What are the signs of labor?

I had my sons room set up at 30 weeks because i was paranoid and 2cm dialated. By 36 weeks i was 50% effaced and still 2cm dialated with horrible lower back pain. Doc said i was in the beginningstages of labor. 39 weeks 4 days my son was born sunny side up 24 hrs after a membrane sweep and 3 weeks of unsteady contractions and intense back pain.

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If you’ve lost your plug, it won’t be long now.

I would start setting up so your not doing it last min. I did that with my fourth that I just had in January. I was in the hospital for 4 days… I didn’t have her bouncer or swing or anything but her bed up and her clothing sorted which I had to re do cause she was a tiny 6lb baby (I was induced at 39 wks)…

With my second, I had sporadic contractions for weeks and weeks. I’d definitely go ahead and start getting things set up and maybe request an ultrasound be done. Despite the contractions I was having, including in my back, I didn’t give birth until 39w2d so I wouldn’t worry too much, you’re body is likely just kinda warming up. If you have any doubt or start leaking, or they get too painful and close together, definitely go get seen sooner. Sounds pretty normal to me tho.
Edited to add I lost pieces of mucus plug as early as 29 weeks and it grows back. Unless you had the “bloody show” or an almost solid chunk of mucus come out, I also wouldn’t be worried about it.

This is a talk to your doctor type of question


First thing I’d have done is get on the phone to midwife but if mucus plug is coming out and you’re experiencing back pain, seems like signs things are happening soon so call your midwife or get to your maternity assessment unit. :purple_heart:

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All the signs are there

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You need to call your doctor and get seen today just to be safe. you might go into labor any time now. Have some one set up your baby things now


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I was dialated to 3 for the last month of my pregnancy. You can start getting things ready, but I wouldn’t rush it.

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This would probably be a good question to ask your doctor. Call and explain what’s going on. They will probably bring you in to check your cervix and give you a fetal non stress test


What are you thinking young one - call your Doctor- every Body is different- no two births are the same. Call your doctor!!!


I see more than $ 120 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 16022 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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Call your Dr now if you haven’t yet. This was a week ago so I hope all turned out well. God bless.

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I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 17190 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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Notify your doctor. It could be that your dates got mixed up and you’re actually due sooner. Or maybe not. Let the doctor be sure everything is ok. I would start getting your baby stuff ready.


I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 17501 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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My best advice would be for you to inform your doctor as soon as possible. Good luck and God bless. Hope everything goes well :pray: :two_hearts: :heartbeat:

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Just remember ur body knows best so thus mite be the sign to get everything ready with my second I lost mine for almost a week before he came

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I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 17432 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

Details HERE… https://DollarweLL172.surge.sh

You better get ready, you bout to have a baby!

I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 14603 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

Details HERE… https://DollarweLL187.surge.sh

You’ll know. I was never screaming in pain with any if mine, but I knew

I went into labor with my first son at 32 weeks. Had him at 34 got kicked out of the place I was living in whilst in the hospital so with my second baby I had things prepared as soon as baby could be viable at 25 weeks I made it too 37 weeks with stitches and pills and everything else that comes with keeping baby inside.

Go to see your doctor or midwife and the very best of luck and prayers for you and baby inside :butterfly:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. What are the signs of labor?

If you have any doubt that something could be wrong, go in.


Sounds like back labor I’d definitely go In and get checked

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Id say go in to be checked to make sure nothing is wrong :slight_smile:
I hope u get feeling better


I recommend u call the doc they have them on call 24/7. Describe your symptoms to them. Better to be safe then sorry. Best of luck momma


I’ve had my worst Braxton hicks with malpositioned babies. Definitely go in if you feel off. I’ve just found that my body trying to move babies head down is painful as all get out.

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I would go to be safe

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Back pain lower I had it

If you are in doubt call the dr or go to the ER, but it sounds like normal pain to me. With my youngest i was in a lot of pain on my right side. It was just sciatica and round ligament pain. I had to go to the chiropractor every week.

If you have a gut feeling always listen to that little voice

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I would call your doctors service and tell them what’s going on, but I can just about guarantee that they will suggest you go in to L&D and get checked out to make sure all is well. :gift_heart:

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Prayers 25 weeks is early…6 months pregnant, basically. Go to the ER…if it gets too bad… labor pains feel like the worse minstrel cramps in your life …with a heavy spotting of yellow and brown blood…

I’d go to the Drs if your worried

If you’re not bleeding or leaking fluid you should be okay just call in the morning and monitor baby movements

I’d give your doctor a call

Get checked! I felt the same way with my daughter… went in and I was having back labor…contractions every 2 minutes… better to be safe than sorry especially with only being 25 weeks and having placenta previa

Hey mama I would say go to the hospital…I experienced pain like you are describing and left it thinking it was just normal lower back pain later that day my water bust while I was laying in bed that night( my lil one came 6 weeks early)… If you are in labour you are still quite early to deliver they can give you meds to prevent preterm labor which is way better for you lil baba… All the best

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Go to the hospital. You know when something isn’t right

Go to hospital now :unamused:

I had to walk to Hardee’s 4am pregnant and hurt but be safe and check with Dr asap and if your fine use pregnancy belt during day

Sounds like back labor your early so sooner you get there the better if you are in labor

Usually you feel like you’re going to pee every five minutes, you start feeling pain in your lower back and some cramps so yeah.

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Since you said babies, if in doubt go in to be checked out. Better safe than sorry, especially with multiples.

