My 9year old granddaughter has just started asking for colour dye on her hair. My daughter has told her they will consider it for a 10th birthday treat. X
I bleached my hair starting 16 and ever since have played w colours. Today it’s been so damaged due to all that. I would try not to promote bleaching personally.
We didn’t let our daughter get real dye in her hair until she was 12. We have just used markers and kool aid and hair chalk with our youngest daughter up to this point. She is 6
I told her when she was 18 she could dye her hair. She is 19 and just put some highlight and low lights in for the first time. They look beautiful and natural and she loves it. She is glad she waited to be a bit older before she did it.
My daughters started dying hair at 14 , they played with makeup sense they were 10 , because knowing your face and being good at makeup takes years not months I think the sooner they start playing around with it the better they will be at it , hair dye start slow with semi permanent, or color sprays , let them have fun being a girl
I wasn’t allowed to have anything pierced or dye anything until I was 18 so I let both my daughters dye their hair at 8. I believe kids should be allowed to express themselves within reason
I’ve let my daughter’s decide (within reason) about hairstyles since they were about 5 they wanted it cut, I cut it. They wanted a mohawk, okay! They wanted shaved sides and short pixie style, sure thing. My oldest is 14 and has shaved her head multiple times and grown it out again. It literally grows back
My girls are 14, 12, 7 & 4, the oldest two have been playing around with colors for years and the youngest two have got to play around with bits of color in their blonde hair. This past summer is the first time I let my 7 year old color all of her hair purple. I’ll let them be kids and let them have a little fun while they can… It’s not always an option as an adult with a career.
I had to wait till I was 13, but recently when I colored my hair purple the husband gave permission to do the bottom 2inches of our daughters. She was super excited. She has dark hair so you can barely notice
It’s just hair. It will grow back. Of all the things the kids could be wanting hair dye is not one I personally stress over.
Rather go with the iron-on colors, reason being you will regret it when your child starts getting Grey from an early age due to beaching and other dyes.
We died my daughters for her 11th bday. She wants like blue hair. Since it’s the middle of the pandemic that didn’t happen but has soon as it’s over and she’s back in school we will let her. Hair is one of the biggest ways kids can express them selves and it grows out it’s not permanent
That’s so young. When she’s older and more mature, she can make that decision because it’s something that makes her feel better, but for now, teach her that she’s beautiful just the way she is. Sometimes if she wants so fun or flair— temporary color. And when it’s time to wash it out— remind her that she’s beautiful just the way she is. What about chemicals? It’s bad for us all… but as a young child, is she able to tell you something is wrong? What if she’s allergic and won’t tell you because she wants to dye her hair— not thinking she can try a different brand. It’s just too much.
I think it’s important to teach children and particularly girls that they are in charge of their bodies - including their hair. With that understanding comes responsibility of caring for themselves. And as a good non-controlling but protective parent - she must understand you will not allow for her to do anything that would damage her hair / body. Otherwise - it’s completely her hair and her decision.
I knew a mother who allowed her four year old to die her hair a soft pink. I was really shocked. I asked her why she would allow such a thing. Relax she said, is just jello. It washes out after a couple washes. Lol
Cute idea, and you can mix colors to create other colors. But at the same time its still allowing your child to change their hair color and ruin their hair.
My 5 year old has purple hair. Dyed it a couple weeks ago. She loves it.
Nope too young. I use to put the way out spray in my daughters her at seven occasionally but her hair was blonde. We color her hair all the time and she’s 18 now and I still won’t bleach her hair
You do you…
My daughter is only 3 weeks old so a long time before I have to worry about this
I coloured my hair for the first time when I was 15 . 17 years I still regret it.
I just recently let me 14year old have hers dyed and no bleach. I don’t want her ruining her hair. She loves her long hair and takes care of it so I have let her dye it colors a few times already.
Definitely up to you and your comfort level. My son is 8 and has blue hair on the top. I did lighten it before hand (cosmetologist)
Some one said to me you only dye hair when greys show. Put some streaks in in brown tone so not so noticeable kids like a bit of fun
Probably a teenager…I told my daughter that it destroys your hair and she would have to wait till she was old enough to take care of her hair cause it will need lots of care after that lol
My daughter was 5 when we first did her hair pink. Its their hair let them express themselves
I wouldn’t bleach at a young age but there is alot of colored dyes that are not damaging at all or hell the old Kool aid dye. It’s their hair🤷
My son had a red mohawk at age 5 and my mom was the one who took him to get it done. I wished he would of wanted it blue
At least in their teens. Not before. Younger than that maybe some fun spray in color that washes out or some clip in fake hair pieces would be fun but that’s the most I’d do for a child.
