How do you know it's time to end a relationship?

As soon as they give me the first lie

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10 yrs and u don’t even live together!!! Think asking this question u already know the answer and are hoping to get strength foem replies… seriously life is.too. short to.waste … hard as it in the long term I think you know you deserve more and better. Take care x

Idk I’d break it off, especially if yall don’t even live together and have been dating for 10 years

You will feel better if you end it. When you question it thats when you know its over. He doesnt live with you. Seems easier to cut the ties

You don’t know anything except how he treats and makes you feel. I wouldn’t put with 10 years of that, you deserve to be loved correctly! Don’t waste another 10 years.

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Girl… This relationship was over when you weren’t living together and him answering you. The not reciprocating fun idea stuff that’s typical guy behavior. Some of them are great at it and some of them suck at it. But when he doesn’t live with you or communicate then it’s not a relationship. :kissing_heart: sorry chica​:confused:

Sounds like you wont find happiness in that relationship. Its ok to let go to be happy. You dont have to sacrifice your whole self to not get anything in return

“Little” lies always turn into bigger lies, there is no point being with someone you cant trust and honestly after 10 years and ya arent living together it kinda already sounds like ya arent together.

10 years and you guys don’t live together that would be my biggest problem

If you are not feeling it and feel disrespected by him, then it is time to end the relationship. He doesn’t sound like a good guy, you can do and deserve better.

It doesn’t sound fun or happy or exciting or stable or anything anymore, let it go.

Sounds like it should have been done 10 years ago


I just left for the same reasons. Its hard. But I feel so much better not being mistreated

If you have to ask “ is it time “ … then yes it IS time

If it’s been 10 years and he’s been like this the whole time it’s time to end the relationship, like 9 years ago. Little lies start to turn into bigger lies, and if he’s acting like he hasn’t got your messages even though you know he has, then don’t put up with someone whose pretty much only messaging back when he feels like he want too

If you are second guessing. Than the you already answered your question

10 YEARS & you don’t live together? Boy BYE!

He’s a selfish, self absorbed man child, with no intention of giving u what u need or deserve! Kick his ass to the kerb & don’t look back, ever!!

If you’re asking us if you should break up, you already know the answer.

I think you’ve already answered your own question.

If you’re unhappy, leave.

When you have to ask…

Keep him for what?? If you don’t have trust, you have nothing

Yes… you deserve what you tolerate…

Like spoiled food, if you don’t know, don’t

You already have your answer :heart:

Don’t keep wasting your time,

Whew! Sounds familiar

Just dump his lying ass once a liar always a liar

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Girl u don’t know if he’s ever slept with another girl

Ask him.
Has your feelings changed for me? Do you want different?

Don’t worry just ask him.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you know it's time to end a relationship? - Mamas Uncut

you are just a convenience to him, If you been dealing with this for 10 yrs…I am sorry, It’s time, unless you want to do this for the rest of your life, Your choice


10 years and not living together? You “know” he hasn’t slept with someone else? No you don’t know that unless you are in his bed every night. He doesn’t give anything in return. You are either the side chick or he just doesn’t care. You’ve wasted 10 years of your life. Move along.


If you asking this on social media it’s def time to move on - you’re unsure because your “too comfortable “ better to have someone than no one at all but seems to me you no longer have him- you need to concentrate on YOU- yes it will be hard in the beginning but it def gets easier and better!


Do the Pros & Cons list
Sometimes we focus on what’s bothering us & not realizing what is good.
Communication is important & also you may have different "love languages " check into it there is a book…very interesting

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If you’re not happy. There’s nothing wrong with moving on.

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Ten years and y’all don’t live together AND he hasn’t wanted to permanently commit?? Oof I’d be gone long ago


When you start asking…its time!


Same as above :arrow_up: if you are asking the question, it’s already time to leave!

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Why do yall not live together after 10yrs!? Kids!? We need more info


I am so confused… why did it take 10 years. there has to be equal effort this is very one sided by the context.

Talk about it with HIM if it goes nowhere, it’s time to let go.

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If you’re already asking this…it’s time.


Well if you communicate with him how shitty that is and how shitty it makes you feel and he doesn’t care or at.least put an effort in to change. It’s time for him to kick rocks

10 years and you DON’T live together? You sure you’re not the side piece

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When you have to ask this question


I think you might have anxiety…

Find a man that loves you:

Erm ten years together and you don’t live together. That should have told you everything you know. Best of luck?

You already know the answer, you’d be happier alone then with him, don’t waste any more of your life on this relationship

When you have to ask, it’s time to leave.

Depends, do you want the next 10 years to be like the last 10 years or do you want the next 10 years to be different. You cannot expect them to be different while using the same resources.