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call midwife or er get urself checked

i had tht pain for 24 hrs b4 went into labour even wet throu all my pads and pants b4 asked mum

Could be many things, spd, baby turning, you could have over did yourself today, so hard to say. Any time you feel something is off though I’d say better to be safe and go in. Even just for peace of mind.

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If you are worried go in.

If your babies are only 25 weeks you should go to the ER
Hope all turns out well for you and your twin babies


You could call the hospital ER # to see what they suggest. But I would plan on going to the ER. It is better to have it checked out.

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I’d go get checked just to be safe mama

Get checked…that’s how my placenta abruption felt. Painful. The pain has lasted 2 hours? Definitely go in. If anything feels off, always get checked. :revolving_hearts:

I had that same pain back pain pressure. I just always got told it’s the baby preparing to come. I got induced at 38 weeks cause of the start of preclamsia. My dr told me multiple times my son was turned but hours after being induced they realized he was still breech. Which baby can turn I believe all the way to 36 weeks. But my son never did. My dr sadly wouldn’t listen to me about the pressure and pain.

They don’t liked to but sometimes a breech has to be turned happened to me three times but when it was time baby was in right position and normal vaginal birth . 10.5 that was my last good doctor … my second baby was 9.8 breech didn’t know til a nightmare delivery … literally bout died over that one

Where is the back pain? I had a kidney infection with my first and had the pressure and major pain in my kidneys


Go straight to the hospital

Go get checked please

If In doubt get checked out!
Better to be safe :blue_heart:


Sounds like early labor. Call your doctor’s after hours line just in case. Better to go in for a false alarm than to be sorry you didn’t go.

Definitely go get checked out!

Call your OB/GYN. They might have you go to the hospital and get checked. It might be ordered that you go on bed rest which means exactly that - you have to stay in bed, horizontal and rest. It’s most important that you speak with your OB/GYN as soon as possible or go to the nearest hospital with a Labor & Delivery Unit. They will check you and reach out to your doctor or the doctor that’s on call. For right now, sit/lay down and get off your feet, if you can tolerate it. Gravity is also a natural factor in this.

When in doubt
Check it out

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At 25 weeks, definitely get checked at the hospital. I had back labor with my baby and that’s kind of what this sounds like.

Don’t wait at 25 weeks you need to know

If your pain is different from before always, always go to be checked out.

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Call your doctor not fb.

Call the doc or go be seen. Don’t take any chances.


When in doubt call your dr! If they’re closed they will have an after hours number or call your local L&D


I’m currently 31 weeks pregnant and have had the same pains! In my case, it’s not been labor. My OB told me after your first baby, these pains come on earlier. Your body has done this before, but this time things are happening at a quicker pace. Your uterus is expanding to make room for this baby, but quicker than it did when you were pregnant with your first because it’s expanded before. I’m so sore throughout the day and by time I’m home from work I can hardly move the pain is so bad. Heating pad helps. Mine started 2nd trimester as well.

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Go to the hospital. I had the same thing and my obstetrician said that I needed to go in for monitoring. I was in for 24 hours and thankfully wasn’t in labour. But definitely get it checked out.


My suggestion with the baby being breach and placenta previa would be to go to labor and deliver. I wouldn’t wait. I know it can be difficult to just up and go having a child but it really would be best for you and baby.


Call your doctor, go to the hospital now.


I had the same thing but the previa moved before I hit 30 weeks and then I delivered at 31. Felt all the pain in my back and hips and when I went to get checked out I was indeed in labor. Ho to L&D. This is coming from a mom of a 20 weeker, 28 weeker and a 31 weeker. It’s ALWAYS better to go and be told it’s nothing than to not go and it actually be something!


I would go get checked especially with you having placenta previa … worst case they say no but better to be safe then sorry


The pain could be a number of things, a lot of which may not even have to do with the pregnancy. Like cysts, UTI or kidney infection etc. But at 25 weeks u should be at the ER for this.


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You need to put your phone down and go to L&D


It could be round ligament pain but I would go get checked out immediately just because you never know


l get paid over $187 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18987 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info. https://amazingworking192.pages.dev/

Go to er immediately

I had placenta previa and it totally detached and lost my baby at 37 weeks please be careful I would would go to the hospital to get cheaked make sure.


Think ur starting labour,go check it out lv

If you have placenta previa, please get to the ER!!!


I’m pretty sure your body will tell you when you’re in labor.

Go to the hospital to get checked

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Call your DOCTOR!!! Nobody on Facebook can tell you!!!


Where/who are the mods in this group? Anyone know who can tag them to clear out these darn WFH boys?!


Always call your doctor. Please don’t just take advice from anyone. Better safe then sorry


l get paid over $187 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18987 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info. https://amazingworking274.pages.dev/

Get off fb and go to emerge!!

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You should probably get checked out go-to the hospital or try to get in touch with your Dr,

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I’m dealing with that now and I’m not to be 24wks. It’s mainly the sciatic nerve that runs through your back and vagina. I’ve been dealing with it for most of this pregnancy, and it’s my 3rs. Feel likes I’m being ripped in half of my vagina and then me entire right side from my hip to my knee hurts. It’s worse at night time when I’m trying to sleep and roll over, I can be walking around or sitting for a while and it will do it. But it sucks ass.

You need to go get checked out. Don’t wait. Always better safe than sorry


Both my sister and I had back labor pain with our babies - her first and my third. Go to the ER and get checked. Also, talk to your doc about a c-section for a breech birth

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I would definitely get checked, better safe then sorry when it comes to you and your child. I how everything goes smoothly!

Why are you asking us? Seriously