What could abnormal cells mean?

I’ve always had abnormal cells
Had a colposcopy and a leap procedure and still had another baby after still with abnormal cells

It’s HPV, it will clear up quickly, what you need to be concerned about, is testing positive for abnormal cells, that may lead to cervical cancer in the future.

I had mild dysplasia with both of my girls. I did have two pap smears to keep a check on it, but it turned out fine. Their little hormones were messing with me.

Yeah I had some precancerous cells for like 3 years. I had to have colposcopy (sp?) Every 6 months until it either got worse or got better. It got better. That was about 10 years ago. I wasn’t pregnant tho.

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I have had that as well, not when I was pregnant but before. They just scraped out the abnormal cells, and I have not had any issues since. I would think you will also be just fine. :blush:


I have a friend that had abnormal cells found during her first appt lap/pap smear. She was watched closely and had them scraped after she recovered from delivery… I believe they planned it at her 6week follow up. Shes fine now though.

I have abnormal cells too. I get them screened with my annuals. No issues for me as of now and it’s been few years. They just watch them to make sure they don’t change

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I’ve had that, do not stress, have you baby then get them removed. Or what ever you doctors says. But d ont stress!!

I had this while pregnant was monitored and still get pap test 1 time a year and have been normal since…its been 11 years

Wait till you have your baby and get another pap. Having a baby can remove those cells. I wouldn’t stress I had abnormal paps and nothing came of them.

I’ve have had it. 98 percent of time it’s just hormone levels become wacky. I had to go back to doctor every 6 months for quite awhile

Yes . My dr suggested a partial hysterectomy about a year later. Mine had progressed fast. All prayers for you momma. :pray: every case is different

Probably is HPV. Lot of women have this. As a lot of comments have stated there are different treatments but you need to make sure you do not ignore it. It will be ok.

Depending if you continue to have abnormal cells you can get a Leap procedure done meaning taking a layer off like icing off the donut as my doctor described.
You will be fine you will just need to go in every 6 months or so depending on your doctor. I have had this done and I have been normal since!!

I had this after the birth of my 1st son 30 years ago. Froze the cells and all has been good since.

I had that diagnosis twice. Biopsyies were done both times and I forget what the term is for it but they froze the areas. Nothing came of it either time.

I did not have HPV and had this happen when I with my first. After you have your baby they will do a repeat test and then again in a year. ( I’m not saying it isn’t HPV bc that is common.) The best advice is has been told to you already which is ask your doctor office questions and have them explain the results to you.

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Please ask your Doctor to explain your results to you. Don’t be hesitant to ask questions until you have full understanding.


I’ve had the exact same situation. It turned out to be nothing and I have a beautiful almost 2 year old girl.

I honestly don’t know why you aren’t asking your doctor for clarification.

Nanci Robertson I truly believe she’s just terrified and wants to know she’s not alone. Sometimes even when your doctor gives you medical advice, it doesn’t make you feel any better. I’m currently pregnant and I can only imagine how scary that would be to be told that. My mother passed from a genetic cancer at 48 and it’s beyond terrifying for my sisters and I. Your mind wanders and you think the worst. Sometimes hearing other women’s stories about overcoming scary situations can make you feel stronger and look at it in a different light. She may not have anyone else to talk to.


I had them, they cleared up and haven’t had an abnormal pap since

You’re asking for medical advice on FB🤣

This exact same thing happened to me. What is HPV and after you have the baby they’ll probably freeze your cervix.

They will do byacone (sp) surgery its like peeling an apple after the baby is born

Honestly it usually means HPV

its very common for abnormal cell growth during pregnancy and for lil while afterward for your body to get back to before pregnancy “normal” i had four children everytime this was the same for me

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I had a level 1 abnormal pap while pregnant with my youngest. Got retested after birth and it was normal. The doctor told me that it can happen with pregnancy sometimes.

Happened to me. Had to have a procedure called LEEP (burning the abnormal/precancerous polyps/cells off of the cervix) it is painful. Not gonna lie. Then have to have a PASP-smear 1-2x a yr indefinitely. I was not pregnant at the time.

