taking this too personally.


No because your a gf but even if they added the girlfriends of the other family members…your daughter is not blood related to him so they didn’t list yall…those other girlfriends probably had biological kids with the family members so maybe that is why they were even listed. You are being childish and petty


Dearly are you sick or insane to bring such issue out?

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Why? He’s stepped up to act as her bio dad when he is not and the fact remains that there is no blood tie to the grandfather. The obituary is normally for listing family members who are considered blood ties through marriage and birth. Let the family grieve as they wish and respect their terminology, it has absolutely nothing to do with you. You obviously have a wonderful man in your life, there is no reason to turn this into a family battle where all will be hurt.

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It sounds like this was not the first instance of them alienating you both. I have BEEN THERE (my Ex-husband’s family was awful to me and my daughter). Does your boyfriend stand up for you when his family pulls this nonsense? If not, you may have plenty more to think about.

Perhaps it was an oversight. Move past it.


My question. Is he her father or just a place holder? Because the way you’re making it sound is like she doesn’t have a dad unless you say she does sooo a bit confused as to why you’re making him disposable if you claim that he raised her from 4 months and that’s her dad. Pretty fucked up to pull the plug now in my opinion.

The obituary and funeral isn’t about you-you aren’t married and your daughter isn’t his. Move on and be supportive to your boyfriend.

This day and age, you and your daughter should have been mentioned in the obit!

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You’re not related
You shouldn’t have been in the remembrance.
Nor should the others have been.
If your not happy with a boyfriend (or his family)
I suggest you not get married.
Cause that wouldn’t change a thing.

Well it seems alot of people on here missed the part that there was more to this than just this slight so i say if there’s other things going on pay attention to how they treat you and your daughter and if it continues then move on.

If you do stay, lay down some law. Disrespect towards any child is not acceptable. They must and WILL treat a 4 year old that loved him the way she deserves to be treated.

People just look for a reason to be made at others in order to justify their actions. If you wish to wash your hands of his family be prepared for him to wash his hands if you. You seem childish and bit even they gave you love. Seems to me you think you’re more important than you really are.

I think it’s selfish. They prolly didn’t include her cause she’s not their bloodline.

Here’s a hint. : grow up get your own family ( boy friends grandpa not your daughters) boy friend is the problem which you created.

My opinion your his girlfriend not wife. Also pretty petty to be worried about being in his grandpa’s obituary. He just lost his grandpa. If I was him ide break up with you for asking the question

It might have been wrong for them to exclude. However, the real question should be, does your boyfriend love you and treat you and your daughter like family. Did he write the obit or who did? Find out why you were left off, if you must but why leave the man for something someone else did?

If they’re including girlfriends I’d be hurt but usually it’s only the actual married people who show up on the obit. Plus they charge for every person they add to that darn thing. Even if your close to a family member.

No, if you’ve been treated like family to this point, let it go. Share feelings with your boyfriend. Remember he’s grieving so timing is important. If you’ve always felt part of the family then chalk up to omission, it happens. Good luck :pray:

It’s not leukemia !!! It’s an obituary , for Christ’s sake !!! Who cares ? If you and the man you’re shacking with get married then you can be in the obituary . Until then put a sock in it … It’s his family …do you really want to 'cut ties ’ ??

Perhaps if you were an actual family and not just playing house year after year this wouldn’t have occurred. You act like you’re temporary. So you are.

Your daughter is only 4 years old she doesn’t even know anything about a obituary.
as long as they treat her well that’s all that should matter.

You need to talk to him about it and find out if it’s just an oversight. And you need to talk to others in the family to know for sure what happened. Don’t decide before you have all the facts.

NO matter what…
If you decide to cut ties?
Be prepared for ties to you to be cut also.
Don’t worry about the name, party, picnics or coffee.
Know who you are and move on.
If they ever decide to include you?
Feelings are going to get hurt. Will you be mentioning your boyfriend in your families obituaries?
So don’t be to quick to end things.
You never know when something might change :pensive::paw_prints::pensive:.

Unless she’s reading obituaries how would she know she was left out at 4 years old

Nowhere did you mention speaking to your boyfriend about it or speaking to the grandmother about it shouldn’t that be the first step

Sounds like you’re being dramatic. If you grossly overreact to all the small things like this I can understand why your name was left off.