When you begin to love yourself and know that you deserve to be treated better… And they aren’t willing to love you the way you deserve then you know it’s time! Some people it takes a lil longer but only you can really decide when you’re done putting up with crap treatment!

If you’re having to post this here to get others opinions and you’re always questioning yourself and staying, it’s past time to go! Starting over isn’t always easy but when you find the person that treats you just as good as you treat them, it makes it all worth it! :heart:

You already know…time to move on. Sounds like commitment issues. We all deserve to be happy.

He’s not adding anything to your life or making it better. His behavior is only making you question everything. Break it off.


Start by reading The 5 Love Languages and see if he will read it too. Maybe he doesn’t realize he is not loving you in your language. He very well may have not seen your text, even if it has shown seen. Technology is not reliable. Try calling. Texting can ruin relationships.

No relationship is easy, but if he is telling you little lies more than likely is little more going on you don’t know about. Not saying he’s sleeping around but he maybe going through some sort of mid life crisis and need and ego boost. Which is not your fault! Unfortunately no one can make the decision to stay or go but you. It’s up to you if it is worth the heartache of working it out. Good luck with what you decide.

When your questioning when it’s time to end a relationship IS when you should end the relationship

When your needs are no longer being met and he doesn’t consider you important

This comes down to what YOU WANT AND NEED. Doesnt seem like he’s trying to give you either of those. Thats your answer.

Just be prepared if you give him an ultimatum to accept fully and completely his response either way.

The fact that you’re asking, says leave. Listen to your gut. It will cost you if you don’t.

When you look at him and finally see what everyone else was warning you about. Or you look at him.and ask “WTF was i thinking?”

Follow your gut feeling on whats best for you. Sometimes you have to walk away, even if it hurts.

CHALK THAT SHIT SIS. You don’t need a novel reason for ending a relationship. You can literally say, “Outiee 3000” and ghost the fuck out.

Sounds like you finally fallen out of love. Move on.

It’s time now. He sounds like a total POS

Time to luck him to the curb.

The lies would be a deal breaker for me. If I can’t trust you with little how can I with big things

You allow what you think you deserve. Do you think that THIS is all that you deserve???

End it. There is nothing left to salvage once the trust is gone.

It sounds like you know to me :woman_shrugging:t3:

10 years!!! Not living together, never reciprocates sweet gestures? Sounds to me like you’ve been a part time Girlfriend for far too long baby. He’s either committed to someone else or honestly he’s just not that into you. I don’t mean to be so frank, but after 10 years a man knows what he wants. He’s just pulling your leg. I’m so sorry.

When you’re asking a bunch of fb strangers…

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Make pros and con. Believe everyone deserves chances after chances. Believe in forgiveness over and over.

when you gotta ask that question

Sounds like you know you deserve better babe.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you know it's time to end a relationship? - Mamas Uncut

Move on- take his car and your kids and go ! After all someone else will surely appreciate him ans you were looking for a man when you found this one. pS: you work? You are a grown woman go buy a damn car and pay for it and leave him home

When you start to question if it is time to end it.


If you are asking such a question you should seriously consider ending this relationship


I’m thinking that you answered your own question. Doesn’t sound like he really cares about you. Sounds very controlling and high and mighty. You only get treated how you let someone treat you😊


It’s time to go hun, you can love someone very much but not be compatible. Or you can grow apart, especially if y’all were very young when you got together. There’s no failure here, it’s merely time to turn the page.

I know it’s hard, I stayed with my ex for 25 yrs (hs sweethearts) cuz even tho I had been done since our 3rd child was born, I didn’t know how to let go. I wanted the kids to have their daddy, even though I knew he never really wanted the kids to begin with. He acted like I trapped him with every pregnancy, even tho we were married.

You’re so young still, I have so much advice for you but no spoons to help more atm

Good luck :hugs:

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As a relationship ages those it in become who they are and are content to be that person. This is not about him. This is whether your needs are being met and if not, if you are willing to accept the kind of relationship he is offering. You are so very young to be going through this. Remember everything you accept in your relationship is what you children will believe is normal in a relationship and seek out one the same. If your child what in your position would you be okay knowing they were modelling your behaviour? Or his behaviour? Needing certain behaviours in a relationship is not wrong. As individuals we all want things, and that’s okay. It’s not okay to accept less because we do t want the other person to be hurt. Most people move on once a relationship goes south. They may even learn to be a better partner in the future because a prior relationship has ended. If you can’t make the decision for yourself look at your children and know each decision you make affects them long term. It’s better to have 2 homes filled with love than 1 filled with angst.