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I just went through this. I had a pap come back showing abnormal cells and then they did a biopsy where they take a piece of the abnormal cells and sent it out to the lab. Mine came back as CIN 2 and 3 which is the highest level of abnormal cells BUT not cancer. It just meant in 5 to 10 years time it could turn in to cancer so dont panic if it comes back as that. Again it usually takes years and years for it to turn to cancer. The next step was a procedure called a leep which I had done awake. It was uncomfortable but worth it bevayse it’s a procedure where they burn and cauterize off all the pre cancerous cells and if successful which 90 percent of the time they are, you are good to go. I’m not sure how it works if u are pregnant but as soon as u give birth and it’s safe to, please please please have a colposcopy (biopsy) and then a leep if necessary. Few cancers have pre cursors and warning signs but cervical does so try not to worry and just take care of it once the baby is born and u are cleared. Good luck mama

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Mine was abnormal and it was due to high yeast count

Happened to me about the same time in my pregnancy as well, they told me to wait until after birth and they would do a colposcopy to check the cells. They all were normal it was just a random thing that happened.

I’ll share my experience. I had gotten a pap done through my gynecologist & it came back I had abnormal cells & they could be cancerous. Then they told me I had to go in for a colposcopy. They told me what would happen then. I went in & they put a camera up my v & they used something to burn of the abnormal cells it was a little bit painful. But I’m glad I got that taken care of when I did. Its been over 10yrs now & so far so good. I haven’t had to go back :pray::pray: I had a cousin who had to do the same thing first person she asked about it was me, she knew I had to go through that. I hope this information helps you. And they do give you numbing stuff.

It happened with my second one. The did Colposcopy after the baby was born and was told it was so mild it would disappear on its own. And it did, my next checkup it was gone

I had this about 15 years ago did a procedure everything was fine, haven’t had an issue since.

I have hpv and that comes with abnormal cells. They just biopsy to make sure it’s not cancer and 99% of the time if you follow up like your suppose to it doesn’t turn into that. I’m sure your fine.

Please just talk to your doctor and or go see a gynecologist. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have hpv, or something else wrong. I had this happen to me with my first two pregnancies and then went back to normal and nothing for my third pregnancy and now with my fourth they just told me a few weeks ago that again I had some abnormal cells but was negative for hpv. I have never tested positive for hpv or anything else when they have come back slightly abnormal. I have had multiple doctors say that sometimes this just happens when you are pregnant. Don’t assume anything and stress yourself out until you get more information from medical professionals.

When I was pregnant with my son, 13 years ago, I had an abnormal pap showing abnormal cells. After he was born they did another pap and everything was normal. Pregnancy does a lot to your body. Just follow up with your OBGYN closely during and after your pregnancy. Best wishes!

This exact thing happened to me with my first!!! They took a swab and nothing ever came of it!!! They said that in birth those cells will go away!

So this happens, and it’s not usually a big deal. They will take a biopsy, assuming it’s safe to do so. Then they will tell you that the cells need to be removed or it they just need to be kept under watch. If they need to be removed there are several procedures for this, but again, depending on where the cells are, it may not be safe to do when pregnant, so they will just keep a close eye on things and do the procedure after the baby is born. This is often a result of HPV, which usually clears up on its own. There’s no need to panic. Now, if they do need to do a procedure, like a LEEP, whatever you do – don’t Google it. Don’t Google ANY of the cell removal procedures. They aren’t as scary as they sound on paper. Googling will just having you crying in the office like this​:+1: asshat. lol :woman_facepalming:t3:
You’ll more than likely be totally fine and not have to worry about any of this for long.
(Not a medical professional, just an experienced patient)

Mine was abnormal and they found what looked liked cancerous cells. I had a biopsy and they came back benign and i have to get a pap every 6 months until i get a normal one

I’ve had 2 abnormal paps before followed by normals

I’m not trying to scare you I’m just gonna tell you my story. Everything will be ok no matter what!

I found out I was pregnant dec2019 I had not had a pap in about 5 years. They found abnormal cells, but I was pregnant and not much they could do except keep their eyes on it. I had a healthy baby girl June 2020. When I got a pap at my 6 week it came back abnormal and I went Thru a colposcopy- ended up needing a biopsy, and they found stage 2 cervical cancer caused my undiagnosed HPV.I had a radical hysterectomy ( kept my ovaries) dec 2020, they got it all!!! Clear margins and I didn’t have to do chemo. :muscle:
I am considered a surveillance patient and I see my oncologist every other month to check!

Just ENJOY your pregnancy and try to relax ! Because if it is cervical cancer, it’s very slow growing, and many many women are thriving for many many many years after their diagnosis!! But for now make your baby :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’ve had this when I was pregnant too. They ended up having to burn the cells off my cervix and I’ve been clear since.
Wasn’t a bad procedure.