And its bc you don’t have kids yet sound like

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Uhm we can’t really get mad here, the obituary should have blood or step children that were taken care of for decades

That’s ridiculous. If you’re that petty, I bet the boyfriend hopes you cut ties with him too.

People forget. . It is a hard time emotionally.

You’re not married you won’t go on the obituary


NO. Absolutely not. Hang in there, remember the love.

Find a different hill. You are cutting off you nose to spite your face.

Stop it . Respect the family

Forgive and let it go.

Hahaha, karobandika…

Let it go , get over it

My goodness…petty. let it be.

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Look, they are in a very stressful, heartbreaking situation. Don’t take it personally

Are you real

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I mean my cunt of aunt didn’t add my sister (half) because my pa and nana denied until a few years ago that she was my dads even though she looks and acts just like him. So I mean have a conversation with your boyfriend on how and why it hurt you and that you don’t want that toxic crap in your life.

God said we MUST forgive to be forgiven.


This is so stupid…

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Key word here is " boyfriend "

Get rid of the meanness and the bullshit right now or you’ll deal wit it the rest of your life. Please take my word for it.

Talk to your boyfriend.

Maybe you all should sit down and talk, ask why… Don’t just throw everything away with your boyfriends family because you are upset, without finding out why first.

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When my mom died I didnt put my step kids in there but when my step niece was killed they listed me but not my husband no one was mad about it

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It’s too much drama. I understand your feelings. But funerals and times like this bring out the worst in people. If you make an issue of it, it’s just going to create undue hard feelings. My pastors wife used to tell me to just be sweet. I never mastered that quality. But I understand what she wanted for me. Peace. Peace is a wonderful thing.


I wouldn’t cut ties but I would definitely talk to the boyfriend and let him deal with it. It’s not really your place to address his family unless your on that base with them. Sounds like your not and there maybe be friction there. I would most definitely be hurt if other girlfriends were added. If it was just marital family, no I wouldn’t care.

Why don’t you make a memorial for her. Post it on Facebook. Pics of her and him together. Say something sweet like memories made with poppa are the best memories.


Say something. That was a direct cut and snack in the face. First talk to your boyfriend. Tell him how hurt you are , and maybe come up together with just the right words to say and express to them. I would definitely guard and protect my daughter from getti g any closer to them if they are going to continue their kuniving ways that hurt so badly!

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I understand how hurtful that can be. It feels like they view you as separate instead of part of the family or one big family. When my husbands Nana passed away he was very hurt when he read her obituary. His family added my name and our bio daughters name, but not my 2 bio sons who he adopted. It can really make the kids feel that separation that they probably already do feel a sense of. Fortunately we don’t have to deal with his family as he cut ties with them years ago. Chances are there will be another instance that you could use to bring this up to them and let them know how hurtful it is and they you and your husband strive to make all of your kids feel important and like part of the family and their support in that would be appreciated.

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:heart::v::heart: love please don’t get upset over this! Don’t let it bother you. You can’t force people to include you. Your child doesn’t mean anything less to her poppy. Its not worth it. Some people get bitter over stuff like this and it doesn’t bother those people one bit. In fact that was more than likely the reason you were left out. Someone wanted you to speak out over it. Me personally I’d hold a big memorial for poppy’s friends and all of his family including the buttholes who left you out. Host a dinner, share pictures, and let your daughter talk about her poppy. You can get bitter or better. And this is probably one of the worst places to ask a question like this. These women are ASKHoles! I have the biggest softest heart and I use to get so upset when I felt left out. But I realized getting out of my character or getting upset did nothing. Bring something positive about it :heart::heart::heart:


Why would you just cancel them out of your life? Ask why you were left out. If you feel like it is too awkward to ask then you have your answer. Have you ever planned a funeral? It is hard and emotionally exhausting and they were grieving. Cut them some slack and let the BF handle it, if he chooses to do so. If he doesn’t want to, then that may be the real problem.


I wasn’t Included in my brothers why the fuck would you and your daughter be included in HIS grandfathers obituary? ( btw I should have been but it wasn’t written by family- it was written by the sheriffs or whomever writes suicide obituaries)

You sound like an entitled spoiled brat.

