When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

2 weeks for a strong result.

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Wait until your missed period, or a couple days before your missed period

2 weeks, 1st pee of the morning

I would wait at least two weeks. Take your test first thing in the morning with your first pee.

When u have missed ya period


I would wait until the day you expect to start your period. Testing earlier just can cause unnecessary stress from my experience.


Best result would be when your period is supposed to be or after. That gives the most clear result n

The test will say when it can detect pregnancy. Some of them say a week before ur missed period. In my opinion there’s no reason to stress yourself out tho until you are late on your period. Otherwise I think you’d just be wasting money on tests and it really could be nothing.

I have tested between 6-9 days with all 3 kids.

I had accurate tests with testing before my missed period

First thing in the morning get up and pee on the stick. Lol usually about 2 weeks after conception…

I did a day before my period was suppose to come first thing in the morning because I was feeling sick already and it was positive. Most are a few days before your missed period.

My body gives me all the symptoms of pregnancy like a week later I swear however, you’re supposed to wait till you miss your period

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The earlier I test I stress bc it’s negative. I also get anxious from waiting. So I just test until my period starts or 3 days after I’m supposed to

Wait until your period is due. Taking them to early, especially an early detection test, can just make you sad for no reason if it’s negative. Even early results tests only work if implantation has happened and implantation takes between 6-12 days. Good luck!

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After you have missed your period

I did a weekly test it wast negative. But the 1st day I missed my period it was positive. Now I’m 9 weeks pregnant.

Id wait till closer to your period. I tested the day before (im a 3rd shifter so I was almost done with my shift and took one and it gave me a positive for my 4th)

Beginning to mid August

14 days after the sex is the soonest with best accuracy

12 days after period is due

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when you miss your period and first wee of the day

Also take it 1st thing in the morning. Your 1st wee of the day :joy::rofl::woman_facepalming:

Its best to wait at least 10 days or even better when period is due

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I tested the day after my period was supposed to start. Negative. A week after my period was suppose to start, positive. Also, I’ve heard testing first thing in the morning is best.


It takes at least 5-6 weeks for hcg to show up on a pregnancy test. I had to wait 5.5 weeks until I had my faint positive. After the 6th week, I was able to see more and then went to get my pregnancy confirmed. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: good luck!!


I knew I was pregnant before my test showed I was positive because I was having all the symptoms of being pregnant. BUT I was so impatient and would take one once a week :joy:. Took a little over a month before it showed a positive result.


I tested negative at 2 1/2 weeks with my son and positive at 3 weeks

Test when you are expecting your next period or you can get a negative result from it being to soon.

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I’ve taken tests 2-3 days before my missed period with all 3 of my kids. They showed up VERY positive every single time.


I’d wait til the 1st day of your missed period unless you want to get one of the “fancy” ones to test a few days before. If it’s negative, try again in 3-5 days, then in another 3-5 days to be extra sure.

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At least 10 days, but 14 days would be more accurate usually.

I was 2 months when I found out with both of my kids. Didn’t miss a period until I was 3 months. And that was before I ever got close to having a period the next month. So I took the test about 2 weeks after my last period.

I was 11 weeks by the time I found out with my 3rd. It wasn’t until my daughter kept standing on her head type thing that I finally broke down and took a test… now 29 weeks with my 2nd daughter and don’t regret it at all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m pretty sure It takes two+ more weeks for the hormone that the pregnancy test detects to show up.

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At least a month out. And take the tests in the mornings helps. :slight_smile: I took at least 10 tests with my son and I couldn’t get a test to come back positive. I finally got a positive test result after more than 2 months out. With my daughter I tested positive within a month of getting pregnant . My son wasn’t planned my daughter was…

I had a positive test result with my daughter the day I was supposed to start my period

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2 days before missed period is the standard I believe

I found out with my 2 and 3rd after 4 weeks of unprotected sex. We were trying so I was constantly taking test as soon as I could.

I tested positive at 2 weeks 3 days. Went for blood work the next day and she confirmed from my last period I was 2 weeks 4 days pregnant Test whenever you feel off :slightly_smiling_face:

3 weeks max, HCG should be able to show

I would wait till you have a missed period.

I had a positive test the day my period was due.

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I tested after my first missed period.

Wait until after your period is supposed to happen. That will give the most “accurate” reading.