My son has platinum blonde hair and as been obsessed with wanting brown in it since he started high school , he’s now 16 still mentions it , I told him 18 !
Mine was in 1st grade when her hair went pink. Had to bleach a bit so it would show. It’s only hair I love my daughter can express herself. My son had blue hair in 2nd grade also. As a cosmetologist there are safe ways to do it. I have also seen some kids going they issues and changing their hair sometimes is the one thing they can control.
It’s hair, let her have fun with it while she’s young and die my have to worry about uppity jobs. I would just have it done professionally personally to ensure you get the best outcome with the least amount of damage
I was 13-14 when I got my hair dyed for the first time but it was just the fake hair dye. I got red stripes. I lived it but didnt stay in for long. I wanted to dye it so many time all sorts of colors but wasnt allowed. But when I was on my own i finaly dyed it. But also my parents where very stricked and didnt allow alot of things. I just got lucky to get it done.
I would do a few a strands, but probably not the whole head. The chemicals will damage her hair and she’s just too young to start that.
Pick your battles my mom always said. Hair is a small battle
I dyed my son’s hair at 7.5 yrs. Try the midnight colors from splat. They work on dark hair without bleaching. I think there’s red, blue, green, and purple.
I was told by a salon not till she reaches puberty
I was 8 when i got highlights for the first time, my daughter isnt born yet but ill allow her to dye her hair whenever she asks. My mom didnt care, i wont either.
Mine has been doing pretty colors through her hair since she was 5 in the summer time.
We did my grandkids at 5 and 7. They loved it and felt so special. Go for it!
Try the colored hair clip ins so she can have a streak of color and she can change it on a daily basis or multiple times a day
Color hair: 16 , MAYBE. Younger than that: ABSOLUTELY NOT.
Do it!
Its just hair… It’ll grow back
I started getting highlights in 6th grade. I could only do natural colors until I was 18. That was my dad’s rule. It may be my hair but under his roof I had to follow his rules. A month before my 18th birthday I put blue and green streaks in. Since then if I wanna dye it or bleach it, I have to pay for the materials and get someone I trust to do it. I currently have blue hair and I’m fixing to bleach and put dark purple and emerald green in
I do hair and I think 7 is too young but . I think jr high age I guess but everybody is different. I think I was like 13/14 the first time I colored mine
It’s hair! My dad was such a stickler about somethings, but by the time I was 12 or 13, I was getting highlights, by 16 I had all over color. I can remember being 7 or 8 and wanting “Frosta” (She-Ra) blue hair. She is 10, and if money hadn’t become an issue this year, I was going to let her go all out, and do galaxy hair. The beauty of hair is it is always barring something exceptional, able to be easily changed. It can be cut, dyed, have extensions, and does not hurt a soul, nor leave a permanent scare or hole. It is less than a deal, at least to me. I haven’t even taken the time to read the opinions of anyone, but the comment directly under the initial post, because I already know, some have lost their minds about a kid coloring their hair, for no reason, other than control. To each their own, and more power to the mom’s embracing your kiddo’s colorful individuality.
So hair will always grow back…
I died my kids hair for kindergarten…
Relax it just hair
I say go for it… Its not hurting her not hurting others. Try kooliaid dying. It works… And they have funky colors and its kid friendly
Maybe the ends or a section by the face is ok but nothing too much. If you can get by with a compromise like that, i think that would be good. It’s expensive and kids are fickle lol. I think that’s acceptable starting at 5 and if she wants more, age 16 in her dime.
My daughter’s 11 and I don’t do anything but like manic panic but she has dark blonde hair
I think 13 is the best age. You can still supervise and she will love the girl time.
Let her express herself, it’s hair, it grows back. All my friends that had very strict parents growing up went nuts when they were older because their parents wouldn’t let them figure out who they were.
It’s hair, it grows back, it can be fixed. I think it’s such a small thing that let her do it❤️
I used vegan semi permanent in my daughter’s hair and shes 4. It still shows up enough to make her happy but ik its not gonna kill her hair. Honestly I believe it’s not the end of the world its just hair.
I think she’s old enough when she’s not using “and a half” after her age.
My parents went by the rule of when we started puberty. I didn’t start until 14 so that was when I got to perm it color my hair. However my sister started at 16 so that was her time and my other sister was 13 and that was her time.
Idk I’d bleach it. But some funky wash out colors yes why not
I let my kids have crazy hair colors at 8
Use kool aid to dye it. We did back in the 90s! Comes out in a few washes!
My mom didn’t allow me to do it till 15 and same goes for my daughter no matter how safe the dye is it damages your hair after pro long use so if they start late better
Don’t bleach it. It will mess up her hair. Regular semi permanent dye is what I let my girls use.