My mom had this with my youngest brother. It literally means abnormal cells. Yes it COULD be cervical cancer but also couldnt be. They removed my moms and that was it. It wasnt cancer or anything. Just abnormal cells.

This happened to me I wasn’t pregnant but I had to have a procedure called a conization when they pretty much cut a cone shape out of my cervix to get rid of the abnormal cells it was years ago and I haven’t had any problems since

My mom had a pap come back “abnormal”, which was alarming because she had cervical cancer years ago. But in this situation, it turned out to be just a yeast infection which will also cause an abnormal result.

It has happened to me many times. They freeze your cervix. Little uncomfortable, but left untreated it could turn into full fledged cancer.

I had abnormal cells in my first 1-2 months pregnant which they couldn’t do anything about until she was born. A couple months after she was born I had to have a LEEP procedure. It never came back but I had to get checked every 6 months until my tests came back clear for HPV, now it’s every year.

Yeah I was told I had abnormal cells and then I got my next one a few years later and there was no sign of any abnormalities!

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If they catch it early they can treat it. They found mine 18 yrs ago and the insurance company had me wait by doing this a d&c and couple other one but they waited so long it turned in to cervical cancer and I had to have a hysterectomy. So go see ur doctor and don’t wait.i still have to have yearly dr visits to make sure there’s no cancer anyplace else.

It happened to me while I was pregnant with my daughter. After I had her it went away.

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I had this when I was 18 and pregnant with my first daughter, the doctor told me I’d need to get them scrapped off after I had her, when I went for my 6 week postpartum check up, they were gone. You got this :pray::muscle:t2:

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Yes make sure they keep an eye on it. After baby is born they will do more test

With my first one after i deliverd her they went in and froze it and scapred it That was 13 years ago never had another any after that … i had two more kids

I had abnormal cells, biopsy came back clear. All good paps since.

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If caught early enough, it can be treated. And sometimes, abnormal cells can go away on their own - but that’s not to say that you shouldn’t still have your OB/GYN take care of you. In my case though, they didn’t go away. My gynecologist found abnormal cells on my cervix several years prior to my twin pregnancy, and I never had adequate health insurance to do anything about it until I showed up for my confirmation appointment and he reviewed my chart to find that I never took care of the dysplasia found years prior.

Upon examining my cervix at my 8 week exam, he noticed that there was a lot of scarring on my cervix, to which nothing could be done until after I delivered my twins. Once I had healed, he brought me in for a Pap smear, and told me straight away that he knew that I was going to have to have a cone biopsy. My results from that biopsy reflected high traces of CIN3 dysplasia, which was scary to me, too. He scheduled me for a LEEP procedure, and the last four years I have had normal Pap smear results. What’s more is that I no longer have HPV. So, my advice to you is not to worry as much as possible bc with how advanced medicine has become, you’ll be just fine - It takes a long time for the cells to turn into full-fledge cancer, so you’ll be just fine! :revolving_hearts:

I had abnormal cells while pregnant they did another test 2 months later and i did not have any abnormal cells.

Happened to me. I had to have a colposcopy. I had abnormal cells and tested positive for HPV. I was tested again when my daughter was six weeks old. Still abnormal. The following year everything came back normal. My OB said pregnancy and breastfeeding can affect the immune system which is probably why my body took awhile to clear the HPV and abnormal cells.

I had this happen when I was 18 due to HPV. We monitored it for years then when I got pregnant with my youngest we found that the cells were changing. After I had him I had a LEEP done. Lucky for me we done it soon enough that some of the cells had turn to cancer didn’t spread too much and it was easily removed. It has now been 10 years and I’m still cancer free.

I had this happen during my first pregnancy. They ended up taking a cone biopsy even though I was pregnant because of the nature of the cells. It was full of abnormal cells and they were worried there was cancer somewhere, they just hadn’t gotten any with that biopsy. As soon as I delivered they did another procedure the LEEP I believe, and said they got to normal cells and they thought they’d gotten the abnormal ones so I didn’t have cancer and no risk of developing it. I had to have a pap every 6 months for 5 years after and abnormal cells would show occasionally and they biopsy and find no cancer. When I was 23 I was able to go back to yearly paps. I’m now 30 and have never had cervical cancer. Just having abnormal cells doesn’t promise cancer, so try not to stress. Even if there are a lot of abnormal cells, it’s not likely it would become cancerous before you gave birth and there’s more options available. Try not to stress for you and the baby!