The earliest you can get a positive is 9 DPO

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I tested 3 days after missing my period it was positive

I was there weeks with my son when I found out.

I had an irregular period so I didn’t test until my boobs hurt. I was about 6 weeks

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With my 3rd daughter I tested about a week an a half after my fertility window and it was positive. Super faint but the lines were there

I didn’t get a positive until 4 weeks

with my son i was 3-4 weeks pregnant (about 1-2 weeks post conception) when i got a positive

If you’re not late then wait till you are.


I tested negative at three weeks but was completely positive at five

I waited 4 weeks. I didn’t want to jinx it and I wanted that dark purple line lol

first morning pee first day of your missed period…otherwise u may get a false negative


Mine was positive after a few weeks. We were trying both times.

After you forget your birth control and have sex anyway…

After you know you’ve missed your period

Once your period is due. We conceived around December 13-18, and I got a faint positive on January 7. I was 4 weeks and some odd days pregnant.

This question was asked a few days ago. Literally same question…. I don’t think the answer will change :roll_eyes:

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First morning pee is the best time to take one but i would wait til closer to ur next period to see if u might be pregnant

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When you think you might be pregnant :grin:

At least 5 to 6 weeks after you had sex

2 weeks after intercourse

I would wait until right after your missed period.

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Whatever you do… get a dollar store test.

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Wait at least 21 days after unprotected sex

With my 1st child, I took one a few days before my missed period, my 2nd, a few days after, with my 3rd the day I was supposed to start my period. I’m currently 26 weeks now.


It’s been a week… give it at least another week before you test or wait until your period doesn’t come

Test now. W one of my pregnancies I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was almost 4 months pregnant.

I go wipe out dollar tree and pee on em all the time :woman_shrugging::joy:


Until you miss your period.

You wait until your period is late. Testing too early could give a false negative


My prayers are with you

7 to 10 days afterwards

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Take a test up to 5 days before your period is due…digital clear blue or first response are the best two tests out there. Good luck…


You can start at 10dpo

When you are late :woman_shrugging:t4:


At least two weeks afterward and first thing in the morning.

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Implantation occurs 6-12 days after ovulation. That is when your hcg starts to rise. If you want to know true ovulation track it with basal body temperature charting.

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I tested a couple days before my missed period. Always in the morning with a first pee! Good luck

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Take your temperature before you get out of bed in the morning. If you temperature stays consistent you are pregnant. If it drops you are not. Otherwise, pregnancy test a day or two before you expect your period.
Dollar store pregnancy tests are just like the ones they use in the ER and a very accurate

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My husband always has me wait until I’m ten days late. Otherwise I’m an emotional mess if it’s negative.

I think it depends on how your period normally is.

Both times I tested on the day I was due to get my period but it hadn’t started yet. And both times they came back positive. The second time, it said pregnant almost instantly.


So 14 days after your period starts your fertility last 3 days 15 16 17 th day after that your body’s still going then boom but if you live your life on dates it’s never going to happen honestly just enjoy life with your partner and enjoy sex xxxx


14 days after sex on a urine test. 10-14 days on a blood sample test.

At home pregnancy tests CAN pick up as soon at 11 days after conception but I recommend getting the digital, they CAN detect 12-14 days after conception if you’re doing it early so there’s no questions. Crossing my fingers for you!! edit as I did more research on it

I think u dont have to worry if it happens you became pregnant …thats ur husband anyway …

I usually wait for a missed period to test depending on your periods are they regular or irregular

Don’t take a pregnancy test until the day your period is due (if you don’t get your period ). It is most accurate the day of your missed period . If you take it too early you can get a false negative! :slightly_smiling_face:

If you have a dollar tree near by, pregnancy tests are, you guessed it, $1.

On the 28th as soon as u wake up.

Oh an trick. Put your legs up above your head against a wall an stay that way as long as you can after intercourse. Dont even pee till your done.

They have pregnancy test that give you results before you miss.

We tell our patients it’s best to wait 2 weeks after a missed period. This is because many women have what is known as chemical pregnancies in the first two weeks… the egg is fertilized however it does not implant properly or it does not continue to develop properly and this causes a delayed period. Delaying the testing for 2 weeks saves a woman from undue heartache of believing she miscarried when it was not actually a viable pregnancy in the first place.


If you miss you your period, 2 weeks after that, as soon as you wake up. otherwise it will just show up negative.