12-13 years old any beauty technician will let you know that if not careful you can damage her hair or can fall out completely take her to a professional dont do this yourself.
I would do it. Yes, it will require bleaching but, there are safe ways to do it without too much damage. If my daughter’s dad’s mom wouldn’t flip her lid so bad, I’d have let her do it at 8.
The problem with bleaching is when it washes out it may not be look great on very dark hair. Try highlights/low lights throughout the hair. It will take the color much easier.
Mine is 12 I let her bc it’s just hair and I can’t really say no as I did mine at that age. But she earns it first.
I’ve been putting color in my daughters hair since about that age (the fun colors). She is now 11 and has purple & pink hair. I figure “why not”
Get her to try a blonde wig on . If she likes how it looks on her then proceed from there.
They have the fake hair dye that washes out… and anything after 5 and just a high light im all for it
Let her do it but use washable not permanent dye
My granddaughter was the same way. She has dark hair, and wanted blue. Nothing showed up. This past summer, we let her get highlights. She loves it. She’s 8.
My 5 and 10 year old boys have dyed theirs. My nieces were the same age too!
We did my daughters at 7… Only bleached and colored the tips pink so that way we could cut em off if need be and it wouldn’t damage her whole hair.
We put color in my daughters hair for the first time when she was in 3rd grade.
My daughter is 13 and has asked me multiple times if she can dye her hair blue she has such beautiful hair and her hair is already mixed nicely naturally with brown and blond highlights, I dont want her to ruin it. Maybe when shes 16 we will see.
We let our daughter dye her hair during the shut down a temp teal color and she’s 9
My daughter is 10 and has colored hair has for the past 4 months.
Did semi permanent since like 7, she got permanent at 9, but her hair being so soft, guess it ended up not being totally permanent after all lol
I put temporary colors, the wash out stuff in my daughters hair when she was 3, it was purple and put green in when she was 4
Depends on the parent some are more strict than others. I would allow it like at 12 or 13 but others wouldn’t until they are 18. You do you.
Mine wants blue hair but I think middle school is fine. My daughter is 9 about to be 10 next month. Its just coloring her hair… no need to be a karen about it lol jk but Its like shaving her legs… not really a big deal. Some kids do worse at 10 yrs old.
No, not till they can pay for a hair professional in full and a decent tip, no box kits either. Most kids can and will change their minds and taste in a blink of the eye. 16 to 18 is a good time to start. Till then, can color spray, or Kool Aid drink
I allowed my daughter to highlight her dark hair in seventh grade. We are prone to going grey very early in teens so I thought it would be good start to covering up. Or to never notice it at all.
I would let her use harsh chemicals but the non permanent dyes would be fun.
Too young. Tweens. Peekaboo highlights have to be bleached out then dyed link. Get her some clip ins until she’s older.
I see young girls change color blue pink purple red color my 14 and 15 daughter same thing my aunt 14 too not right they think cool
Victoria Estill Lynn Hood show this to lee. There are even stylists on here. Abbys been wanting to dye her hair red… I say why not as long as it’s a more natural red
At the end of the day it’s up to you… I think if you and dad/mom are in agreeance and it doesnt violate school dress code I’d go for it…
Let kids be kids and do some fun stuff. There could be worse things out there they could be doing. Just have some fun with them while they are young!
I allowed my daughter blonde streaks in 7th grade. She did it a few times and then got tired of it. I told her she had to be a teenager.
My daughter was 8 but only allowed bottom to be bleached and dyed
13 highlights, 15 dye it. I started with spray in lightener when I was a teen. Sun in spray.
IF i chose my child to be able to do it … i would ONLY allow it to be done by a professional.
Who cares when it’s hair it can grow back there’s also something called temporary hair dye too
I allowed it at 13. I payed for her first one for her bday and I told her if she ever wants it again she better start fundraising
My girl was 9 when we negotiated and I bleached the tips she has very dark hair. That way if it went wrong we just chopped it off
When she’s old enough to take care of her own hair
Toooo young at seven years of age go buy a clip in streak of diff colours she can change them any time
Whenever, as long as it’s allowed at school. No rules for hair, as long as they don’t cut it themselves
I’m not the person to talk to … my 11yo has dyed her hair 3x while in quarantine
I let my daughter. She started young she is now 12. I do not bleach her hair though.
Personally I think that’s too young, and I’m saying this having a daughter the same age who has asked. The most I would consider is dyes that don’t require bleaching
My daughter wanted to dye her hair through there teens. Now she 23 and glad I never let her and she still hasn’t dyed it
I do this instead of proper hair dye
My daughter was 13 first time I let her bleach her hair, high lights she was 6 or 7