Relax and wait for your doctor to run the tests and tell you what it is. No need to stress out when it could be nothing. I know that is easy to say but I have gone through breast cancer twice and worrying about it before I knew for sure what it was did not help anything but the pharmacy who had to fill my blood pressure prescriptions. I’ll keep you on my prayer list.

Yes I had…not while pregnant…but ended up getting treatment… can’t remember name but they basically cold burn them…not as bad as it sounds…had some cramping afterwards but not bad…got checked every 3 months after for a year…then 6 months for about year and half then back to regular paps…all good… because caught early no cancer…I did have a little cyst removed also…
Catching it early is a good thing…

Mine came back abnormal. They did a colposcopy which is a biopsy of the cervix and they also did a LEEP procedure where they shave down the “bad” tissue on the cervix to get to the healthy. All pretty painless. It can be worrisome to get those results but doesn’t necessarily mean that you have cancer. It could just be precancerous cells.


I’ve had this several times also. The first time was when I was around 12 weeks pregnant with my first kid. The dr did a more in depth type of pap, and turns out it was hpv. The baby was safe, the entire time.
I had to have the leep procedure to remove the cells and lesions from 90 percent of my cervix. Nothing was cancerous, cervix was fine afterwards. I went on to have twins and then another single. LOL. Good luck to you. :pray:t2:

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I had this happen to me. I had multiple abnormal paps by my regular dr before I got pregnant and I went to an OB. When he caught it after I had my son I had to go have laser surgery to remove spots and haven’t had any issues ever since. The laser surgery was done in the OB office and took maybe 20 minutes

I had this happen and while pregnant they did a colposcopy. Ended up being benign cells and now I follow up every year for a pap

I’ve been dealing with abnormal paps for 4 years and they all come back benign. Going to have my second surgery to remove the abnormal cells on Monday. If they don’t heal on it’s own then it will require what they call LEEP surgery to remove all of the abnormal cells. Unfortunately mine keeps coming back. It can take years to turn into cancer. Don’t do any biopsy’s while pregnant, wait until after you’ve had your baby to have that done

You’re pregnant so they will not do anything since it can be a risk to your pregnancy. But nothing to worry about for now, stay off the internet it’ll only scare you and stress you out. Enjoy your pregnancy and deal with this after😊

Abnormal cells can be as small as cervical inflammation which can be caused by sexual intercourse, yeast infections, etc. It takes years and self neglect for an abnormal Pap smear to turn into cancer.

They will probably do a repap after pregnancy. 9/10 times your pap will just return to normal by itself. If the abnormal cells are still there then they might do a biopsy to see if they just need to surgically scrape off those abnormal cells or what other course of treatment would be appropriate. also it helps your immune system fight off those abnormal cells if you drink plenty of water and eat healthy if you can.

Second pregnancy. They redid my pap.
Then took a biopsy with a camera. Found nothing.

Then exactly a year later. Abnormal pap.
Highest grade abnormal cells before cancer.
Had to have them electrocuted off with something called a LEEP procedure

Had this with my first pregnancy and doctor told me we’d check again after birth bc many times those same cells shed along with the placenta at birth. Pap after birth was normal.

I’ve had this multiple times. Had it removed in different ways and then now I’ve had normal Pap smears for the past 10 years

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Yes I had a biopsy and mine was positive. However, I just get checked yearly now because after the procedure they saw they weren’t cancerous yet if that makes sense. I didn’t really understand it all because I was 19

Same thing happened to me last year while pregnant. After I gave birth, at my 6 week check up we took a couple biopsies and came back low enough not to worry about them. I stressed about it at the beginning but everything turned out okay for me. I hope the same for you hun

There are lots of reasons you could have abnormal cells… pregnancy, having sex before your pap, masturbation, unsterile supplies used… I have had one, and had a different test done to confirm cancerous or not. My second test was normal, so I had another Pap in six months then once a year for five years even after they changed the recommendation to every three years to make sure everything was ok.

4 weeks after my daughter was born i went for a pap and it came back with abnormal cells, It ended up being stage 3, which I thought must have came on fast after all the paps, tests etc when pregnant, I got a biopsy which wasn’t bad and a leep procedure done and I have been good ever since :blush:

Had that. Did a leap biopsy. Took some of the uterus wall off. Only thing they told me for after the fact was if I got pregnant that it’s a higher chance of early birth because the walls aren’t as strong. Got pregnant years later
No issues. Havent had abnormal pap since!