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Do you even show or say anything appreciative to him, and does he do the same to him? Sounds like you guys got comfortable with each other and forgot to keep working on the relationship, yourself, and keeping up on hopes and dreams. Both of you need to talk about just talking and treating each other with positive words and actions. This is the next stage in your relationship that can make it or break it. Relationships are working.


Can I ask how you know he doesn’t have depression? Because that’s what alot of this sounds like. And if you want to fix it, go to counseling,they even have in home counseling.


Make sure it’s really what you want and don’t turn back :heartpulse: I wish you the best!

A man truly concerned would find a way to help you get the car fixed, knowing you need to get to work, grocery store, etc. I don’t like the way you’re being treated, it’s not ok and you deserve better. Hopefully, he would be willing to try counseling and do the work to improve the relationship. If not, it may be time to go your separate ways.


In my humble opinion, it sounds fixable but with help, like a single counselor for you. To either help you fix it or help you find your way. Then maybe couples counseling.
You guys sound as if you have grown up together and are still so very young. As a couple grows up together they change unintentionally. Sometimes they grow apart a bit, sometimes they go through a season of personal change, sometimes they get down about life and pushing 30. The stress of this last year has been so horrible to so many that it affects deeply into what was once normal and where do we fit into a normal life again. I don’t mean you need a counselor and not him, but you need help dealing with this and he may choose to not work on things and that will be hard on you and you don’t want to fall into a depression yourself.

Your first question is your answer deary, if you are questioning it then leave because the problems will just pile up, piece by piece until someone blows and it sounds like you don’t want fighting and such so I’d leave and start fresh and just be civil and respectful as much as you can towards each other because it’s what’s best for the kids :slightly_smiling_face:


Proper communication is the key in a marriage…
The way we speak to our spouses says alott.
U both are still very young
As a couple grows together time changes an so does there personality it can be a good or bad …
Marriage requires alott of work an communicating together its a give an take…
A counselar will be of great help firstly for u most men dont like counseling some may attend the sessions an some men may not…
But it will help u alott on how to cope with ur marriage…
Make ur marriage work u have 2 daughters an kids loves there dad also…
Firstly recommend sitting with ur husband over a nice romantic dinner an chatting with him easy easy an ask about ur car…
Most husband loves attention an pampering…
Men do not like nagging or quarelling …
All best in ur marriage .:tulip:

There are so many steps before you separate from your husband and a whole lot more before you divorce. In a nutshell, do not get divorced, yet. First off, a man is not easily found and definitely not born to fit your needs. You two are very young and you need to think about how many transitions you’ve gone through. In my experience, people usually evolve at around age 28. Usually people evolve and mature into better versions of themselves. Their life view becomes a bit clearer and new goals are set in place that must be met. In a relationship, this is a good age to choose a mate as they also probably have evolved and made it to this stage. Mind you, I said most, not all. You need to work on being a better version of yourself. Look at your husband and see him for who he really is. Accept him for who he is. A lot of the problems we women have can be prevented by timing and attitude. How do you come to your husband with what you need. Is it when you are frustrated? Is it demanding or with attitude? Have you tried to resolve yourself? Sit down with him and write a list of what you expect of your husband. Let him tell you what he is willing to do and what he is not willing to do. Listen to him and accept what he is saying. Have this conversation when you two are alone and discuss your marriage. If what he says he won’t budge on that expectation list, ask yourself, is it a reasonable reason to leave. The idea is that you live alongside your husband, not for him and vise versa. I’m taking into account that you said you absolutely love him. Don’t leave your marriage, change it and since you can’t control him, take it upon yourself to change and be proactive for yourself. When I ask my husband to Don something and he doesn’t do it days later, I begin to do it myself. Not rolling my eyes and not with an attitude. 8 times out of 10 my husband will join in and then take over. Only you know if your marriage is salvageable. All I’m saying is it is our responsibility to make ourselves happy. If we can’t make ourselves happy, we can’t expect our husbands to do it for us.

Why can’t you buy your own car so you can get around? Seems like that would solve a lot.


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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you know it's time to end a relationship? - Mamas Uncut

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you know it's time to end a relationship? - Mamas Uncut

Sounds like you’ve both changed and grown into other people . Which is common when you settle down very young . I’ve been there , and I can tell you that it’s time to go . :black_heart:


I might be the odd one out. But, Before calling it quits. Have you tried a counselor? It’s not a fix all, and if you both love each so much like you say then its not time to leave. It’s time to fix things. People will have their moments of unhappiness. Marriage takes a ton of work, its not all sunshine and rainbows where there is constant laughter. It’s alot of work. Just my two cents.
Nothing gets done unless you both are willing to work on it.