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I would discuss with your boyfriend. It may have been intentional in which you may need to find out why or it could have been an honest mistake. If it was an accident, it doesn’t make it ok but it may not be worth losing β€œfamily” over. Emotions run high at these times and the most obvious people and memories are overlooked.

I would talk to them. It may not have been intentional. Sometimes when people pass especially unexpectedly it’s hard to gather your thoughts. They may feel bad about it also. I’m sorry this happened to you and your daughter :heart:

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My grandpa just passed tho he wasnt biologically my grandpa he had been in my life since I was 12, when my β€œgrandma” and β€œaunts” made his obit my sister and I and my kids were left out but my cousins step kids were added. It hurt it hurt a lot so I understand where your coming from. They choose not to associate with us now and I couldn’t tell you why. What I’ve learned is to just move on you cant make people feel bad they knew what they were doing and nothing you say will change what’s been kids amd your daughter aren’t old enough to even understand the obit but they do know that they were loved by said person and that’s all that matters…its honestly just us thats hurt because we are old enough to understand but we can heal and move on

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Nothing like making a family loss all about you. I would never add a β€œgirlfriend” to an obit but would add survived by # of grandkids. I say get over it. Support your partner, Let the family mourn their loved one peacefully without adding unnecessary drama. Make your own tribute to honor him and your child.


Don’t add drama on top of death


Do not make this about you.


Personally I would just be curious as to what the reasoning was especially if you all had a great relationship…but now is certainly NOT the time.
But I wouldn’t be upset about it…like at all…I’d be more upset at the loss of my loved one.And concerned about how my child is hurting. :frowning: last thing crossing my mind would be my name in the paper.
… maybe it couldve been was an honest mistake due to grief and such …or maybe they flat out don’t like you…
but that should be resolved as a family during more appropriate circumstances.

And absolutely you should not leave your boyfriend or his family for not being mentioned in an obituary… seems petty. You even said your kid is so upset about losing β€œpoppy” how would she feel if half her family was randomly gone too.

You need to let them know you were hurt and go from there…but not now. It’s not the time.
Sorry for your loss…and Goodluck w everything


This is a teaching moment for you to teach your daughter to be the bigger person and let it go.


Those of you saying the op is making this all about her have never been the brunt of this type of slight before. My kid and I have been the object of stuff like this and I witnessed it happen to others. It was done to be hurtful and mean. You don’t list every other person in the family and purposefully leave out certain names.


You aren’t married. Your daughter isn’t your boyfriend’s bio daughter. As much as it hurts you aren’t β€œofficial” family, so no reason for you to be included in obit. If you were married I could see you being upset… but you don’t really have a leg to stand on even if they included the others. Are the other’s engaged?


I would be upset, but just remember that they’re grieving. It’s honestly not the right time to make arguments as they just lost a loved one. Maybe you can address your hurt feelings once they’re doing better with the loss. Just have an honest conversation with them. Since the man who passed was really close to your daughter, it seems like they had a good relationship. Don’t take that away from your daughter.


This isn’t about you or your daughter…Adding drama to death, will just make more drama.


Atleast ur daughter should be mentioned


Should you cut ties with family because you’re butthurt? No.


Why are you making it about you? It’s about the person they knew decades before you came along… get off your high horse.


They knew what they were doing, they knew exactly how it would effect you probably a reflection on how they’ve always felt about you in my opinion. Have the balls to stand up to them but chances are once you call them out they’ll do exactly what half these comments are doing, blaming the victim

Let it go. Resentment let’s them live rent free in ur head.


Honestly it’s not that big of a deal. I wouldn’t bring it up cus they and you are mourning. I wouldn’t make it about you. Your bf knows how y’all feel but it’s nothing he can actually fix


I would speak my mind about it and let them know how it hurt your feelings and Anyone saying your making a big deal is wrong. Girlfriend or not doesn’t matter. Y’all are still family and should’ve been included. Especially after being together so long. Now a days people don’t even get married anymore. So a Piece of paper shouldn’t define you as being family or not to them


It’s typically only the biological family and usually only immediate family is listed(depending on how the family wants the obit). I’m assuming the other children were listed because they are his children. I wouldn’t take offense to it. You aren’t married…

You guys are missing the fact she said every other Girlfriend and child is mentioned.