I had two PAP tests with abnormal cells a year apart. Then I had a LEEP procedure done. Had to have a PAP done 6 months apart for the next 3 tests. I can still remember the test done after the LEEP procedure, they use dye and a camera to see if they see any more abnormal cells. The doctor actually start to sing ‘you are so beautiful’ to the screen of my cervix because all abnormal cells were gone. The nurse and I were laughing so much.

This happened to me but my dr. Said pregnancy can cause it too and it ended up being nothing

Not me but my sister ever since she was 17. They told her they are precancerous and she goes in every six months and has them scrapped off. She’s 33 now… Doing great.

My second pregnancy I had abnormal cells, they checked again after I had him and they were gone, had abnormal cells when I was pregnant with my 3rd, gone after birth again(they are 3 yrs apart) 3 yrs later I had abnormal cells again(not pregnant) so they did a punch biopsy. Came back high grade legion 3 cells(I guess the step before cancer) and I had to get the leep procedure(where they cut off part of your cervix) and then it was normal. I ended up pregnant again and because I only had half my cervix, my water started leaking at 34 wks(it didn’t break at all with my other kids, docs had to break it) and the hospital kept saying I was peeing myself for a whole week. Finally my ob checked me and I was leaking so I had to be induced and have my baby 5 weeks early.

Would you like to have details about the procedure they do for this? I work in the OR and we do quite a bit of these. Most are done under local anesthetic though. It’s a quick and minor procedure

The same thing happened to me. After pregnancy they did another pap and everything was normal. Don’t worry about it , pray about it and give it to God :two_hearts:

Talk to your doctor and stop stressing as much as you can. To much stress isn’t good for your pregnancy. It’s nothing you did wrong it just happens sometimes. Hope everything goes well with your pregnancy.

I had this happen after my first kid. I had a couple abnormal paps and got referred to my gyno. They monitored it and did extra paps and biopsies to keep an eye on it. It was stage 1 precancerous cells at this point. About 2.5 years later it was stage 2 precancerous cells. My Gyno recommended getting a LEAP to remove the cells in my cervix. When it was done and they tested it they found that some cells were stage 3 as well (after stage 3 it becomes cancerous) … I had that done about 4.5 years ago and all have been well with my yearly paps.
I’m not a doctor, but from my experience and understanding, it shouldn’t affect your pregnancy and you will likely be given options later. Just speak to your doctor and get their input and go from there! I’m sure all will be fine. No need to stress about something when you don’t know what can happen yet :heart:

Abnormal cells are very common and please don’t worry they may never have turned cancerous, but because of the chance they might turn nasty they laser them off for you.

Right after my first was born . I cried a lot even though my doctor said it’s super normal and goes away on its own a lot had another in six months no problems. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Wishing you the best :heart:

I had abnormal cells had to go back for another one and that one was just fine.

How old are you? I ask because I had “abnormal” cells from 16 to 23 and it is absolutely normal now.
But back in the day I had to have 3 biopsies done in that time for no reason. And recently data showed that young women dont need to be concerned with this.
Maybe get a second opinion

mine was nothing. i still get them every so often. but nothing ever comes from them

I’ve had this happen to me twice but not when I was pregnant all the dues do another pap smear and check and see if it comes back normal and it did for me

It can probably be HPV, try not to worry

I had abnormal cells and got an appointment in 5 or 6 months after birth and everything was normal again

Have the docs compare your cells from previous exams because mine were not abnormal just the way they were!

I have them, they aren’t cancer or anything.

I had abnormal cells with my last pregnancy only which was my 5th pregnancy and I was puzzled cause I have NEVER had an abnormal pap. I went in my next appt and he took a camera in there to check it out a bit better… Everything looked normal :blush:
(I got to see my cervix for the 1st time…that was pretty cool)
Praying for comfort ur way. Like almost all the comments…try to stay calm. Good luck sweetie

Happens to me periodically. Turns out to be nothing.

Yes. Had this in all three of my pregnancies. Your doctor should have also told you that it’s not uncommon for pregnant women to have these cells. Some do. Some don’t. For those that do, sometimes it means something and sometimes it just means they’re pregnant.

Every time I have a pap they find abnormal cells. And every time it ends up being nothing to worry about. I am not saying that is the case but what I am saying is try not to worry too badly right now. Have them retest and go from there. :heart: